Armed thugs intimidate woman and child

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"
I am on my way to Michigan as we speak to get evidence. You are a dingo.
to bad you have to do that,, better if it was there before the story was posted,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.

tainted, why do you comment on issues of which
you are entirely ignorant? For the rest of you
BLM BUGS-----any of you got ANYTHING to support
the claim of terrorizing mother and child and the
destructive and murderous outcome of this violent
RIOT created by "Trump supporters"-----a little
footage, an audio visual-----ANYTHING ??? ---
anyone arrested?
Armed rioters, THREAT of violence was my post. The Secretary of State is one of your own and is she lying?
Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered ... › michigan-secretary-state-says-armed...

18 hours ago — Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered outside her home ... Saying the claims have to stop, Sterling called on Trump to "step up" and ... Over and over again, they have chosen to ride the tiger of lunacy ...
You have some nerve asking about the "ANYTHING?". Talk about "ANYTHING" applies to you and your ilks claim of voter fraud because you don't have "ANYTHING" to warrant your disruptive behavior.
the only armed rioters we've seen is antifa and BLM,,, and their damage bill and human victims injuries are off the chart

Yep,2 billion dollars at this point.
I strongly oppose armed rioters of any political persuasion. Politics did not drive antifa and blm--They are driven
by poor treatment against blacks. Regardless, armed rioters spewing threatening rhetoric can lead to shooting.
Politics is a poor excuse to carry a weapon to a protest.
thats fine,,, but these guys werent rioters,, unless you can show me some property damage or personal injuries from attacks,,,

theres never a bad excuse to carry a gun when youre going up against the government,, in fact thats a constitutional protected right,,,
I don't care what is a protected right. If you walk up to a government building carrying a gun and spewing threats, you are looking for trouble. Rioters do not necessarily destroy or injure. In this instance, the "peaceful" protesters
went to the person's HOUSE. There is no excuse for this. By the way, if they are "going up against" the government,
the best idea is NOT to be armed because they will lose a scuffle and may get killed in the process. Dopes
She is a public servant. If she doesn't want to answer to her constituents for her actions regardless of whether or not she is at home or the office, she should get out of politics. Trump has been answering nonstop attacks for four years. Also, I don't recall seeing any of your distaste when BLM rioters broke into a gated community in MO to attack conservative council members there. Your argument is ludicrous. BTW, please enlighten me to a riot that did not result in destruction or injury.
My argument is not ludicrous, son. My point is that she should not be faced with an unruly crowd carrying weapons.
Would you go out on your porch and face a group of dimwits armed and making demands? Nah. Nor should she have to respond to their questions and demands whenever they decide. There is a time and place for everything and that was the time to intimidate, not ask questions. Would you put your young child at risk in a situation like that? If
so, you should not have children.
First, I damn sure am not your son and you would be well advised to respect your elders unless you're over 70. Second, there was NEVER a credible report of threats being made. I am not responsible for your insecurities. Stay in your basement if you are intimidated, your feelings are not my problem or concern. If I had a child with your outlook, I would become a democrat and abort them post birth.
First of all, I am over 70, and my reference to you was sarcastic since you referred to my argument as "ludicrous",
which is hardly accurate. We do not need a report of credible threats since in my view, the carrying of guns and the rhetoric spewed outside of her home with a child inside the home would translate into a credible threat especially when some trump followers have threatened violence as a result of our election.
then where have you been the last 10 months when real threats and violence were happening???
What do you mean---where was I? I wasn't attending the riots for sure. The real violence is forthcoming when
those trump uneducated yahoos bring guns to what you call "peaceful" protests.
I would say "real" violence is the murder of ex-police shop owners and the setting of fire to businesses. Not sure what you call real violence though....
That is real violence and it is coming again with the trump yahoos and their firearms.
That isn't remotely possible. One group is lawful and within their rights, the other is mindless(liberal) and unbridled lawbreaking. madness.
They are yahoos acting out, not liberal or anything else. Your "lawful" group of yahoos are starting out just like the other group did and it escalated. Don't bring firearms and to a "peaceful" demonstration. The funny thing is that she is a Republican just doing her job and following the law.
What "escalated", especially compared to the real violence of the leftist thugs??
I said that it will escalate just like the violence of the antifa thugs.
but it didnt escalate and youre a fucking idiot,,,

why is it you only want the government armed and the people defenseless??
Armed fools who riot are a danger. Of course, the police should be armed and since when should the populace also be armed? The police are armed to prevent violence and fools are armed to be violent. All of a sudden you should be armed because the police are armed? Nah, maybe in trump land where "locked and loaded" is a common language.
This attitude of yours is a direct result of trump's divisiveness.
since 1776 dumbass,,,

and do keep your TDS in check,,
Stop calling me names because it makes you sound like a stupid, uninformed, uneducated dolt.
Are you at war with the federal government? The police force that represents the government needs to carry weapons so that the bad guys with weapons or without weapons causing mayhem can be brought under control. Get real, genius.
and the people need to carry guns to keep the government from overstepping their authority,,,
and you want the people defensless against them,,
The "people" carrying guns will only force the police, trained as they are, to be more aggressive when dealing with them.
seems that didnt happen in this case,, how many times do you have to be proven wrong before you shut up???
Exactly what didn't happen--disrupting a woman when she is at her home tending to her 8 yr old child,
being armed and shouting obscenities? She is a Republican doing her job. That was not a peaceful moment and you know it. Just keep flapping until someone gets hurt.
when someone gets hurt you let me know,,, until then I see no problem,,
Trust me. As these threatening "protests" continue, it will happen.
Threatening protests are what happened in MO, Minneapolis, Portland and Seattle. Where was all your social justice warrioring then?

