Arizona should begin to form militias...

To guard the border and engage the criminal elements who are having their gang war there. To return fire if said violence crosses the line. But of course they should also be under strict orders not to fire on anyone heading south.
If AZ tried to use the National Guard then Obama could just as easily use his powers and federalize those AZ guard, deploying them elsewhere much to the chagrin of the AZ governor. The idea of a modern civilian militia being organized to ntervene in such matters is not too far fetched a notion in this case.
If AZ tried to use the National Guard then Obama could just as easily use his powers and federalize those AZ guard, deploying them elsewhere much to the chagrin of the AZ governor. The idea of a modern civilian militia being organized to ntervene in such matters is not too far fetched a notion in this case.

Does the governor have no say in the matter?
One thing for sure.

When a government FAILS to protect its own citizens from an invasion from a foreign power, or as in this case from a FOREIGN PEOPLE, then that government has FAILED to do its NUMBER ONE JOB.

At least that's this so called liberal's view of the matter.

I'm not in AZ, so I really do not know how bad things are there.

So I'll leave it up to the sense of the people of AZ to determine what their needs are.

But the PEOPLE have the RIGHT to protect themselves if their GOVERNMENT can not or will not do so.
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One thing for sure.

What a government FAILS to protect its own citizens from an invasion from a foreign power, or as in this case from a FOREIGN PEOPLE, then that government has FAILED to do its NUMBER ONE JOB.

At least that's this so called liberal's view of the matter.

I'm not in AZ, so I really do not know how bad things are there.

So I'll leave it up to the sense of the people of AZ to determine what their needs are.

But the PEOPLE have the RIGHT to protect themselves if their GOVERNMENT can not or will not do so.
Yes, how bad is it really? They are now starting an ad campaign saying it isn't really that bad because all their sqwaking has hurt tourism. I suspect it is BAD because it is an election year.
If AZ tried to use the National Guard then Obama could just as easily use his powers and federalize those AZ guard, deploying them elsewhere much to the chagrin of the AZ governor. The idea of a modern civilian militia being organized to ntervene in such matters is not too far fetched a notion in this case.

I wish he would. That might be the straw that would get his ass kicked out of the US.
If AZ tried to use the National Guard then Obama could just as easily use his powers and federalize those AZ guard, deploying them elsewhere much to the chagrin of the AZ governor. The idea of a modern civilian militia being organized to ntervene in such matters is not too far fetched a notion in this case.

Does the governor have no say in the matter?

Or the Americans living in the US?
One thing for sure.

What a government FAILS to protect its own citizens from an invasion from a foreign power, or as in this case from a FOREIGN PEOPLE, then that government has FAILED to do its NUMBER ONE JOB.

At least that's this so called liberal's view of the matter.

I'm not in AZ, so I really do not know how bad things are there.

So I'll leave it up to the sense of the people of AZ to determine what their needs are.

But the PEOPLE have the RIGHT to protect themselves if their GOVERNMENT can not or will not do so.

I live near Chicago. They steal everything that isn't nailed down and get funding from scared politicians.
WHY doesn't Brewer declare a state of emergency and deploy the NG to fight the drug war? Could it be that her agenda is similar to Bobby Jindall's...whine that someone is not doing something that she could do herself?
One thing for sure.

What a government FAILS to protect its own citizens from an invasion from a foreign power, or as in this case from a FOREIGN PEOPLE, then that government has FAILED to do its NUMBER ONE JOB.

At least that's this so called liberal's view of the matter.

I'm not in AZ, so I really do not know how bad things are there.

So I'll leave it up to the sense of the people of AZ to determine what their needs are.

But the PEOPLE have the RIGHT to protect themselves if their GOVERNMENT can not or will not do so.

I live near Chicago. They steal everything that isn't nailed down and get funding from scared politicians.

Which "They" are you talking about?
One thing for sure.

What a government FAILS to protect its own citizens from an invasion from a foreign power, or as in this case from a FOREIGN PEOPLE, then that government has FAILED to do its NUMBER ONE JOB.

At least that's this so called liberal's view of the matter.

I'm not in AZ, so I really do not know how bad things are there.

So I'll leave it up to the sense of the people of AZ to determine what their needs are.

But the PEOPLE have the RIGHT to protect themselves if their GOVERNMENT can not or will not do so.

I live near Chicago. They steal everything that isn't nailed down and get funding from scared politicians.

Which "They" are you talking about?

Mexicans, legal and illegal. Illinois has more gang members per capita than any other state.
One thing for sure.

What a government FAILS to protect its own citizens from an invasion from a foreign power, or as in this case from a FOREIGN PEOPLE, then that government has FAILED to do its NUMBER ONE JOB.

At least that's this so called liberal's view of the matter.

I'm not in AZ, so I really do not know how bad things are there.

So I'll leave it up to the sense of the people of AZ to determine what their needs are.

But the PEOPLE have the RIGHT to protect themselves if their GOVERNMENT can not or will not do so.
Yes, how bad is it really? They are now starting an ad campaign saying it isn't really that bad because all their sqwaking has hurt tourism. I suspect it is BAD because it is an election year.

Well that is the question, isn't it?

We live in a world where we can no longer rely on the media to give us unbiased reporting.

I don't know anyone in AZ, so I really have no idea how bad things are there.

That is exactly why I leave that sort of thing to the "good people" of AZ.

I have little doubt that if the reports are overblown, then the good people of AZ will know it.

And if the reports are accurate, then the good people of AZ will take the steps necessary to defend themselves and their homes.

If the government cannot or will not do the minimum thing that is demanded of every government (to protect their people from harm) then really... that government is worthless and the people owe that government no alligiance whatever.

Bear in mind that just doesn't hold for the good people of AZ.

I feel exactly the same way for good people living in economic shitholes (read most slums in the USA) all over the nation, too.

Our governments have failed them, so I can't blame them for defending themselves, either.

Doesn't matter what color they are, or what their politics are, people have the right to defend themselves if their GOVERMENTS consistently fail to do so.

Cause if a government won't or cannot AT LEAST protect you from harm by invaders or criminals, you owe that government absolutely nothing.
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Yes, those reports MUST be the work of political posturing for the coming election. Its not like there are any real deaths from illegal's down there. It is not like there is American land that is closed off to the public because of the violence that illegal aliens have brought to our border....

Some interesting facts from the FBI in '06
Please note this is by the INS
WHY doesn't Brewer declare a state of emergency and deploy the NG to fight the drug war? Could it be that her agenda is similar to Bobby Jindall's...whine that someone is not doing something that she could do herself?

Holder and the Bama are whining and complaining that it's their job, not hers. So what's their agenda? To fuck things up so bad that we have to do it their way just to get anything done?

MMMM.....yep, that sounds about right. take on the Mexicans.

Like Travis wrote:

To the People of Texas & All Americans in the World:

Fellow citizens & compatriots—I am besieged, by a thousand or more of the Mexicans under Santa Anna—I have sustained a continual Bombardment & cannonade for 24 hours & have not lost a man. The enemy has demanded a surrender at discretion, otherwise, the garrison are to be put to the sword, if the fort is taken—I have answered the demand with a cannon shot, & our flag still waves proudly from the walls. I shall never surrender or retreat. Then, I call on you in the name of Liberty, of patriotism & everything dear to the American character, to come to our aid, with all dispatch—The enemy is receiving reinforcements daily & will no doubt increase to three or four thousand in four or five days. If this call is neglected, I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible & die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor & that of his country—Victory or Death.

William Barret Travis

Lt. Col. comdt

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