That would be fantastically stupid.
If you are still unclear on the concept, once "We the People" decided to outlaw alcohol in 1919. Man, we showed them.
And then this funny thing happened. People kept drinking. People found ways to get around the law. Organized Crime was supercharged from huge profits made by selling "We the People" the alcohol "We the People" decided to outlaw. Eventually, everyone realized how fucking absurd it was, and that's why it was repealed a mere 14 years later.
This brings us to what the world was like before Roe v. Wade. The reality was that women had just as many abortions before Roe as after. Doctors performed them, wrote down something else on the chart, insurance paid for it, and everyone was happy. When seven SCOTUS Justices (INCLUDING FIVE REPUBLICANS!) overturned these state laws that were barely being followed, they thought they were just killing meaningless laws, like the Sodomy laws with Lawrence (2003) or the Contraception laws with Griswald (1965).
Outlaw abortion, and people will find ways to get them.
If you are unclear on the concept, I give you the Philippines. They have the kind of Gilead-like laws you crazies want. And yet it is estimated that Filipinas have 500,000 to 800,000 a year.
Now, there are ways to reduce abortions- Comprehensive sex education at an early age, easy access to contraception, paid family leave, and universal health care. All that commie stuff you guys hate.