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"
I am on my way to Michigan as we speak to get evidence. You are a dingo.
to bad you have to do that,, better if it was there before the story was posted,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.

tainted, why do you comment on issues of which
you are entirely ignorant? For the rest of you
BLM BUGS-----any of you got ANYTHING to support
the claim of terrorizing mother and child and the
destructive and murderous outcome of this violent
RIOT created by "Trump supporters"-----a little
footage, an audio visual-----ANYTHING ??? ---
anyone arrested?
Armed rioters, THREAT of violence was my post. The Secretary of State is one of your own and is she lying?
Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered ... › michigan-secretary-state-says-armed...

18 hours ago — Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered outside her home ... Saying the claims have to stop, Sterling called on Trump to "step up" and ... Over and over again, they have chosen to ride the tiger of lunacy ...
You have some nerve asking about the "ANYTHING?". Talk about "ANYTHING" applies to you and your ilks claim of voter fraud because you don't have "ANYTHING" to warrant your disruptive behavior.
the only armed rioters we've seen is antifa and BLM,,, and their damage bill and human victims injuries are off the chart

Yep,2 billion dollars at this point.
I strongly oppose armed rioters of any political persuasion. Politics did not drive antifa and blm--They are driven
by poor treatment against blacks. Regardless, armed rioters spewing threatening rhetoric can lead to shooting.
Politics is a poor excuse to carry a weapon to a protest.
thats fine,,, but these guys werent rioters,, unless you can show me some property damage or personal injuries from attacks,,,

theres never a bad excuse to carry a gun when youre going up against the government,, in fact thats a constitutional protected right,,,
I don't care what is a protected right. If you walk up to a government building carrying a gun and spewing threats, you are looking for trouble. Rioters do not necessarily destroy or injure. In this instance, the "peaceful" protesters
went to the person's HOUSE. There is no excuse for this. By the way, if they are "going up against" the government,
the best idea is NOT to be armed because they will lose a scuffle and may get killed in the process. Dopes
She is a public servant. If she doesn't want to answer to her constituents for her actions regardless of whether or not she is at home or the office, she should get out of politics. Trump has been answering nonstop attacks for four years. Also, I don't recall seeing any of your distaste when BLM rioters broke into a gated community in MO to attack conservative council members there. Your argument is ludicrous. BTW, please enlighten me to a riot that did not result in destruction or injury.
My argument is not ludicrous, son. My point is that she should not be faced with an unruly crowd carrying weapons.
Would you go out on your porch and face a group of dimwits armed and making demands? Nah. Nor should she have to respond to their questions and demands whenever they decide. There is a time and place for everything and that was the time to intimidate, not ask questions. Would you put your young child at risk in a situation like that? If
so, you should not have children.
First, I damn sure am not your son and you would be well advised to respect your elders unless you're over 70. Second, there was NEVER a credible report of threats being made. I am not responsible for your insecurities. Stay in your basement if you are intimidated, your feelings are not my problem or concern. If I had a child with your outlook, I would become a democrat and abort them post birth.
First of all, I am over 70, and my reference to you was sarcastic since you referred to my argument as "ludicrous",
which is hardly accurate. We do not need a report of credible threats since in my view, the carrying of guns and the rhetoric spewed outside of her home with a child inside the home would translate into a credible threat especially when some trump followers have threatened violence as a result of our election.
then where have you been the last 10 months when real threats and violence were happening???
What do you mean---where was I? I wasn't attending the riots for sure. The real violence is forthcoming when
those trump uneducated yahoos bring guns to what you call "peaceful" protests.
I would say "real" violence is the murder of ex-police shop owners and the setting of fire to businesses. Not sure what you call real violence though....
That is real violence and it is coming again with the trump yahoos and their firearms.
That isn't remotely possible. One group is lawful and within their rights, the other is mindless(liberal) and unbridled lawbreaking. madness.
They are yahoos acting out, not liberal or anything else. Your "lawful" group of yahoos are starting out just like the other group did and it escalated. Don't bring firearms and to a "peaceful" demonstration. The funny thing is that she is a Republican just doing her job and following the law.
What "escalated", especially compared to the real violence of the leftist thugs??
I said that it will escalate just like the violence of the antifa thugs.
but it didnt escalate and youre a fucking idiot,,,

why is it you only want the government armed and the people defenseless??
Armed fools who riot are a danger. Of course, the police should be armed and since when should the populace also be armed? The police are armed to prevent violence and fools are armed to be violent. All of a sudden you should be armed because the police are armed? Nah, maybe in trump land where "locked and loaded" is a common language.
This attitude of yours is a direct result of trump's divisiveness.
since 1776 dumbass,,,

and do keep your TDS in check,,
Stop calling me names because it makes you sound like a stupid, uninformed, uneducated dolt.
Are you at war with the federal government? The police force that represents the government needs to carry weapons so that the bad guys with weapons or without weapons causing mayhem can be brought under control. Get real, genius.
and the people need to carry guns to keep the government from overstepping their authority,,,
and you want the people defensless against them,,
The "people" carrying guns will only force the police, trained as they are, to be more aggressive when dealing with them.

