Arizona School Board Votes To Get Rid Of Textbook Pages That Discuss Abortion

Well, I guess that if we pretend that abortions don't exist, it would never occur to a student to get one, even though they are legal....
So is smoking, but in most places it's illegal to do.

I'm not sure what your point is. Both smoking and abortions are legal. Perhaps you are suggesting that AZ also remove any references to curing diseases caused by smoking, other than abstinence from smoking altogether, from AZ textbooks. That would certainly have an impact on pre-med students' education....
If both were made illegal, then we wouldn't be talking about it. Huh?

The point is still murky. Abortions were illegal up until Roe Vs. Wade, yet I personally knew 5 girls that had them when I was in high school before that time..

Actually it was up to the states at that time.

Abortion has been legal in my state since 1968. That's 5 years before roe v wade.

It was put on the ballot for a vote in 1968. It passed. In fact, abortion has been on the ballot 3 times that I know if in my state. Every time it's put on the ballot the public votes yes.

The second time was in the 1980s when we had the opportunity to decided whether to use state tax dollars for abortions for any reason. It passed. I voted in the majority. So state medicaid dollars have been used to pay for abrotions for any reason since the early 80s.

The third time was in the 1990s. We had the opportunity to pass a law that said no matter what congress in DC does. No matter what any judge says, abortion stays legal and safe in my state. It passed and I voted in the majority. So abortion can never be made illegal in my state.
Inbred? New york just married an uncle and niece, so the north is starting a new fad. Anyway I told you with my tax dollars, I pay for abortions. How is that false?

Prove that your tax dollars pay for abortions!
Does taxpayer money not specifically go to abortions? Do you have proof it doesn't? If not, then yes my tax dollars go to performing abortions.

jknow made the affirmation, can't support, fails the "taxes pay for abortions" charge.

Let's move on.
Does tax dollars go to planned parenthood? Do they offer free abortions?

Yes clinics offer free abortions. It's paid for by donations from people like me. Planned Parenthood has a separate fund that all the money is used for is to pay for abortions. All the money is donated from people like me. There's one more organization that I know of that all they do is pay for abortions for women who need them but can't pay for it. I've been donating money to both for many, years and am very proud of that fact.

The only way federal tax dollars can be used for an abortion is if the woman was raped, survived incest or the pregnancy is a threat to her life. If you believe a woman in those 3 circumstances shouldn't get federal funds for an abortion, you're out of luck. I'm not surprised you want to a woman to die because her pregnancy went wrong or that you believe that rape and incest is just another form of conception. Most women don't want to give birth to a rapist's child or a child that's a product of incest.

If the woman doesn't fall under those 3 exceptions, she can't get any federal dollars to pay for her abortion. That's where my money and the money of millions of other people who donate it come in. We gladly pay for abortions for women who can't afford them. I'm proud to help women who desperately need the help. I've paid for countless abortions through the years and I'm very proud of that fact.
You pay for people to have abortions? There is a special place in hell for you. Hopefully looking at the lives those babies could've had, if you didn't pay for their death. Enjoy the rest of your existence, because after that you have an eternity to be proud.
That means nothing, jknow. You know those tax dollars are specifically excluded from funding abortions, so, no, PPP does not use tax dollars for abortions.

Run along.
Lol, bullshit. We are talking about an organization that teaches six year old girls how to use dildos. Yeah, they will be truthful.

Just in case you don't know the medical origin of dildos, you can watch this movie.....Hysteria 2011 - IMDb
But teaching six year old girls about them? That's sexual abuse.

I would need a video of a planned parenthood employee or the head of the organization saying that they do in fact teach that to 6 year old children.

Planned Parenthood doesn't even treat a person that young. They don't treat people who aren't old enough to get pregnant or need medical help for a reproductive problem.

A child of the age of 6 sees a pediatrician. Not planned parenthood. If someone called a planned parenthood clinic to make an appointment for a 6 year old child they would be told that they don't treat people that young and be referred to a pediatrician.

I don't know where you got that lie but it's a very stupid one and very easy to prove as a lie.
Abortion sounds pretty taliban like.
1. Cut open the skull
2. Suck the brains out
3. Remove the head
4. Remove other body parts

Does this sound good to you?

