Arizona's current abortion law establishes a limit at 15 weeks fetal age. What's wrong with that?

Any fetus being aborted at 8 months is a fetus that is severely deformed, probably the most horrible thing that could happen to a pregnant woman. No one is going to carry a fetus for 8 months unless they really want it, until the doctor gives them some horrible news.

Fuck off, you ghoul.
You didn’t produce a perfect human. Yet it still is a human and you could raise and take care of it the best you can. Or you could decide it’s too much for you to handle so the best choice is to kill the child for your own convenience.

Maybe these kind of abortions need to be performed through killing the pregnant mother and the father as well. That way the child doesn’t have to suffer the failure of the parents. Doesn’t that sound fair?
And once again you dodged my question. I did not ask if it would be easy to pass such a law or if it would even be wise. In an early post YOU implied that a fetus is not a person because the law does not support that. So to follow that logic which YOU introduced, passing a law that declares a fetus a person makes it so. Now if YOU want to backtrack on that, be my guest.

Didn't dodge the question at all. I pointed out the impracticalities of passing or enforcing such a law.

I pointed out that as it stands, RIGHT NOW, a fetus is not legally person except in cases of Fetal Homicide by other people. (A truly stupid law). They aren't counted on censuses, they aren't counted as tax dependents, and they aren't charged as homicides when they end up in Medical Waste containers.

Because that's actually COMMON SENSE.
You didn’t produce a perfect human. Yet it still is a human and you could raise and take care of it the best you can. Or you could decide it’s too much for you to handle so the best choice is to kill the child for your own convenience.

Maybe these kind of abortions need to be performed through killing the pregnant mother and the father as well. That way the child doesn’t have to suffer the failure of the parents. Doesn’t that sound fair?

Naw, that sounds fucking retarded. I'm not sure what it is about globs of tissue that make you all act like morons.

I wish you had as much concern for actual living children regarding things like school lunches or school shootings.
I'm right. There are 3 options for women who don't want to have a baby. Don't have sex, go on the pill or use contraceptives. Abortion is not some noble "right". It is a grisly, awful thing that is a bailout for irresponsible women.
That only covers consensual sex. What about sexually aggressive men?


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