Like with all the black criminals?
Criminals are criminals doesn't matter what ethnicity they are!

oh---so? what is your point? Are you suggesting that the "republican" protestors were comitting a crime?
No, It is every American's right to protest as in the UK, even for the most spurious of reasons.

You could call them protesters if they had gone to Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office, not to her home, and certainly not brandishing weapons and shouting obscenities not knowing who was inside. By doing so they lose their peaceful protesters status and are reduced to a criminal threatening and intimidating rabble.

In the UK they would have been arrested on a minimum 'Breach of the Peace' charge.
What they would do in the UK is irrelevant. Brits don't have any standing in this.
My point is that you must have a similar law to 'Breach of the Peace'.
Take care of your own side of the pond. The US isn't a UK subject.

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"
I am on my way to Michigan as we speak to get evidence. You are a dingo.
to bad you have to do that,, better if it was there before the story was posted,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.

tainted, why do you comment on issues of which
you are entirely ignorant? For the rest of you
BLM BUGS-----any of you got ANYTHING to support
the claim of terrorizing mother and child and the
destructive and murderous outcome of this violent
RIOT created by "Trump supporters"-----a little
footage, an audio visual-----ANYTHING ??? ---
anyone arrested?
Armed rioters, THREAT of violence was my post. The Secretary of State is one of your own and is she lying?
Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered ... › michigan-secretary-state-says-armed...

18 hours ago — Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered outside her home ... Saying the claims have to stop, Sterling called on Trump to "step up" and ... Over and over again, they have chosen to ride the tiger of lunacy ...
You have some nerve asking about the "ANYTHING?". Talk about "ANYTHING" applies to you and your ilks claim of voter fraud because you don't have "ANYTHING" to warrant your disruptive behavior.
the only armed rioters we've seen is antifa and BLM,,, and their damage bill and human victims injuries are off the chart

Yep,2 billion dollars at this point.
I strongly oppose armed rioters of any political persuasion. Politics did not drive antifa and blm--They are driven
by poor treatment against blacks. Regardless, armed rioters spewing threatening rhetoric can lead to shooting.
Politics is a poor excuse to carry a weapon to a protest.
thats fine,,, but these guys werent rioters,, unless you can show me some property damage or personal injuries from attacks,,,

theres never a bad excuse to carry a gun when youre going up against the government,, in fact thats a constitutional protected right,,,
I don't care what is a protected right. If you walk up to a government building carrying a gun and spewing threats, you are looking for trouble. Rioters do not necessarily destroy or injure. In this instance, the "peaceful" protesters
went to the person's HOUSE. There is no excuse for this. By the way, if they are "going up against" the government,
the best idea is NOT to be armed because they will lose a scuffle and may get killed in the process. Dopes
She is a public servant. If she doesn't want to answer to her constituents for her actions regardless of whether or not she is at home or the office, she should get out of politics. Trump has been answering nonstop attacks for four years. Also, I don't recall seeing any of your distaste when BLM rioters broke into a gated community in MO to attack conservative council members there. Your argument is ludicrous. BTW, please enlighten me to a riot that did not result in destruction or injury.
My argument is not ludicrous, son. My point is that she should not be faced with an unruly crowd carrying weapons.
Would you go out on your porch and face a group of dimwits armed and making demands? Nah. Nor should she have to respond to their questions and demands whenever they decide. There is a time and place for everything and that was the time to intimidate, not ask questions. Would you put your young child at risk in a situation like that? If
so, you should not have children.
First, I damn sure am not your son and you would be well advised to respect your elders unless you're over 70. Second, there was NEVER a credible report of threats being made. I am not responsible for your insecurities. Stay in your basement if you are intimidated, your feelings are not my problem or concern. If I had a child with your outlook, I would become a democrat and abort them post birth.
First of all, I am over 70, and my reference to you was sarcastic since you referred to my argument as "ludicrous",
which is hardly accurate. We do not need a report of credible threats since in my view, the carrying of guns and the rhetoric spewed outside of her home with a child inside the home would translate into a credible threat especially when some trump followers have threatened violence as a result of our election.
then where have you been the last 10 months when real threats and violence were happening???
What do you mean---where was I? I wasn't attending the riots for sure. The real violence is forthcoming when
those trump uneducated yahoos bring guns to what you call "peaceful" protests.
I would say "real" violence is the murder of ex-police shop owners and the setting of fire to businesses. Not sure what you call real violence though....
That is real violence and it is coming again with the trump yahoos and their firearms.
That isn't remotely possible. One group is lawful and within their rights, the other is mindless(liberal) and unbridled lawbreaking. madness.
They are yahoos acting out, not liberal or anything else. Your "lawful" group of yahoos are starting out just like the other group did and it escalated. Don't bring firearms and to a "peaceful" demonstration. The funny thing is that she is a Republican just doing her job and following the law.
What "escalated", especially compared to the real violence of the leftist thugs??
I said that it will escalate just like the violence of the antifa thugs.
but it didnt escalate and youre a fucking idiot,,,

why is it you only want the government armed and the people defenseless??
Armed fools who riot are a danger. Of course, the police should be armed and since when should the populace also be armed? The police are armed to prevent violence and fools are armed to be violent. All of a sudden you should be armed because the police are armed? Nah, maybe in trump land where "locked and loaded" is a common language.
This attitude of yours is a direct result of trump's divisiveness.
since 1776 dumbass,,,

and do keep your TDS in check,,
Stop calling me names because it makes you sound like a stupid, uninformed, uneducated dolt.
Are you at war with the federal government? The police force that represents the government needs to carry weapons so that the bad guys with weapons or without weapons causing mayhem can be brought under control. Get real, genius.
and the people need to carry guns to keep the government from overstepping their authority,,,
and you want the people defensless against them,,
The "people" carrying guns will only force the police, trained as they are, to be more aggressive when dealing with them.