That is not abortion, you fucktard.

That's a late term abortion, silly Leftist. You have to collapse the developed skull in order to extract it through a vagina that hasn't dilated. Otherwise it's too large.

Dumbass thinking you know shit.

The vagina is dilated or the fetus would never get through the birth canal.

My cousin's wife had a late term abortion to save her life. The cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus and strangled it. She was in the 3rd trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. So that the dead fetus wouldn't cause a life threatening infection, she had that late term abortion to save her life.

That's the thing about late term abortions. They all done to save the life of the woman. It's illegal to perform an abortion on a woman that late in pregnancy unless there's a very good reason as in the life of the woman is in jeopardy. Or the fetus is very damaged and won't survive outside the womb. Late term abortions don't happen that often. Most abortions in America take place in the first 2 months of pregnancy.

Leave it up to you to want to kill women just because her pregnancy went wrong.
Prove that your tax dollars pay for abortions!
Does taxpayer money not specifically go to abortions? Do you have proof it doesn't? If not, then yes my tax dollars go to performing abortions.

jknow made the affirmation, can't support, fails the "taxes pay for abortions" charge.

Let's move on.
Does tax dollars go to planned parenthood? Do they offer free abortions?

Yes clinics offer free abortions. It's paid for by donations from people like me. Planned Parenthood has a separate fund that all the money is used for is to pay for abortions. All the money is donated from people like me. There's one more organization that I know of that all they do is pay for abortions for women who need them but can't pay for it. I've been donating money to both for many, years and am very proud of that fact.

The only way federal tax dollars can be used for an abortion is if the woman was raped, survived incest or the pregnancy is a threat to her life. If you believe a woman in those 3 circumstances shouldn't get federal funds for an abortion, you're out of luck. I'm not surprised you want to a woman to die because her pregnancy went wrong or that you believe that rape and incest is just another form of conception. Most women don't want to give birth to a rapist's child or a child that's a product of incest.

If the woman doesn't fall under those 3 exceptions, she can't get any federal dollars to pay for her abortion. That's where my money and the money of millions of other people who donate it come in. We gladly pay for abortions for women who can't afford them. I'm proud to help women who desperately need the help. I've paid for countless abortions through the years and I'm very proud of that fact.
You pay for people to have abortions? There is a special place in hell for you. Hopefully looking at the lives those babies could've had, if you didn't pay for their death. Enjoy the rest of your existence, because after that you have an eternity to be proud.

It's terrifying how people live in such way that they don't believe they'll have to answer for it someday when we all stand before a holy God. Murderers of the innocent receive far greater punishment. People can be forgiven, but they must repent.
Abortion sounds pretty taliban like.
1. Cut open the skull
2. Suck the brains out
3. Remove the head
4. Remove other body parts

Does this sound good to you?

That is not abortion, you fucktard.

That's a late term abortion, silly Leftist. You have to collapse the developed skull in order to extract it through a vagina that hasn't dilated. Otherwise it's too large.

Dumbass thinking you know shit.

The vagina is dilated or the fetus would never get through the birth canal.

My cousin's wife had a late term abortion to save her life. The cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus and strangled it. She was in the 3rd trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. So that the dead fetus wouldn't cause a life threatening infection, she had that late term abortion to save her life.

That's the thing about late term abortions. They all done to save the life of the woman. It's illegal to perform an abortion on a woman that late in pregnancy unless there's a very good reason as in the life of the woman is in jeopardy. Or the fetus is very damaged and won't survive outside the womb. Late term abortions don't happen that often. Most abortions in America take place in the first 2 months of pregnancy.

Leave it up to you to want to kill women just because her pregnancy went wrong.
Now you're just lying. Nobody in the pro life camp believes that abortion should be illegal when it's necessary to save the life of the mother. You Leftists are not only evil, you can't even tell the truth, having to slander those who disagree with you. No fruitful conversation can be had with a liar like you.
Prove that your tax dollars pay for abortions!
Does taxpayer money not specifically go to abortions? Do you have proof it doesn't? If not, then yes my tax dollars go to performing abortions.

jknow made the affirmation, can't support, fails the "taxes pay for abortions" charge.

Let's move on.
Does tax dollars go to planned parenthood? Do they offer free abortions?

