Arizona plans to execute prisoners with a lethal gas the Nazis used at Auschwitz

I don't like poison gas, its too easy to leak.

Why doesn't Arizona just hang the condemned? Or better yet, due to the rising hispanic population, use the traditional Latino method of the "La garotte"?
what the fuck

Hanging is cheap. It's also not considered cruel and unusual by the courts.
if done WELL---by an expert-----it is very quick--the disgusting pig---Saddaam Hussein
was done by an expert-----that animal did not know what hit him
Hanging is cheap. It's also not considered cruel and unusual by the courts.
It doesn't cause them enough pain though.

I think the lethal injection method is better because at least the bastards get tortured for a while.

They give them one drug that paralyzes them so they can't writhe around in pain, which wouldn't look good for the press.

Then they give them another drug that causes respiratory distress. It makes them feel like they're being waterboarded. They panic and feel like they're drowning.

Then they overdose them with potassium chloride, which will cause their heart rhythm to go haywire and eventually cause cardiac arrest.

And the thing is, potassium chloride burns like hell in your veins when they inject it into you.

I know all about that because I've experienced it first hand. Many years ago I was hospitalized with acute pancreatitis. My potassium level was dangerously low and I couldn't take a potassium supplement by mouth. I couldn't even take a sip of water by mouth, let alone a potassium supplement because I would start violently puking.

So they gave me potassium chloride intravenously, very slowly via an infusion machine. Believe me, that shit burns even when the infuse it very slowly. It feels like your vein is on fire.
what the fuck

How old are you?

I mean that seriously. The god damn gas chamber was first used for executions in the 1920s if I recall correctly. And it still used hydrogen cyanide back then.

I bet if it didn't have the word Nazi in it you wouldn't be upset.

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