Like with all the black criminals?
Criminals are criminals doesn't matter what ethnicity they are!

oh---so? what is your point? Are you suggesting that the "republican" protestors were comitting a crime?
No, It is every American's right to protest as in the UK, even for the most spurious of reasons.

You could call them protesters if they had gone to Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office, not to her home, and certainly not brandishing weapons and shouting obscenities not knowing who was inside. By doing so they lose their peaceful protesters status and are reduced to a criminal threatening and intimidating rabble.

In the UK they would have been arrested on a minimum 'Breach of the Peace' charge.
What they would do in the UK is irrelevant. Brits don't have any standing in this.
My point is that you must have a similar law to 'Breach of the Peace'.
Take care of your own side of the pond. The US isn't a UK subject.
We wouldn't allow fruitcakes like you who want to go to peoples private houses screaming abuse and pointing guns at a 4yo child on our soil!

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"
I am on my way to Michigan as we speak to get evidence. You are a dingo.
to bad you have to do that,, better if it was there before the story was posted,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.

tainted, why do you comment on issues of which
you are entirely ignorant? For the rest of you
BLM BUGS-----any of you got ANYTHING to support
the claim of terrorizing mother and child and the
destructive and murderous outcome of this violent
RIOT created by "Trump supporters"-----a little
footage, an audio visual-----ANYTHING ??? ---
anyone arrested?
Armed rioters, THREAT of violence was my post. The Secretary of State is one of your own and is she lying?
Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered ... › michigan-secretary-state-says-armed...

18 hours ago — Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered outside her home ... Saying the claims have to stop, Sterling called on Trump to "step up" and ... Over and over again, they have chosen to ride the tiger of lunacy ...
You have some nerve asking about the "ANYTHING?". Talk about "ANYTHING" applies to you and your ilks claim of voter fraud because you don't have "ANYTHING" to warrant your disruptive behavior.
the only armed rioters we've seen is antifa and BLM,,, and their damage bill and human victims injuries are off the chart

Yep,2 billion dollars at this point.
I strongly oppose armed rioters of any political persuasion. Politics did not drive antifa and blm--They are driven
by poor treatment against blacks. Regardless, armed rioters spewing threatening rhetoric can lead to shooting.
Politics is a poor excuse to carry a weapon to a protest.
thats fine,,, but these guys werent rioters,, unless you can show me some property damage or personal injuries from attacks,,,

theres never a bad excuse to carry a gun when youre going up against the government,, in fact thats a constitutional protected right,,,
I don't care what is a protected right. If you walk up to a government building carrying a gun and spewing threats, you are looking for trouble. Rioters do not necessarily destroy or injure. In this instance, the "peaceful" protesters
went to the person's HOUSE. There is no excuse for this. By the way, if they are "going up against" the government,
the best idea is NOT to be armed because they will lose a scuffle and may get killed in the process. Dopes
She is a public servant. If she doesn't want to answer to her constituents for her actions regardless of whether or not she is at home or the office, she should get out of politics. Trump has been answering nonstop attacks for four years. Also, I don't recall seeing any of your distaste when BLM rioters broke into a gated community in MO to attack conservative council members there. Your argument is ludicrous. BTW, please enlighten me to a riot that did not result in destruction or injury.
My argument is not ludicrous, son. My point is that she should not be faced with an unruly crowd carrying weapons.
Would you go out on your porch and face a group of dimwits armed and making demands? Nah. Nor should she have to respond to their questions and demands whenever they decide. There is a time and place for everything and that was the time to intimidate, not ask questions. Would you put your young child at risk in a situation like that? If
so, you should not have children.
First, I damn sure am not your son and you would be well advised to respect your elders unless you're over 70. Second, there was NEVER a credible report of threats being made. I am not responsible for your insecurities. Stay in your basement if you are intimidated, your feelings are not my problem or concern. If I had a child with your outlook, I would become a democrat and abort them post birth.
First of all, I am over 70, and my reference to you was sarcastic since you referred to my argument as "ludicrous",
which is hardly accurate. We do not need a report of credible threats since in my view, the carrying of guns and the rhetoric spewed outside of her home with a child inside the home would translate into a credible threat especially when some trump followers have threatened violence as a result of our election.
then where have you been the last 10 months when real threats and violence were happening???
What do you mean---where was I? I wasn't attending the riots for sure. The real violence is forthcoming when
those trump uneducated yahoos bring guns to what you call "peaceful" protests.
I would say "real" violence is the murder of ex-police shop owners and the setting of fire to businesses. Not sure what you call real violence though....
That is real violence and it is coming again with the trump yahoos and their firearms.
That isn't remotely possible. One group is lawful and within their rights, the other is mindless(liberal) and unbridled lawbreaking. madness.
They are yahoos acting out, not liberal or anything else. Your "lawful" group of yahoos are starting out just like the other group did and it escalated. Don't bring firearms and to a "peaceful" demonstration. The funny thing is that she is a Republican just doing her job and following the law.
What "escalated", especially compared to the real violence of the leftist thugs??
I said that it will escalate just like the violence of the antifa thugs.
but it didnt escalate and youre a fucking idiot,,,