Yes clinics offer free abortions. It's paid for by donations from people like me. Planned Parenthood has a separate fund that all the money is used for is to pay for abortions. All the money is donated from people like me. There's one more organization that I know of that all they do is pay for abortions for women who need them but can't pay for it. I've been donating money to both for many, years and am very proud of that fact.

The only way federal tax dollars can be used for an abortion is if the woman was raped, survived incest or the pregnancy is a threat to her life. If you believe a woman in those 3 circumstances shouldn't get federal funds for an abortion, you're out of luck. I'm not surprised you want to a woman to die because her pregnancy went wrong or that you believe that rape and incest is just another form of conception. Most women don't want to give birth to a rapist's child or a child that's a product of incest.

If the woman doesn't fall under those 3 exceptions, she can't get any federal dollars to pay for her abortion. That's where my money and the money of millions of other people who donate it come in. We gladly pay for abortions for women who can't afford them. I'm proud to help women who desperately need the help. I've paid for countless abortions through the years and I'm very proud of that fact.

The only thing worse than being evil is being proud of it. You're going to answer for your promotion, funding, and facilitation of abortion when we all stand before a just God. And all your silly arguments for why it's ok will turn to ash in your mouth. You need to repent and I mean now. Abortion is murder and those who assist in it have innocent blood on their hands. And Jesus promised to avenge all innocent blood shed on the face of the earth. The good news is, you can be forgiven.

I'm not christian so keep your judgement of me to yourself. None of what you posted applies to me. By the way, didn't jesus say judging is up to your god? That you're not supposed to judge people? You need to repent for that sin if you're a christian.

Abortion isn't murder. If it was people would be going to prison for it. You can't murder something that's not alive. If you're using the bible to say it's murder then you're lying. The bible clearly says right there in Genesis that life begins when the first breath of air is taken through the nose. Science and logic tells us there's no life without a brain. There's no brain in a zygote or embryo. There's no central nervous system either. All there is, is just a clump of cells.

If you believe that a zygote, embryo or fetus is a living, breathing person, go try to get a birth certificate, social security number or ID card for that fetus. You'll be laughed out of the building.

I don't need to repent for anything. It's perfectly legal for me to contribute that money. It's perfectly moral for me to give that money. And I'm very proud that I do give that money. I'm proud that I've helped countless women in a time they needed it most.

I clearly back my words with action. When will you? How many unwanted children who are sitting in foster care have you adopted? When did you become a foster parent? When did you help a woman with her children? When did you pay for a doctor's visit or for food or for diapers? My husband and I were foster parents for several years in the 90s. I go to stores looking for women with kids, a full grocery cart and no wedding ring on her finger standing at the check out stand. I walk up to the cashier and tell that cashier that I'm paying for the groceries. It's very cool and makes me feel very good to help a perfect stranger I'll never see again.

I'm willing to bet you've never done those things. So while you're quick to judge people and talk about it, you're not so quick to actually put your words into action. Which makes you a hypocrite and part of the problem.
Abortion sounds pretty taliban like.
1. Cut open the skull
2. Suck the brains out
3. Remove the head
4. Remove other body parts

Does this sound good to you?

That is not abortion, you fucktard.

That's a late term abortion, silly Leftist. You have to collapse the developed skull in order to extract it through a vagina that hasn't dilated. Otherwise it's too large.

Dumbass thinking you know shit.

The vagina is dilated or the fetus would never get through the birth canal.

My cousin's wife had a late term abortion to save her life. The cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus and strangled it. She was in the 3rd trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. So that the dead fetus wouldn't cause a life threatening infection, she had that late term abortion to save her life.

That's the thing about late term abortions. They all done to save the life of the woman. It's illegal to perform an abortion on a woman that late in pregnancy unless there's a very good reason as in the life of the woman is in jeopardy. Or the fetus is very damaged and won't survive outside the womb. Late term abortions don't happen that often. Most abortions in America take place in the first 2 months of pregnancy.

Leave it up to you to want to kill women just because her pregnancy went wrong.
Now you're just lying. Nobody in the pro life camp believes that abortion should be illegal when it's necessary to save the life of the mother. You Leftists are not only evil, you can't even tell the truth, having to slander those who disagree with you. No fruitful conversation can be had with a liar like you.

