Arizona Lawmakers Change Mind About Obama: Moves To Revive Dead Eligibility Bill


May 29, 2010
Somehow I knew this would happen with all that is going on with Obama. I had stated some time ago that this would happen. Donald Trump brought this into the MSM headlines last Thursday and raised awareness. I think these lawmakers are finding out that the Constitutional qualifications to be president are met and that there can be no doubts to a candidates qualifications to hold the top job of the United States. Founder and first Chief Justice John Jay wrote a letter to George Washington when framing the presidential clause of Article 2 Section 1 submitting that a 'STRONG CHECK' should be considered in making sure that the commander in chief of the American armys has no foreign allegiances. May Jesus Christ guide these lawmakers to do the right thing for it is the christian thing to do.

Arizona lawmakers move to revive 'birther' bills -
News from The Associated Press

PHOENIX (AP) -- Arizona lawmakers want to revive legislation to make President Barack Obama and other presidential candidates show their birth certificates to prove their eligibility to run as natural-born citizens.... ...The action by Arizona lawmakers comes after versions of the legislation died earlier in the 2-month-old regular session. Now, as House and Senate committees near a deadline to consider legislation originated by the other chamber, proponents want to attach proposals onto unrelated bills Tuesday in the House and Wednesday in the Senate. -Source.

Short update via source in Arizona; "Judy Burges has new language striken onto two separate bills as follows:

First, SB 1577 will be heard in the House Gov't Committee next Tuesday 3/22 at 2 PM. Judy is the chairman of this committee, which has 6 Repubs and 3 Democrats. Four of the Republicans had signed on as sponsors. We are not sure what the other two will do as of now. The other two are Tom Forese and Michelle Urgenti.... Member Roster

Second, HB 2177 will be heard in the Senate Government Reform Committee the next morning 3/23 at 9 AM. This committee has 5 Republicans all of whom signed as a sponsor and 2 Democrats, including Kirsten Sinema who misrepresented facts about past Presidents last month before the Senate committee in which the original bill SB 1156 suffered a 5-3 defeat. Member Roster
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Please, call and e-mail these AZ state senators to make candidates prove natural born citizenship with documents and affidavits as proof.
I will look these up later to see what language was "stricken onto" the bills.

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