why is it you only want the government armed and the people defenseless??
Armed fools who riot are a danger. Of course, the police should be armed and since when should the populace also be armed? The police are armed to prevent violence and fools are armed to be violent. All of a sudden you should be armed because the police are armed? Nah, maybe in trump land where "locked and loaded" is a common language.
This attitude of yours is a direct result of trump's divisiveness.
since 1776 dumbass,,,

and do keep your TDS in check,,
Stop calling me names because it makes you sound like a stupid, uninformed, uneducated dolt.
Are you at war with the federal government? The police force that represents the government needs to carry weapons so that the bad guys with weapons or without weapons causing mayhem can be brought under control. Get real, genius.
and the people need to carry guns to keep the government from overstepping their authority,,,
and you want the people defensless against them,,
The "people" carrying guns will only force the police, trained as they are, to be more aggressive when dealing with them.

Like with all the black criminals?
Criminals are criminals doesn't matter what ethnicity they are!

oh---so? what is your point? Are you suggesting that the "republican" protestors were comitting a crime?
No, It is every American's right to protest as in the UK, even for the most spurious of reasons.

You could call them protesters if they had gone to Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office, not to her home, and certainly not brandishing weapons and shouting obscenities not knowing who was inside. By doing so they lose their peaceful protesters status and are reduced to a criminal threatening and intimidating rabble.

In the UK they would have been arrested on a minimum 'Breach of the Peace' charge.
What they would do in the UK is irrelevant. Brits don't have any standing in this.
My point is that you must have a similar law to 'Breach of the Peace'.
Take care of your own side of the pond. The US isn't a UK subject.
We wouldn't allow fruitcakes like you who want to go to peoples private houses screaming abuse and pointing guns at a 4yo child on our soil!
no you guys steal peoples children and let them die while others say the want to help save them,,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"
I am on my way to Michigan as we speak to get evidence. You are a dingo.
to bad you have to do that,, better if it was there before the story was posted,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.

tainted, why do you comment on issues of which
you are entirely ignorant? For the rest of you
BLM BUGS-----any of you got ANYTHING to support
the claim of terrorizing mother and child and the
destructive and murderous outcome of this violent
RIOT created by "Trump supporters"-----a little
footage, an audio visual-----ANYTHING ??? ---
anyone arrested?
Armed rioters, THREAT of violence was my post. The Secretary of State is one of your own and is she lying?
Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered ... › michigan-secretary-state-says-armed...

18 hours ago — Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered outside her home ... Saying the claims have to stop, Sterling called on Trump to "step up" and ... Over and over again, they have chosen to ride the tiger of lunacy ...
You have some nerve asking about the "ANYTHING?". Talk about "ANYTHING" applies to you and your ilks claim of voter fraud because you don't have "ANYTHING" to warrant your disruptive behavior.
the only armed rioters we've seen is antifa and BLM,,, and their damage bill and human victims injuries are off the chart

Yep,2 billion dollars at this point.
I strongly oppose armed rioters of any political persuasion. Politics did not drive antifa and blm--They are driven
by poor treatment against blacks. Regardless, armed rioters spewing threatening rhetoric can lead to shooting.
Politics is a poor excuse to carry a weapon to a protest.
thats fine,,, but these guys werent rioters,, unless you can show me some property damage or personal injuries from attacks,,,

theres never a bad excuse to carry a gun when youre going up against the government,, in fact thats a constitutional protected right,,,
I don't care what is a protected right. If you walk up to a government building carrying a gun and spewing threats, you are looking for trouble. Rioters do not necessarily destroy or injure. In this instance, the "peaceful" protesters
went to the person's HOUSE. There is no excuse for this. By the way, if they are "going up against" the government,
the best idea is NOT to be armed because they will lose a scuffle and may get killed in the process. Dopes
She is a public servant. If she doesn't want to answer to her constituents for her actions regardless of whether or not she is at home or the office, she should get out of politics. Trump has been answering nonstop attacks for four years. Also, I don't recall seeing any of your distaste when BLM rioters broke into a gated community in MO to attack conservative council members there. Your argument is ludicrous. BTW, please enlighten me to a riot that did not result in destruction or injury.
My argument is not ludicrous, son. My point is that she should not be faced with an unruly crowd carrying weapons.
Would you go out on your porch and face a group of dimwits armed and making demands? Nah. Nor should she have to respond to their questions and demands whenever they decide. There is a time and place for everything and that was the time to intimidate, not ask questions. Would you put your young child at risk in a situation like that? If
so, you should not have children.
First, I damn sure am not your son and you would be well advised to respect your elders unless you're over 70. Second, there was NEVER a credible report of threats being made. I am not responsible for your insecurities. Stay in your basement if you are intimidated, your feelings are not my problem or concern. If I had a child with your outlook, I would become a democrat and abort them post birth.
First of all, I am over 70, and my reference to you was sarcastic since you referred to my argument as "ludicrous",
which is hardly accurate. We do not need a report of credible threats since in my view, the carrying of guns and the rhetoric spewed outside of her home with a child inside the home would translate into a credible threat especially when some trump followers have threatened violence as a result of our election.
then where have you been the last 10 months when real threats and violence were happening???
What do you mean---where was I? I wasn't attending the riots for sure. The real violence is forthcoming when
those trump uneducated yahoos bring guns to what you call "peaceful" protests.
I would say "real" violence is the murder of ex-police shop owners and the setting of fire to businesses. Not sure what you call real violence though....
That is real violence and it is coming again with the trump yahoos and their firearms.
That isn't remotely possible. One group is lawful and within their rights, the other is mindless(liberal) and unbridled lawbreaking. madness.
They are yahoos acting out, not liberal or anything else. Your "lawful" group of yahoos are starting out just like the other group did and it escalated. Don't bring firearms and to a "peaceful" demonstration. The funny thing is that she is a Republican just doing her job and following the law.
What "escalated", especially compared to the real violence of the leftist thugs??
I said that it will escalate just like the violence of the antifa thugs.
but it didnt escalate and youre a fucking idiot,,,

