Arkansas school board says fags should kill themselves

That's an opinion. Which I did not ask for.
I will ask again under what statute could this person be charged with a crime?
Just stop it. You're going nowhere with this. You're a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. Done.

No one gives a damn what you asked for, thereisnospoon. They are telling you what the situation is and what the outcome can be. You are the one who is getting his ass kicked here. What the board member did was not only immoral and unethical but quite likely criminal.
No..Without a statute to outlaw the actions of the School Board member, there can be no "outcome that can be"...
Saying something is so does not make it so.
Produce a statute or take a walk.

That's up to the DA, and I really find your homophobia disturbing. What is wrong with you?
No one gives a damn what you asked for, thereisnospoon. They are telling you what the situation is and what the outcome can be. You are the one who is getting his ass kicked here. What the board member did was not only immoral and unethical but quite likely criminal.
No..Without a statute to outlaw the actions of the School Board member, there can be no "outcome that can be"...
Saying something is so does not make it so.
Produce a statute or take a walk.

That's up to the DA, and I really find your homophobia disturbing. What is wrong with you?
strawman, or just more jokey projections?
Uh, the entire school board isn't saying this.

Just one asshole is.

It will be taken down and he'll be fired in 5.....4....3.....2...............

Solace is a n00b.

I wouldn't hold his irresponsibly dishonest thread title against every whiny queer.
Neither, of course, divedweeb. Your bias is disturbing as well. Really you need to get out of the family basement more, or have you moved your bed down there and put up your posters of Justin Beiber and Hannah Montana?

Now get back on topic, huh?
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Neither, of course, divedweeb. Your bias is disturbing as well. Really you need to get out of the family basement more, or have you moved your bed down there and put up your posters of Justin Beiber and Hannah Montana?

Now get back on topic, huh?
i am on topic, moron
he never posted anything even remotely homophobic
unless you can show me the post of his that was

you remain a fucking pathetic LIAR
and jokey, start fucking quoting people or shut the fuck up
i cant help it if you cant keep up with the progression of the topic in a thread
divedweeb is having a meltdown. Maybe it will go epic?

ps: the failure to quote began with you, and I was merely giving you the same. Now come on, kiddo, shape up or ship out.
There are anti-bullying laws in Arkansas though I don't know what the punishment is...probably not harsh enough for the asshole in the OP.

I would hope adults bullying children is a serious crime.
divedweeb is having a meltdown. Maybe it will go epic?

ps: the failure to quote began with you, and I was merely giving you the same. Now come on, kiddo, shape up or ship out.
there is no meltdown over here
thats YOU
you pathetic dipshit
Yep, your divedweeb language indicates that you are melting down. Now stay on track.

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