Arkansas Republican says he’ll shoot you if you ask him about his job in public

He should be mocked along with his yahoo religion and his hick cletus rube accent

Arkansas the same state that gave us Mike Huckabee and the Duggar family. Freaking hill billy hick inbreds
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Nothing says "serving the people" more than threatening to kill a constituent for asking a question!
Such a challenge to the far right's authority provoke reactions of fear and retalitory aggression. They are as predictable Italian trains schedules during Mussolini's reign of terror. These people are heroes to JimBowie1958 and CrusaderFrank.

Study Altemeyer Model of the Authoritarian Personality. The far right loves these people.
These clowns are fucking sick in the head. This idiot should be thrown in prison for this.
Such a challenge to the far right's authority provoke reactions of fear and retalitory aggression. They are as predictable Italian trains schedules during Mussolini's reign of terror. These people are heroes to JimBowie1958 and CrusaderFrank.

Study Altemeyer Model of the Authoritarian Personality. The far right loves these people.

Sure douchebag, only republicrat "reactionaries" are bad guys. Leftists like you prefer violence on the spot rather than threats.

Three days after an Internet video surfaced showing North Carolina Rep. Bob Etheridge in a physical confrontation with a young man, the lawmaker said he is "profoundly" sorry for the tussle on a Washington street.

Etheridge, a Democrat, is seen in an amateur video grabbing the wrist and neck of an unidentified young man after the man approached the congressman and asked if he supported the "Obama agenda."

N.C. Congressman Apologizes for Physical Confrontation With Man in Washington

Make sure you attack the credibility of the news source rather than comment on the reality of what happened you stupid fuck.


He should be mocked along with his yahoo religion and his hick cletus rube accent

Arkansas the same state that gave us Mike Huckabee and the Duggar family. Freaking hill billy hick inbreds

It gave us the Clintons too. :funnyface:

Only Bill.

Hillary is from NY...

or Chicago..

Which matters most?

Where she lives now, where she was born, of where she became well known?
Such a challenge to the far right's authority provoke reactions of fear and retalitory aggression. They are as predictable Italian trains schedules during Mussolini's reign of terror. These people are heroes to JimBowie1958 and CrusaderFrank.

Study Altemeyer Model of the Authoritarian Personality. The far right loves these people.

Jake, go fuck yourself.

Thank you
Jake, go fuck yourself.

Thank you

HARD, with something explosive.

We need a new nominee for biggest douche in the universe, I nominate Jerkoff Fakey and all his sock accounts for that distinguished award. John Edward and Alex Jones has had it for years.

He should be mocked along with his yahoo religion and his hick cletus rube accent

Arkansas the same state that gave us Mike Huckabee and the Duggar family. Freaking hill billy hick inbreds
Well don't wait damn it! Get on done there and DO IT. CAR pool for God's sake! Take your friends!
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Ever known guano to get something right?

There was one thing I agreed with guano on... I can't remember what it was though. It must have been during one of his brief episodes of lucity when he actually took his meds.

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