why is it you only want the government armed and the people defenseless??
Armed fools who riot are a danger. Of course, the police should be armed and since when should the populace also be armed? The police are armed to prevent violence and fools are armed to be violent. All of a sudden you should be armed because the police are armed? Nah, maybe in trump land where "locked and loaded" is a common language.
This attitude of yours is a direct result of trump's divisiveness.
since 1776 dumbass,,,

and do keep your TDS in check,,
Stop calling me names because it makes you sound like a stupid, uninformed, uneducated dolt.
Are you at war with the federal government? The police force that represents the government needs to carry weapons so that the bad guys with weapons or without weapons causing mayhem can be brought under control. Get real, genius.
and the people need to carry guns to keep the government from overstepping their authority,,,
and you want the people defensless against them,,
The "people" carrying guns will only force the police, trained as they are, to be more aggressive when dealing with them.

Like with all the black criminals?
Criminals are criminals doesn't matter what ethnicity they are!

oh---so? what is your point? Are you suggesting that the "republican" protestors were comitting a crime?
No, It is every American's right to protest as in the UK, even for the most spurious of reasons.

You could call them protesters if they had gone to Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office, not to her home, and certainly not brandishing weapons and shouting obscenities not knowing who was inside. By doing so they lose their peaceful protesters status and are reduced to a criminal threatening and intimidating rabble.

In the UK they would have been arrested on a minimum 'Breach of the Peace' charge.
What they would do in the UK is irrelevant. Brits don't have any standing in this.
My point is that you must have a similar law to 'Breach of the Peace'.
Take care of your own side of the pond. The US isn't a UK subject.
We wouldn't allow fruitcakes like you who want to go to peoples private houses screaming abuse and pointing guns at a 4yo child on our soil!
no you guys steal peoples children and let them die while others say the want to help save them,,,
Not a clue what you are talking about!

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"
I am on my way to Michigan as we speak to get evidence. You are a dingo.
to bad you have to do that,, better if it was there before the story was posted,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.

tainted, why do you comment on issues of which
you are entirely ignorant? For the rest of you
BLM BUGS-----any of you got ANYTHING to support
the claim of terrorizing mother and child and the
destructive and murderous outcome of this violent
RIOT created by "Trump supporters"-----a little
footage, an audio visual-----ANYTHING ??? ---
anyone arrested?
Armed rioters, THREAT of violence was my post. The Secretary of State is one of your own and is she lying?
Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered ... › michigan-secretary-state-says-armed...

18 hours ago — Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered outside her home ... Saying the claims have to stop, Sterling called on Trump to "step up" and ... Over and over again, they have chosen to ride the tiger of lunacy ...
You have some nerve asking about the "ANYTHING?". Talk about "ANYTHING" applies to you and your ilks claim of voter fraud because you don't have "ANYTHING" to warrant your disruptive behavior.
the only armed rioters we've seen is antifa and BLM,,, and their damage bill and human victims injuries are off the chart

Yep,2 billion dollars at this point.
I strongly oppose armed rioters of any political persuasion. Politics did not drive antifa and blm--They are driven
by poor treatment against blacks. Regardless, armed rioters spewing threatening rhetoric can lead to shooting.
Politics is a poor excuse to carry a weapon to a protest.
thats fine,,, but these guys werent rioters,, unless you can show me some property damage or personal injuries from attacks,,,