There have been many right wing bills that have gone through state congresses that would outlaw abortion for any reason. Including rape, incest and if the woman's life is in jeopardy. The personhood bills all have that in there. The republican platform clearly says the party wants and will work for an amendment that will outlaw abortion in any form. They don't list any exceptions. That's your party's own platform. There are many republican politicians who have proudly said they want abortion illegal in all circumstances with no exceptions.

You call abortion murder yet now you're saying that it's not murder. Make up your mind.
Does taxpayer money not specifically go to abortions? Do you have proof it doesn't? If not, then yes my tax dollars go to performing abortions.

jknow made the affirmation, can't support, fails the "taxes pay for abortions" charge.

Let's move on.
Does tax dollars go to planned parenthood? Do they offer free abortions?

Yes clinics offer free abortions. It's paid for by donations from people like me. Planned Parenthood has a separate fund that all the money is used for is to pay for abortions. All the money is donated from people like me. There's one more organization that I know of that all they do is pay for abortions for women who need them but can't pay for it. I've been donating money to both for many, years and am very proud of that fact.

The only way federal tax dollars can be used for an abortion is if the woman was raped, survived incest or the pregnancy is a threat to her life. If you believe a woman in those 3 circumstances shouldn't get federal funds for an abortion, you're out of luck. I'm not surprised you want to a woman to die because her pregnancy went wrong or that you believe that rape and incest is just another form of conception. Most women don't want to give birth to a rapist's child or a child that's a product of incest.

If the woman doesn't fall under those 3 exceptions, she can't get any federal dollars to pay for her abortion. That's where my money and the money of millions of other people who donate it come in. We gladly pay for abortions for women who can't afford them. I'm proud to help women who desperately need the help. I've paid for countless abortions through the years and I'm very proud of that fact.

The only thing worse than being evil is being proud of it. You're going to answer for your promotion, funding, and facilitation of abortion when we all stand before a just God. And all your silly arguments for why it's ok will turn to ash in your mouth. You need to repent and I mean now. Abortion is murder and those who assist in it have innocent blood on their hands. And Jesus promised to avenge all innocent blood shed on the face of the earth. The good news is, you can be forgiven.

I'm not christian so keep your judgement of me to yourself. None of what you posted applies to me. By the way, didn't jesus say judging is up to your god? That you're not supposed to judge people? You need to repent for that sin if you're a christian.

You're actually silly enough to think if you don't believe it, it will go away. It won't. You will face God in judgment whether you believe in him or not.

Abortion isn't murder. If it was people would be going to prison for it. You can't murder something that's not alive. If you're using the bible to say it's murder then you're lying. The bible clearly says right there in Genesis that life begins when the first breath of air is taken through the nose. Science and logic tells us there's no life without a brain. There's no brain in a zygote or embryo. There's no central nervous system either. All there is, is just a clump of cells.
You need a serious lesson in biology.
I don't need to repent for anything. It's perfectly legal for me to contribute that money. It's perfectly moral for me to give that money. And I'm very proud that I do give that money. I'm proud that I've helped countless women in a time they needed it most.
I'm not talking about the legal status of what you're doing, I'm talking about answering to God for your promotion of murder. That will happen and it will be a dreadful day for you.

I clearly back my words with action. When will you? How many unwanted children who are sitting in foster care have you adopted? When did you become a foster parent? When did you help a woman with her children? When did you pay for a doctor's visit or for food or for diapers? My husband and I were foster parents for several years in the 90s. I go to stores looking for women with kids, a full grocery cart and no wedding ring on her finger standing at the check out stand. I walk up to the cashier and tell that cashier that I'm paying for the groceries. It's very cool and makes me feel very good to help a perfect stranger I'll never see again.

I'm willing to bet you've never done those things. So while you're quick to judge people and talk about it, you're not so quick to actually put your words into action. Which makes you a hypocrite and part of the problem.

You got paid to be a foster parent. Stop pretending like it was some kind of charity. And paying for groceries and fostering children won't make your murders go away. You have the blood on the innocent on your hands and I urge you to repent before it's too late.
Abortion sounds pretty taliban like.
1. Cut open the skull
2. Suck the brains out
3. Remove the head
4. Remove other body parts

Does this sound good to you?

