Arkansas Republican says he’ll shoot you if you ask him about his job in public

Confrontation seems to garner lots of federal why we aren't all violent remains a vast mystery.

Or maybe some of still prefer to earn what we get.......

But......for how much longer?
Such a challenge to the far right's authority provoke reactions of fear and retalitory aggression. They are as predictable Italian trains schedules during Mussolini's reign of terror. These people are heroes to JimBowie1958 and CrusaderFrank.

Study Altemeyer Model of the Authoritarian Personality. The far right loves these people.

Sure douchebag, only republicrat "reactionaries" are bad guys. Leftists like you prefer violence on the spot rather than threats.

Three days after an Internet video surfaced showing North Carolina Rep. Bob Etheridge in a physical confrontation with a young man, the lawmaker said he is "profoundly" sorry for the tussle on a Washington street.

Etheridge, a Democrat, is seen in an amateur video grabbing the wrist and neck of an unidentified young man after the man approached the congressman and asked if he supported the "Obama agenda."

N.C. Congressman Apologizes for Physical Confrontation With Man in Washington

Make sure you attack the credibility of the news source rather than comment on the reality of what happened you stupid fuck.
Why are defending what the ARK state senator did with something out of NC. Deflection is what you are doing. Remember the guy who had to resign, the one who was going to throw someone of the balconey for asking him questions?

Our legislators, pete, right to left, are answerable to the public, all of the time.
Such a challenge to the far right's authority provoke reactions of fear and retalitory aggression. They are as predictable Italian trains schedules during Mussolini's reign of terror. These people are heroes to JimBowie1958 and CrusaderFrank.

Study Altemeyer Model of the Authoritarian Personality. The far right loves these people.
Jake, go fuck yourself. Thank you
Frank, the love affair of the far right with fascist tactics will lead to its disappearance. On the other hand, if we removed all the idiots from the legislatures, we would not have representative government. The Ark state senator handled it wrongly, and he well knew it.
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Jake, you've changed, somehow......

Jake, go fuck yourself.

Thank you

HARD, with something explosive.

We need a new nominee for biggest douche in the universe, I nominate Jerkoff Fakey and all his sock accounts for that distinguished award. John Edward and Alex Jones has had it for years.
:lol: The truth hurts. The far right will always be called out for its hard handed threats and tactics.

Remember the Joe Miller security squad in Alaska who wrongfully imprisoned and handcuffed a journalist for asking questions.
He can just say he feared for his life. That'll get you out of anything.

No, only the police are allowed to use that get out of jail free card for murdering innocent people.

What utter bullshit.

It happens all the time. Take your head out of the sand and stop your pathetic boot licking.
The OP is a total lie; pointing that out isn't bootlicking, dude.
It happens all the time. Take your head out of the sand and stop your pathetic boot licking.

Yeah... I'm the bootlicker.

While you embolden leftwing globalist tools who are creating the sort of Orwellian future that will have a boot stomping on a human face forever.

You love yourself more than the liberty of your own people and condemn the men trying too keep the peace, the tranquility of servitude to the collective is more important to you than the individual's pursuit of freedom.

Stay in your mommy's basement on your soiled mattress. We seek not your idiocy, nor your fecklessness. Crouch down and lick the asses of democrook donors. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.
Everywhere around the world, the primary opponents to globalization are leftists - unions, Marxists, environmentalists, etc. These opponents hate corporations and hate capitalism.

Only in America do those who think they are "conservatives" oppose it.
Everywhere around the world, the primary opponents to globalization are leftists - unions, Marxists, environmentalists, etc. These opponents hate corporations and hate capitalism.

Only in America do those who think they are "conservatives" oppose it.

More complete bullshit from the guy who's avatar is facing the wrong way.

There may be plenty of bed wetters who "think" they're resisting globalisation, but they're being used as pawns as if they're "oppressed".

The political slogan Workers of the world, unite! is one of the most famous rallying cries from the Communist Manifesto(1848), by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (German: Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt Euch!, literally "Proletarians of all countries, unite!"[1] but soon popularized in English as "Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!",

Globalists ARE NOT liberty minded individuals. Globalists are bed wetting liberals who don't know cat shit from candy.

Everywhere around the world, the primary opponents to globalization are leftists - unions, Marxists, environmentalists, etc. These opponents hate corporations and hate capitalism.

Only in America do those who think they are "conservatives" oppose it.

More complete bullshit from the guy who's avatar is facing the wrong way.

There may be plenty of bed wetters who "think" they're resisting globalisation, but they're being used as pawns as if they're "oppressed".

The political slogan Workers of the world, unite! is one of the most famous rallying cries from the Communist Manifesto(1848), by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (German: Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt Euch!, literally "Proletarians of all countries, unite!"[1] but soon popularized in English as "Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!",

Globalists ARE NOT liberty minded individuals. Globalists are bed wetting liberals who don't know cat shit from candy.

You are a stupid idiotic moron ignorant of anything outside your county.

I've been involved in politics in three countries, and have studied many more. The opposition to free trade comes from the LEFT! You are a supporter of the LEFT!

You are a statist who supports the restriction of liberty by raising taxes on individuals and restricting individual choice. You're just too fucking stupid to know it.
Everywhere around the world, the primary opponents to globalization are leftists - unions, Marxists, environmentalists, etc. These opponents hate corporations and hate capitalism.

Only in America do those who think they are "conservatives" oppose it.

More complete bullshit from the guy who's avatar is facing the wrong way.

There may be plenty of bed wetters who "think" they're resisting globalisation, but they're being used as pawns as if they're "oppressed".

The political slogan Workers of the world, unite! is one of the most famous rallying cries from the Communist Manifesto(1848), by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (German: Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt Euch!, literally "Proletarians of all countries, unite!"[1] but soon popularized in English as "Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!",

Globalists ARE NOT liberty minded individuals. Globalists are bed wetting liberals who don't know cat shit from candy.

You are a stupid idiotic moron ignorant of anything outside your county.

I've been involved in politics in three countries, and have studied many more. The opposition to free trade comes from the LEFT! You are a supporter of the LEFT!

You are a statist who supports the restriction of liberty by raising taxes on individuals and restricting individual choice. You're just too fucking stupid to know it.


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