theres never a bad excuse to carry a gun when youre going up against the government,, in fact thats a constitutional protected right,,,
I don't care what is a protected right. If you walk up to a government building carrying a gun and spewing threats, you are looking for trouble. Rioters do not necessarily destroy or injure. In this instance, the "peaceful" protesters
went to the person's HOUSE. There is no excuse for this. By the way, if they are "going up against" the government,
the best idea is NOT to be armed because they will lose a scuffle and may get killed in the process. Dopes
She is a public servant. If she doesn't want to answer to her constituents for her actions regardless of whether or not she is at home or the office, she should get out of politics. Trump has been answering nonstop attacks for four years. Also, I don't recall seeing any of your distaste when BLM rioters broke into a gated community in MO to attack conservative council members there. Your argument is ludicrous. BTW, please enlighten me to a riot that did not result in destruction or injury.
My argument is not ludicrous, son. My point is that she should not be faced with an unruly crowd carrying weapons.
Would you go out on your porch and face a group of dimwits armed and making demands? Nah. Nor should she have to respond to their questions and demands whenever they decide. There is a time and place for everything and that was the time to intimidate, not ask questions. Would you put your young child at risk in a situation like that? If
so, you should not have children.
First, I damn sure am not your son and you would be well advised to respect your elders unless you're over 70. Second, there was NEVER a credible report of threats being made. I am not responsible for your insecurities. Stay in your basement if you are intimidated, your feelings are not my problem or concern. If I had a child with your outlook, I would become a democrat and abort them post birth.
First of all, I am over 70, and my reference to you was sarcastic since you referred to my argument as "ludicrous",
which is hardly accurate. We do not need a report of credible threats since in my view, the carrying of guns and the rhetoric spewed outside of her home with a child inside the home would translate into a credible threat especially when some trump followers have threatened violence as a result of our election.
then where have you been the last 10 months when real threats and violence were happening???
What do you mean---where was I? I wasn't attending the riots for sure. The real violence is forthcoming when
those trump uneducated yahoos bring guns to what you call "peaceful" protests.
I would say "real" violence is the murder of ex-police shop owners and the setting of fire to businesses. Not sure what you call real violence though....
That is real violence and it is coming again with the trump yahoos and their firearms.
That isn't remotely possible. One group is lawful and within their rights, the other is mindless(liberal) and unbridled lawbreaking. madness.
They are yahoos acting out, not liberal or anything else. Your "lawful" group of yahoos are starting out just like the other group did and it escalated. Don't bring firearms and to a "peaceful" demonstration. The funny thing is that she is a Republican just doing her job and following the law.
What "escalated", especially compared to the real violence of the leftist thugs??
I said that it will escalate just like the violence of the antifa thugs.
but it didnt escalate and youre a fucking idiot,,,

why is it you only want the government armed and the people defenseless??
Armed fools who riot are a danger. Of course, the police should be armed and since when should the populace also be armed? The police are armed to prevent violence and fools are armed to be violent. All of a sudden you should be armed because the police are armed? Nah, maybe in trump land where "locked and loaded" is a common language.
This attitude of yours is a direct result of trump's divisiveness.
since 1776 dumbass,,,

and do keep your TDS in check,,
Stop calling me names because it makes you sound like a stupid, uninformed, uneducated dolt.
Are you at war with the federal government? The police force that represents the government needs to carry weapons so that the bad guys with weapons or without weapons causing mayhem can be brought under control. Get real, genius.
and the people need to carry guns to keep the government from overstepping their authority,,,
and you want the people defensless against them,,
The "people" carrying guns will only force the police, trained as they are, to be more aggressive when dealing with them.

Like with all the black criminals?
Criminals are criminals doesn't matter what ethnicity they are!

oh---so? what is your point? Are you suggesting that the "republican" protestors were comitting a crime?
No, It is every American's right to protest as in the UK, even for the most spurious of reasons.

You could call them protesters if they had gone to Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office, not to her home, and certainly not brandishing weapons and shouting obscenities not knowing who was inside. By doing so they lose their peaceful protesters status and are reduced to a criminal threatening and intimidating rabble.

In the UK they would have been arrested on a minimum 'Breach of the Peace' charge.
What they would do in the UK is irrelevant. Brits don't have any standing in this.
My point is that you must have a similar law to 'Breach of the Peace'.
Take care of your own side of the pond. The US isn't a UK subject.
We wouldn't allow fruitcakes like you who want to go to peoples private houses screaming abuse and pointing guns at a 4yo child on our soil!
Protests for the left were allowed all year long which included burning, riots, looting, intimidation, murder and more and you are upset about people protesting their representatives. Why did you not complain when the city council members in MO were assaulted at their home in a GATED COMMUNITY by BLM? You have enough BS to worry about in your own country, don't try to come over here and screw ours up--we don't need your help, we are quite capable of screwing it up ourselves.

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"
I am on my way to Michigan as we speak to get evidence. You are a dingo.
to bad you have to do that,, better if it was there before the story was posted,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.

tainted, why do you comment on issues of which
you are entirely ignorant? For the rest of you
BLM BUGS-----any of you got ANYTHING to support
the claim of terrorizing mother and child and the
destructive and murderous outcome of this violent
RIOT created by "Trump supporters"-----a little
footage, an audio visual-----ANYTHING ??? ---
anyone arrested?
Armed rioters, THREAT of violence was my post. The Secretary of State is one of your own and is she lying?
Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered ... › michigan-secretary-state-says-armed...