That is not abortion, you fucktard.

That's a late term abortion, silly Leftist. You have to collapse the developed skull in order to extract it through a vagina that hasn't dilated. Otherwise it's too large.

Dumbass thinking you know shit.

The vagina is dilated or the fetus would never get through the birth canal.

My cousin's wife had a late term abortion to save her life. The cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus and strangled it. She was in the 3rd trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. So that the dead fetus wouldn't cause a life threatening infection, she had that late term abortion to save her life.

That's the thing about late term abortions. They all done to save the life of the woman. It's illegal to perform an abortion on a woman that late in pregnancy unless there's a very good reason as in the life of the woman is in jeopardy. Or the fetus is very damaged and won't survive outside the womb. Late term abortions don't happen that often. Most abortions in America take place in the first 2 months of pregnancy.

Leave it up to you to want to kill women just because her pregnancy went wrong.
Now you're just lying. Nobody in the pro life camp believes that abortion should be illegal when it's necessary to save the life of the mother. You Leftists are not only evil, you can't even tell the truth, having to slander those who disagree with you. No fruitful conversation can be had with a liar like you.

There have been many right wing bills that have gone through state congresses that would outlaw abortion for any reason. Including rape, incest and if the woman's life is in jeopardy. The personhood bills all have that in there. The republican platform clearly says the party wants and will work for an amendment that will outlaw abortion in any form. They don't list any exceptions. That's your party's own platform. There are many republican politicians who have proudly said they want abortion illegal in all circumstances with no exceptions.

You call abortion murder yet now you're saying that it's not murder. Make up your mind.
You're lying again. There hasn't been a single bill that outlaws abortion that saves the life of the mother. Stop lying, murderer.
We christians will judge, Dana, it is built into our belief system.
Prove that your tax dollars pay for abortions!
Does taxpayer money not specifically go to abortions? Do you have proof it doesn't? If not, then yes my tax dollars go to performing abortions.

jknow made the affirmation, can't support, fails the "taxes pay for abortions" charge.

Let's move on.
Does tax dollars go to planned parenthood? Do they offer free abortions?

Yes clinics offer free abortions. It's paid for by donations from people like me. Planned Parenthood has a separate fund that all the money is used for is to pay for abortions. All the money is donated from people like me. There's one more organization that I know of that all they do is pay for abortions for women who need them but can't pay for it. I've been donating money to both for many, years and am very proud of that fact.

The only way federal tax dollars can be used for an abortion is if the woman was raped, survived incest or the pregnancy is a threat to her life. If you believe a woman in those 3 circumstances shouldn't get federal funds for an abortion, you're out of luck. I'm not surprised you want to a woman to die because her pregnancy went wrong or that you believe that rape and incest is just another form of conception. Most women don't want to give birth to a rapist's child or a child that's a product of incest.

If the woman doesn't fall under those 3 exceptions, she can't get any federal dollars to pay for her abortion. That's where my money and the money of millions of other people who donate it come in. We gladly pay for abortions for women who can't afford them. I'm proud to help women who desperately need the help. I've paid for countless abortions through the years and I'm very proud of that fact.
You pay for people to have abortions? There is a special place in hell for you. Hopefully looking at the lives those babies could've had, if you didn't pay for their death. Enjoy the rest of your existence, because after that you have an eternity to be proud.

Stop trying to take my freedom of religion from me. Stop violating my rights.

I'm not christian so stop trying to force your christian beliefs on me.

I'm perfectly free to donate money to anyone I choose to. It's called freedom. Obviously you hate freedom.
Does taxpayer money not specifically go to abortions? Do you have proof it doesn't? If not, then yes my tax dollars go to performing abortions.

jknow made the affirmation, can't support, fails the "taxes pay for abortions" charge.

Let's move on.
Does tax dollars go to planned parenthood? Do they offer free abortions?

Yes clinics offer free abortions. It's paid for by donations from people like me. Planned Parenthood has a separate fund that all the money is used for is to pay for abortions. All the money is donated from people like me. There's one more organization that I know of that all they do is pay for abortions for women who need them but can't pay for it. I've been donating money to both for many, years and am very proud of that fact.

