Arizona Department of Education "study": Babies Can Become Racist at 3 Months Old

.....the biggest lie of the decade!!!! all this race bullshit...goes to show you how hitler got power, consolidated it, and murdered millions because of LIES

babies are racist now. BABIES

So basically, it IS human nature for people to like their own kind with similar interests, likes or characteristics! Right from birth we know it is natural. And so the whole "diversity" myth is BULLCRAP.
People are not born prejudiced against anyone else.

People become prejudiced because of bad experiences with a broad representation of any particular group.

When I was a teenager, I was not especially prejudiced against any particular group. In fact, I felt very sorry (in principle) for ethnicity X.

Then in my twenties, because of my job, I came into contact with many young people of ethnicity X, and some of the experiences were "unpleasant."

Today, I do NOT "dislike" ethnicity X. In fact, I wish them well, but I am very wary of them, especially the younger ones. In plain English, I fear them.
Do you know what creates racists?...always talking about racism and pointing that boney finger of indignation at one race only....everyone has prejudice within them...its human nature...its when you act on it that its a problem...and all people do that at one time or another....I've been called a cracker a honky and have to laugh it off...when it gets your goat the racists win....
Ignore skin color...
In the Marine Corps the first thing they tell you in boot camp while screaming in your face is there is no the USMC...only green....well today that would be sand
It must be true.

I checked the Arizona Department of Education Website and couldn't find this "equity toolkit". I ran their search and looked manually. Maybe I didn't dig deep enough, go back enough pages, or they removed it from public view.

Maybe someone could dig deeper.


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