Arizona GOP Offering $50,000 Reward For 2000 Mules Conviction

I'll wager that very few Republicans would stand for Republicans cheating in any election. We would want their criminality exposed and punished.

Contrast this with the wholesale felonies and treason of Democrats, in the FBI, lying about Trump, making up stories, smearing him when they knew they were lying, last minute vote spikes in key cities, and ending up with incompetent president, vice president and all their crooked cronies screwing up everything they touch.

````Biden perfect.jpg
I'll wager that very few Republicans would stand for Republicans cheating in any election. We would want their criminality exposed and punished.
Well, you'll all get your chance to prove your even-handedness this fall. Because Republicans are going to take back Congress. Many Dems will flip out and start screaming about cheating (because that's how we roll now). I'm sure you'll be advocating for taking all their claims seriously, investigating every accusation thoroughly, right?
He might. That's a pretty generous thing to offer, and America will become blessed again when people straighten up and fly right. That won't happen when they're patting each other on the back for deceptions performed in the lies they have planned for President Trump that may never come to full fruition. I think the American people will be relieved when President Trump is restored in every way. I will continue to keep him, his family, and those who supported him through thick and thin, like Steve Bannon and others who want to know the truth the Omeurta crowd is obfuscating time and again.
Up with hope, :113: down with dope.
I’ll take ”Mindless rambling“ for $500, Alex.

Lindell already offered money for election fraud proof. That went exactly nowhere. And this still has nothing to do with Roe getting overturned. Completely different circumstances.

Go ahead and take your ball home with you. See ya.
Why would it go anywhere when the court's decided to become political ? No one wanted to take Lindells money when they knew a court date would never come if they did come forth... I'm surprised that a Democrat didn't go incognito (posing as a witness in a Republican suit), just to try and cash in, and then just take the man's money.
Why would it go anywhere when the court's decided to become political ? No one wanted to take Lindells money when they knew a court date would never come if they did come forth... I'm surprised that a Democrat didn't go incognito (posing as a witness in a Republican suit), just to try and cash in, and then just take the man's money.
Similarly, nothing will come of this deal either.
On the subject of Democrat "wisdom" and predictions:

"Donald Trump will NOT be elected president. You can take that to the bank. I guarantee it." - Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy The Corrupt Drunkard Pelosi in 2016

Nobody does cynicism and failed predictions like the Democrats, "depending on what the meaning of 'is' is." They can't even tell a man from a woman, and think we can switch back and forth.
On the subject of Democrat "wisdom" and predictions:

"Donald Trump will NOT be elected president. You can take that to the bank. I guarantee it." - Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy The Corrupt Drunkard Pelosi in 2016

Nobody does cynicism and failed predictions like the Democrats, "depending on what the meaning of 'is' is." They can't even tell a man from a woman, and think we can switch back and forth.
I do not go along with the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ conspiracy against God and Country. Men beating the devil out of women in sports because they have XY chromosomes that furnish more musculature than real women XX have. It's a national disgrace.
Well, you'll all get your chance to prove your even-handedness this fall. Because Republicans are going to take back Congress. Many Dems will flip out and start screaming about cheating (because that's how we roll now). I'm sure you'll be advocating for taking all their claims seriously, investigating every accusation thoroughly, right?
We know how to deal with leftist tendency to project their wrongdoing on others who are basically not guilty of the projected false witness against decent men and women.
We know how to deal with leftist tendency to project their wrongdoing on others who are basically not guilty of the projected false witness against decent men and women.
So, "It's different when we do it!" ?
July 29, 2022


by Summer Lane July 28, 2022

April 10, 2022

Arizona Attorney General Brnovich Announces Prosecutions After Reviewing Maricopa County Ballot Audit, as Kari Lake Calls to Decertify Election​

So, "It's different when we do it!" ?
Oh, no I don't. My university wanted its graduates to understand the good and bad of communications, to avoid having severe manipulation of opinion. I spent time learning the devices of communications that serve a purpose, whether positive or negative, and what to avoid from control freaks. Just because some greedy gut wants as much public money as he can get his mits on doesn't mean I approve of criminal activity in communication that does away with decency. There is a name for actions that throw out a complex lie that is difficult to disprove or a series thereof. I have such disdain for projection that you can better believe I refrain from using such a manipulative tool because FYI it is not only unfair, it's downright creepy.
---They completed the audit and published their earth shattering report back in March of 2021.
Brannon Howse sat down with Harris, allotting her a little extra time because of the significance of Arizona. That interview can be viewed here.---


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