Armed robber tries to rob Dollar General, shot dead by employee. Family angry.

The clerk shouldn't have had a gun? Here is a thought maybe if the thug had not attempted to steal what doesn't belong to him he would still be alive.
Ohhh just let him take it, because that old white devil Warren Buffet got plenty of monies Right ??? I mean that's what the thinking is by those being taught such things right ?? Get shot for robbing a dollar general ? Can't be, no way, didn't happen, did it ?? Probably the talk in the community afterwards.

Although - If the Dollar General is a known and easy target because it gets robbed frequently, then what is the remedy for that ?? Get the local sherriff involved ? Place a 24 hour officer monitoring the location ?? Whose gonna pay for that ? These things spiral way out of control with the thinking that a thief has some sort of rights in a robbery situation.

Criminals have no rights under our constitution except maybe to not be mistreated once enter the criminal justice system prior to or after sentencing. As a side note - The death penalty within the justice system is not a form of mistreatement of a prisoner, but rather it is a sentence rendered upon a person in which relieves that person of the apparent malfunction of their mind in which can't be repaired as based upon the heinous criminal acts in which the person was able to premeditatedly contemplate, and then commit as their normal conscious function or thought was being suppressed by said person, and being done on purpose when commiting such acts in order to commit them. Otherwise not crazy but evilly cunning as if to take on the attributes of a predator in the wild. What do we do with man eaters as a rule when cross the line in the wild ? We kill them in order to keep balance between man and nature in which establishes rule and the rule of law.

These types of individual's deserving of the death penalty are a huge danger to society, and should be dealt with in such ways when heinous acts are comitted by them.

Now back to the Dollar General.... If the clerk felt that their life was in danger of ending all because of this perp, then the act of self defense was easily justified in the situation. The End!

Don't become a criminal folks, and especially one with a weapon who is intent on harming others with that weapon in a criminal act.
From the comments in the OP...

"Studies show 10 out of 10 criminals prefer unarmed victims."
Of course, the Democrats won't condemn the robber being armed...

Why should they, when he'll keep right on voting Democrat???
How do you know how, or if, he voted?
hahahahahahh--you people are so simple minded/shallow thinkers OMFG
1. please read the posts more slowly--maybe then you will comprehend better
''leftists'' is in quotes = BLACK....
2. it's usually the blacks complaining about law abiding citizens defending themselves
3. 93% of the black voters voted for the black DEMOCRAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Election 2012 exit polls: votes by ethnicity | Statista

4. the jackass was BLACK--yes or no?
Specious logic. You have no idea if this individual is even a registered voter.

By your logic, I should be a Trumpian. I am 62 years old, I live in the upper Ohio River valley just 30 miles from aYoungstown, Ohio, I am white. All the demographics point to a Trump supporter and pseudo Conservative .
Of course, the Democrats won't condemn the robber being armed...

Why should they, when he'll keep right on voting Democrat???
How do you know how, or if, he voted?
Young armed black, attempting to take what isn't his = Dim Dem.
How ar are you sure he was even a registered voter?

Just a bucket of stupidity splashed on a violent criminal to score the cheapest political points possible.
Of course, the Democrats won't condemn the robber being armed...

Why should they, when he'll keep right on voting Democrat???
How do you know how, or if, he voted?
hahahahahahh--you people are so simple minded/shallow thinkers OMFG
1. please read the posts more slowly--maybe then you will comprehend better
''leftists'' is in quotes = BLACK....
2. it's usually the blacks complaining about law abiding citizens defending themselves
3. 93% of the black voters voted for the black DEMOCRAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Election 2012 exit polls: votes by ethnicity | Statista

4. the jackass was BLACK--yes or no?
Specious logic. You have no idea if this individual is even a registered voter.

By your logic, I should be a Trumpian. I am 62 years old, I live in the upper Ohio River valley just 30 miles from aYoungstown, Ohio, I am white. All the demographics point to a Trump supporter and pseudo Conservative .
don't play stupid shit...odds are GREAT he's an anti-Trumper
the Dems/blacks/left always go ape shit when a dangerous jackass criminal is JUSTIFIABLY shot/killed
etc etc etc
Of course, the Democrats won't condemn the robber being armed...

Why should they, when he'll keep right on voting Democrat???
How do you know how, or if, he voted?
hahahahahahh--you people are so simple minded/shallow thinkers OMFG
1. please read the posts more slowly--maybe then you will comprehend better
''leftists'' is in quotes = BLACK....
2. it's usually the blacks complaining about law abiding citizens defending themselves
3. 93% of the black voters voted for the black DEMOCRAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Election 2012 exit polls: votes by ethnicity | Statista

4. the jackass was BLACK--yes or no?
Specious logic. You have no idea if this individual is even a registered voter.

By your logic, I should be a Trumpian. I am 62 years old, I live in the upper Ohio River valley just 30 miles from aYoungstown, Ohio, I am white. All the demographics point to a Trump supporter and pseudo Conservative .
OMFG!! a dangerous criminal is dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've seen this same reaction several times from black family members of people who were shot while committing robbery.
He was just robbing someone. Why did they have to shoot him?

Not the cream of the crop of black families, hopefully.
He thought "dollar store" meant it was a bank.
Yeah, and how much would that bank be holding in that little drawer ? These crazed desperate criminals that threaten people's lives in robberies, and kill people over pennies if the shoe were on the other foot like it has been so many times in the past in these robberies has to stop..It has to be dealt with in society by society again, and somehow the message has to get out that it ain't worth it to rob and steal with the intent to do bodily harm to the innocent no matter what is going on in ones life..... The family needs to take their son's death, and use it to tell others what not to do in life, and to tell others that crime doesn't pay, and they should be going to the innocent person who encountered their son in this way, apologize to that person for their son, and let that person know that they forgive them for all that had happened in that situation. Let the healing begin.
Of course, the Democrats won't condemn the robber being armed...

Why should they, when he'll keep right on voting Democrat???
How do you know how, or if, he voted?
hahahahahahh--you people are so simple minded/shallow thinkers OMFG
1. please read the posts more slowly--maybe then you will comprehend better
''leftists'' is in quotes = BLACK....
2. it's usually the blacks complaining about law abiding citizens defending themselves
3. 93% of the black voters voted for the black DEMOCRAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Election 2012 exit polls: votes by ethnicity | Statista

4. the jackass was BLACK--yes or no?
Specious logic. You have no idea if this individual is even a registered voter.

By your logic, I should be a Trumpian. I am 62 years old, I live in the upper Ohio River valley just 30 miles from aYoungstown, Ohio, I am white. All the demographics point to a Trump supporter and pseudo Conservative .
OMFG!! a dangerous criminal is dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not even close to the point, as usual.

Is deflection fully explained at Trump rallies? You knuckle draggers use it universally.

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