Arizona GOP Takes Voter Fraud Lawsuit to Supreme Court

You mean how long will he keep trying to keep psychotic trumpkins from staging a coup.

loons. There wasn’t a single suit with evidence of fraud.

trumoscum are the worst most treasonous and most disgusting people in this country
Next to you, you mean?
It is not healthy for the country or for these cultists to engage their bizarre fantasies. These crazy ideas should be mocked and dismissed with no engagement.
no wonder why it is the lawyers flaming these conspiracy theories...

this is their main income now for the next 4 years; to rob the rwnj old folks of their pensions...

most who wouldnt donate for hungry kids, now donating to make some lawyers rich, because they are butt hurt about a stupid election...

go figure...
Nice "funny" picture but it stupidly misstates things.
Another state wants the Supreme Court to take up the issue of a stolen election.
How long will John Roberts be complicit in a coverup of the theft of the 2020 presidential election?

He must think he's above the law.

From YOUR link.
Read your own fucking articles, dumbass, and stop looking for conspiracies that DON'T exist, you fucking fruitcake.

"The GOP chair’s lawsuit was struck down in both Arizona’s Superior Court and Supreme Court, with the state Supreme Court finding Ward’s case did not provide any evidence of “misconduct” or “illegal votes” or “establish any degree of fraud or a sufficient error rate that would undermine the certainty of the election results.

SCOTUS is not going to take this either for the same reason they refused to take Texas's bullshit.
And it's not decided by Roberts alone, idiot.

Another state wants the Supreme Court to take up the issue of a stolen election.
How long will John Roberts be complicit in a coverup of the theft of the 2020 presidential election?

He must think he's above the law.

I think the deep state is quite happy with the current potus election results. I mean I do not hear a single complaint about it coming from a one of them!
no wonder why it is the lawyers flaming these conspiracy theories...

this is their main income now for the next 4 years; to rob the rwnj old folks of their pensions...

most who wouldnt donate for hungry kids, now donating to make some lawyers rich, because they are butt hurt about a stupid election...

go figure...
Yeah. Some people don't like it when 73 plus million citizens are disenfranchised and their votes
are made worthless by a leftist plot to steal the election.
And they feel cheated. Go figure, smart guy.

If feelings were facts, you fools would have a case, instead of a pity party.
If feelings were facts, you fools would have a case, instead of a pity party.
There are oodles of facts! Getting the judiciary to actually face those facts is the problem.
Well over fifty suits alleging election fraud in state and federal courts and NOT A SINGLE ONE
has ruled on the substance of the case. Not one!
They can't allow that to happen.

Why won't the governors allow Trump experts to do a forensic analysis on their Dominion vote changing machines? Because they know the one country in Michigan that allowed that to happen got very bad news
because Dominion machines don't count votes.
They subtract them, multiply them, move them around, assign weighted value to some votes, etc.

The cover up goes on, full blast.
Another state wants the Supreme Court to take up the issue of a stolen election.
How long will John Roberts be complicit in a coverup of the theft of the 2020 presidential election?

He must think he's above the law.
Be sure you send them your hard earned money to support these efforts.

Or you can light it on fire at home without having to go through that.

Either way, the outcome is the same.
SCOTUS is not going to take this either for the same reason they refused to take Texas's bullshit.
And it's not decided by Roberts alone, idiot.
No one claims it, asshole! I'm not responsible for what you think I said.

The Texas case was passed over by the Roberts contingent because they claimed
the Supreme Court was not a proper venue for Texas to sue four other states.
So that's bullshit!

And claiming Texas did not establish damages is also bullshit!
All of it's voters (and all the states that joined in the suit) had all their voters disenfranchised and their Constitutional guarantee of the right to a fair and equal vote was completely blown away by the actions of four states, primarily, and the well funded and planned cabal that executed this theft of democracy.

What wouldn't you do to see that corrupt doddering fool Joe Biden steal the presidency? Nothing, it seems.
You are beneath contempt.
Another state wants the Supreme Court to take up the issue of a stolen election.
How long will John Roberts be complicit in a coverup of the theft of the 2020 presidential election?

He must think he's above the law.

Another phony lawsuit. Roberts should drop-kick crazy Kelli into the Pacific Ocean,
SCOTUS is not going to take this either for the same reason they refused to take Texas's bullshit.
And it's not decided by Roberts alone, idiot.
No one claims it, asshole! I'm not responsible for what you think I said.

The Texas case was passed over by the Roberts contingent because they claimed
the Supreme Court was not a proper venue for Texas to sue four other states.
So that's bullshit!

And claiming Texas did not establish damages is also bullshit!
All of it's voters (and all the states that joined in the suit) had all their voters disenfranchised and their Constitutional guarantee of the right to a fair and equal vote was completely blown away by the actions of four states, primarily, and the well funded and planned cabal that executed this theft of democracy.

What wouldn't you do to see that corrupt doddering fool Joe Biden steal the presidency? Nothing, it seems.
You are beneath contempt.

A state has to have a valid legal reason to sue another state. Texas suffered no damage as there was no theft of anything. Maybe other states should sue Texas for electing Republican morons like Gohmert to the Congress.
The OP apparently did not read his own link. Even if she wins, they are looking at about 200 votes max. It would result in no change to the election. What a joke Trumpists have become.

Are you impugning Crazy Kelli? Since she has taken over the Arizona GOP, Democrats control both US Senate seats, a majority of US House seats and won statewide office for the first time.
Another state wants the Supreme Court to take up the issue of a stolen election.
How long will John Roberts be complicit in a coverup of the theft of the 2020 presidential election?

He must think he's above the law.
I see, why have you not mentioned the argument being used to fix the vote?
It's amazing how batshit crazy the "conservative" movement has become.
So you are holding up Bill Buckley and Ronald Reagan now, two people who would spit on moron trolls
like you, should they be so unfortunate to step in your slime trail, to slander Donald Trump? Is that how you lost your account?

Being a slimy disingenuous liar?

Ronald Reagan would never be a part of the Trump Republican Party.
If feelings were facts, you fools would have a case, instead of a pity party.
There are oodles of facts! Getting the judiciary to actually face those facts is the problem.
Well over fifty suits alleging election fraud in state and federal courts and NOT A SINGLE ONE
has ruled on the substance of the case. Not one!
They can't allow that to happen.

Why won't the governors allow Trump experts to do a forensic analysis on their Dominion vote changing machines? Because they know the one country in Michigan that allowed that to happen got very bad news
because Dominion machines don't count votes.
They subtract them, multiply them, move them around, assign weighted value to some votes, etc.

The cover up goes on, full blast.

Trump won the majority of counties that use Dominion voting machines.
A state has to have a valid legal reason to sue another state. Texas suffered no damage as there was no theft of anything. Maybe other states should sue Texas for electing Republican morons like Gohmert to the Congress.
Millions of votes and voters disenfranchised by the theft of the election.
No say in the direction of the nation. The loss of constitutionally guaranteed rights.
That's "nothing" to you? You are evil and repugnant, like a venomous snake.
Trump won the majority of counties that use Dominion voting machines.
Only the counties in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia count.
That's where the theft was centered.

But as an aside, I'm not surprised at all the Trump wins elsewhere.

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