Arizona's current abortion law establishes a limit at 15 weeks fetal age. What's wrong with that?

That would be fantastically stupid.

If you are still unclear on the concept, once "We the People" decided to outlaw alcohol in 1919. Man, we showed them.

And then this funny thing happened. People kept drinking. People found ways to get around the law. Organized Crime was supercharged from huge profits made by selling "We the People" the alcohol "We the People" decided to outlaw. Eventually, everyone realized how fucking absurd it was, and that's why it was repealed a mere 14 years later.

This brings us to what the world was like before Roe v. Wade. The reality was that women had just as many abortions before Roe as after. Doctors performed them, wrote down something else on the chart, insurance paid for it, and everyone was happy. When seven SCOTUS Justices (INCLUDING FIVE REPUBLICANS!) overturned these state laws that were barely being followed, they thought they were just killing meaningless laws, like the Sodomy laws with Lawrence (2003) or the Contraception laws with Griswald (1965).

Outlaw abortion, and people will find ways to get them.

If you are unclear on the concept, I give you the Philippines. They have the kind of Gilead-like laws you crazies want. And yet it is estimated that Filipinas have 500,000 to 800,000 a year.

Now, there are ways to reduce abortions- Comprehensive sex education at an early age, easy access to contraception, paid family leave, and universal health care. All that commie stuff you guys hate.
You sure typed alot to dodge my question. To rephrase, if a law is passed stating that a fetus at 15 weeks of gestation is a person, does that make it so? You implied in a previous post that who is a person is derived from law.
You sure typed alot to dodge my question. To rephrase, if a law is passed stating that a fetus at 15 weeks of gestation is a person, does that make it so? You implied in a previous post that who is a person is derived from law.

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were stupid.

Laws only work when there is agreement that SHOULD be a law, and the law is practical.

So let's look at your scenario, where Globby the Fetus is declared a person under the law. As stated, women will still disobey that law, but the issue of fetal personhood will have implications far beyond abortion.

For instance, you now have to investigate EVERY miscarriage as a potential homicide. Can't trust the doctors to simply declare it was a miscarriage, most of those OB/GYN's were performing abortions before Globby got declared a person.

And once Globby is a person, a pregnant woman could be charged with assault if she smokes a cigarette, has a glass of wine, or even eats the wrong kinds of food.

If you are still confused, have someone explain the big words to you.
Employee and a point of sale item and owner and contracted item are not the same. false equivalence.

Same shit, different day

so is not making a law just because of a few possible exceptions.

Says the man who wants to ruin bakers over same sex marriage. at least my issue involves a life, and in my case my 10-12 week limit is a fair compromise.

Fetuses are human life.
There was no problem with the gay couple until the baker went on Facebook and mocked them and bragged about denying them.
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were stupid.

Laws only work when there is agreement that SHOULD be a law, and the law is practical.

So let's look at your scenario, where Globby the Fetus is declared a person under the law. As stated, women will still disobey that law, but the issue of fetal personhood will have implications far beyond abortion.

For instance, you now have to investigate EVERY miscarriage as a potential homicide. Can't trust the doctors to simply declare it was a miscarriage, most of those OB/GYN's were performing abortions before Globby got declared a person.

And once Globby is a person, a pregnant woman could be charged with assault if she smokes a cigarette, has a glass of wine, or even eats the wrong kinds of food.

If you are still confused, have someone explain the big words to you.
Meanwhile you purple hair people see an Eagles egg as an Eagle….Can you reconcile such lunacy for us?
Nope, people's human dignity to not encounter discrimination is more important than your groveling in front of an imaginary sky pixie. Keep your groveling in your church.

Not at all. WE SHOULD NOT BE FUCKING AROUND IN THEIR PART OF THE WORLD. Especially a piece of shit like you who never put on a uniform in your life and doesn't have to go over there.

Nope. Again, if a baker can refuse to accommodate because Jesus said so, I should be able to cut out my enemy's heart because Quezatacoatl said so.

Religion is a protected right, so is the free exercise of it. Don't like it? Get rid of the 1st amendment the proper way. Why is the gay person's
"dignity" worth more than the religious person's right to free exercise besides your hatred of anyone religious?

So I guess I shouldn't want fires fought because I'm not a firefighter, and you shouldn't be able to use a toilet because you don't work at a wastewater plant? Right? That's your logic there.

No, because murder is an actual crime already.
15 weeks is probably near the outer limit of what's reasonable. The brain is fully developed around 12 weeks.
There was no problem with the gay couple until the baker went on Facebook and mocked them and bragged about denying them.

There was a problem, and since when is speech not protected anymore?

Surada are you JoeBlow's sock or the other way around?
Fetuses aren't people. The law doesn't see them as people.
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were stupid.

Laws only work when there is agreement that SHOULD be a law, and the law is practical.

Look who is stupid. It is you that brought up fetuses aren't people....the law doesn't see them as people. So if I'm stupid, you are really stupid.

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