The only way federal tax dollars can be used for an abortion is if the woman was raped, survived incest or the pregnancy is a threat to her life. If you believe a woman in those 3 circumstances shouldn't get federal funds for an abortion, you're out of luck. I'm not surprised you want to a woman to die because her pregnancy went wrong or that you believe that rape and incest is just another form of conception. Most women don't want to give birth to a rapist's child or a child that's a product of incest.

If the woman doesn't fall under those 3 exceptions, she can't get any federal dollars to pay for her abortion. That's where my money and the money of millions of other people who donate it come in. We gladly pay for abortions for women who can't afford them. I'm proud to help women who desperately need the help. I've paid for countless abortions through the years and I'm very proud of that fact.
You pay for people to have abortions? There is a special place in hell for you. Hopefully looking at the lives those babies could've had, if you didn't pay for their death. Enjoy the rest of your existence, because after that you have an eternity to be proud.

Stop trying to take my freedom of religion from me. Stop violating my rights.

I'm not christian so stop trying to force your christian beliefs on me.

I'm perfectly free to donate money to anyone I choose to. It's called freedom. Obviously you hate freedom.

You are not free to kill people. That's a warped view of freedom. Nobody is violating your rights and nobody is forcing their beliefs on you. Now you're not only lying, you're being silly. I'm just stating the fact that you will reap eternal punishment for the murder of the innocent.
jknow made the affirmation, can't support, fails the "taxes pay for abortions" charge.

Let's move on.
Does tax dollars go to planned parenthood? Do they offer free abortions?

Yes clinics offer free abortions. It's paid for by donations from people like me. Planned Parenthood has a separate fund that all the money is used for is to pay for abortions. All the money is donated from people like me. There's one more organization that I know of that all they do is pay for abortions for women who need them but can't pay for it. I've been donating money to both for many, years and am very proud of that fact.

The only way federal tax dollars can be used for an abortion is if the woman was raped, survived incest or the pregnancy is a threat to her life. If you believe a woman in those 3 circumstances shouldn't get federal funds for an abortion, you're out of luck. I'm not surprised you want to a woman to die because her pregnancy went wrong or that you believe that rape and incest is just another form of conception. Most women don't want to give birth to a rapist's child or a child that's a product of incest.

If the woman doesn't fall under those 3 exceptions, she can't get any federal dollars to pay for her abortion. That's where my money and the money of millions of other people who donate it come in. We gladly pay for abortions for women who can't afford them. I'm proud to help women who desperately need the help. I've paid for countless abortions through the years and I'm very proud of that fact.
You pay for people to have abortions? There is a special place in hell for you. Hopefully looking at the lives those babies could've had, if you didn't pay for their death. Enjoy the rest of your existence, because after that you have an eternity to be proud.

Stop trying to take my freedom of religion from me. Stop violating my rights.

I'm not christian so stop trying to force your christian beliefs on me.

I'm perfectly free to donate money to anyone I choose to. It's called freedom. Obviously you hate freedom.

You are not free to kill people. That's a warped view of freedom. Nobody is violating your rights and nobody is forcing their beliefs on you. Now you're not only lying, you're being silly. I'm just stating the fact that you will reap eternal punishment for the murder of the innocent.

I have not killed anyone. Abortion isn't murder and I'm not a doctor. So I've never performed one.

If abortion was murder than thousands of people would be in prison right now.

Yes you're violating my rights by judging me and forcing all your beliefs on me. You demanded that I repent. Well I'm not christian so I don't need to repent for anything. Even if I was christian I wouldn't need to repent for anything. The bible says that life begins when the first breath of air is taken through the nose. That can't happen until the birth is complete and the woman is no longer pregnant.

You're violating my rights by lying and calling me a murderer. Abortion isn't murder. I've got the law on my side. You don't. So stop lying.
Does tax dollars go to planned parenthood? Do they offer free abortions?

Yes clinics offer free abortions. It's paid for by donations from people like me. Planned Parenthood has a separate fund that all the money is used for is to pay for abortions. All the money is donated from people like me. There's one more organization that I know of that all they do is pay for abortions for women who need them but can't pay for it. I've been donating money to both for many, years and am very proud of that fact.

The only way federal tax dollars can be used for an abortion is if the woman was raped, survived incest or the pregnancy is a threat to her life. If you believe a woman in those 3 circumstances shouldn't get federal funds for an abortion, you're out of luck. I'm not surprised you want to a woman to die because her pregnancy went wrong or that you believe that rape and incest is just another form of conception. Most women don't want to give birth to a rapist's child or a child that's a product of incest.

If the woman doesn't fall under those 3 exceptions, she can't get any federal dollars to pay for her abortion. That's where my money and the money of millions of other people who donate it come in. We gladly pay for abortions for women who can't afford them. I'm proud to help women who desperately need the help. I've paid for countless abortions through the years and I'm very proud of that fact.
You pay for people to have abortions? There is a special place in hell for you. Hopefully looking at the lives those babies could've had, if you didn't pay for their death. Enjoy the rest of your existence, because after that you have an eternity to be proud.

Stop trying to take my freedom of religion from me. Stop violating my rights.

I'm not christian so stop trying to force your christian beliefs on me.

I'm perfectly free to donate money to anyone I choose to. It's called freedom. Obviously you hate freedom.

You are not free to kill people. That's a warped view of freedom. Nobody is violating your rights and nobody is forcing their beliefs on you. Now you're not only lying, you're being silly. I'm just stating the fact that you will reap eternal punishment for the murder of the innocent.

I have not killed anyone. Abortion isn't murder and I'm not a doctor. So I've never performed one.

If abortion was murder than thousands of people would be in prison right now.

Yes you're violating my rights by judging me and forcing all your beliefs on me. You demanded that I repent. Well I'm not christian so I don't need to repent for anything. Even if I was christian I wouldn't need to repent for anything. The bible says that life begins when the first breath of air is taken through the nose. That can't happen until the birth is complete and the woman is no longer pregnant.

You're violating my rights by lying and calling me a murderer. Abortion isn't murder. I've got the law on my side. You don't. So stop lying.
1. Yes you have killed people. Paying for murder is murder.

2. Just because murder isn't illegal doesn't change the fact that it's murder.

3. No, I'm not violating your rights. You're being absurd.

4. Having "the law on your side" does not exempt you from God's law.

5. Babies are alive even before birth. They have their own unique genetic code, their own brain and nervous system and their own heart that pumps their own blood. You cannot make murder go away by disagreeing that the victim is human life.

6. The only one who lied here is you, claiming that the GOP is trying to outlaw abortions when it saves the life of the mother. You proved yourself a liar with that.
Does taxpayer money not specifically go to abortions? Do you have proof it doesn't? If not, then yes my tax dollars go to performing abortions.

jknow made the affirmation, can't support, fails the "taxes pay for abortions" charge.

Let's move on.
Does tax dollars go to planned parenthood? Do they offer free abortions?

Yes clinics offer free abortions. It's paid for by donations from people like me. Planned Parenthood has a separate fund that all the money is used for is to pay for abortions. All the money is donated from people like me. There's one more organization that I know of that all they do is pay for abortions for women who need them but can't pay for it. I've been donating money to both for many, years and am very proud of that fact.

The only way federal tax dollars can be used for an abortion is if the woman was raped, survived incest or the pregnancy is a threat to her life. If you believe a woman in those 3 circumstances shouldn't get federal funds for an abortion, you're out of luck. I'm not surprised you want to a woman to die because her pregnancy went wrong or that you believe that rape and incest is just another form of conception. Most women don't want to give birth to a rapist's child or a child that's a product of incest.

If the woman doesn't fall under those 3 exceptions, she can't get any federal dollars to pay for her abortion. That's where my money and the money of millions of other people who donate it come in. We gladly pay for abortions for women who can't afford them. I'm proud to help women who desperately need the help. I've paid for countless abortions through the years and I'm very proud of that fact.
You pay for people to have abortions? There is a special place in hell for you. Hopefully looking at the lives those babies could've had, if you didn't pay for their death. Enjoy the rest of your existence, because after that you have an eternity to be proud.

Stop trying to take my freedom of religion from me. Stop violating my rights.

I'm not christian so stop trying to force your christian beliefs on me.

I'm perfectly free to donate money to anyone I choose to. It's called freedom. Obviously you hate freedom.
All I said you got a special place in hell, unless you repent. Getting a conscious all a sudden?

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