18 hours ago — Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered outside her home ... Saying the claims have to stop, Sterling called on Trump to "step up" and ... Over and over again, they have chosen to ride the tiger of lunacy ...
You have some nerve asking about the "ANYTHING?". Talk about "ANYTHING" applies to you and your ilks claim of voter fraud because you don't have "ANYTHING" to warrant your disruptive behavior.
the only armed rioters we've seen is antifa and BLM,,, and their damage bill and human victims injuries are off the chart

Yep,2 billion dollars at this point.
I strongly oppose armed rioters of any political persuasion. Politics did not drive antifa and blm--They are driven
by poor treatment against blacks. Regardless, armed rioters spewing threatening rhetoric can lead to shooting.
Politics is a poor excuse to carry a weapon to a protest.
thats fine,,, but these guys werent rioters,, unless you can show me some property damage or personal injuries from attacks,,,

theres never a bad excuse to carry a gun when youre going up against the government,, in fact thats a constitutional protected right,,,
I don't care what is a protected right. If you walk up to a government building carrying a gun and spewing threats, you are looking for trouble. Rioters do not necessarily destroy or injure. In this instance, the "peaceful" protesters
went to the person's HOUSE. There is no excuse for this. By the way, if they are "going up against" the government,
the best idea is NOT to be armed because they will lose a scuffle and may get killed in the process. Dopes
She is a public servant. If she doesn't want to answer to her constituents for her actions regardless of whether or not she is at home or the office, she should get out of politics. Trump has been answering nonstop attacks for four years. Also, I don't recall seeing any of your distaste when BLM rioters broke into a gated community in MO to attack conservative council members there. Your argument is ludicrous. BTW, please enlighten me to a riot that did not result in destruction or injury.
My argument is not ludicrous, son. My point is that she should not be faced with an unruly crowd carrying weapons.
Would you go out on your porch and face a group of dimwits armed and making demands? Nah. Nor should she have to respond to their questions and demands whenever they decide. There is a time and place for everything and that was the time to intimidate, not ask questions. Would you put your young child at risk in a situation like that? If
so, you should not have children.
First, I damn sure am not your son and you would be well advised to respect your elders unless you're over 70. Second, there was NEVER a credible report of threats being made. I am not responsible for your insecurities. Stay in your basement if you are intimidated, your feelings are not my problem or concern. If I had a child with your outlook, I would become a democrat and abort them post birth.
First of all, I am over 70, and my reference to you was sarcastic since you referred to my argument as "ludicrous",
which is hardly accurate. We do not need a report of credible threats since in my view, the carrying of guns and the rhetoric spewed outside of her home with a child inside the home would translate into a credible threat especially when some trump followers have threatened violence as a result of our election.
then where have you been the last 10 months when real threats and violence were happening???
What do you mean---where was I? I wasn't attending the riots for sure. The real violence is forthcoming when
those trump uneducated yahoos bring guns to what you call "peaceful" protests.
I would say "real" violence is the murder of ex-police shop owners and the setting of fire to businesses. Not sure what you call real violence though....
That is real violence and it is coming again with the trump yahoos and their firearms.
That isn't remotely possible. One group is lawful and within their rights, the other is mindless(liberal) and unbridled lawbreaking. madness.
They are yahoos acting out, not liberal or anything else. Your "lawful" group of yahoos are starting out just like the other group did and it escalated. Don't bring firearms and to a "peaceful" demonstration. The funny thing is that she is a Republican just doing her job and following the law.
What "escalated", especially compared to the real violence of the leftist thugs??
I said that it will escalate just like the violence of the antifa thugs.
but it didnt escalate and youre a fucking idiot,,,

why is it you only want the government armed and the people defenseless??
Armed fools who riot are a danger. Of course, the police should be armed and since when should the populace also be armed? The police are armed to prevent violence and fools are armed to be violent. All of a sudden you should be armed because the police are armed? Nah, maybe in trump land where "locked and loaded" is a common language.
This attitude of yours is a direct result of trump's divisiveness.
since 1776 dumbass,,,

and do keep your TDS in check,,
Stop calling me names because it makes you sound like a stupid, uninformed, uneducated dolt.
Are you at war with the federal government? The police force that represents the government needs to carry weapons so that the bad guys with weapons or without weapons causing mayhem can be brought under control. Get real, genius.
and the people need to carry guns to keep the government from overstepping their authority,,,
and you want the people defensless against them,,
The "people" carrying guns will only force the police, trained as they are, to be more aggressive when dealing with them.

Like with all the black criminals?
Criminals are criminals doesn't matter what ethnicity they are!

oh---so? what is your point? Are you suggesting that the "republican" protestors were comitting a crime?
No, It is every American's right to protest as in the UK, even for the most spurious of reasons.

You could call them protesters if they had gone to Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office, not to her home, and certainly not brandishing weapons and shouting obscenities not knowing who was inside. By doing so they lose their peaceful protesters status and are reduced to a criminal threatening and intimidating rabble.

In the UK they would have been arrested on a minimum 'Breach of the Peace' charge.
What they would do in the UK is irrelevant. Brits don't have any standing in this.
My point is that you must have a similar law to 'Breach of the Peace'.
Take care of your own side of the pond. The US isn't a UK subject.
We wouldn't allow fruitcakes like you who want to go to peoples private houses screaming abuse and pointing guns at a 4yo child on our soil!
no you guys steal peoples children and let them die while others say the want to help save them,,,
Not a clue what you are talking about!
cant remember his name right now but a few yrs ago your government wouldnt treat a kid and many countries including the vatican offered to take him in and give him treatment and you guys refused and let him die,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"
I am on my way to Michigan as we speak to get evidence. You are a dingo.
to bad you have to do that,, better if it was there before the story was posted,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.

tainted, why do you comment on issues of which
you are entirely ignorant? For the rest of you
BLM BUGS-----any of you got ANYTHING to support
the claim of terrorizing mother and child and the
destructive and murderous outcome of this violent
RIOT created by "Trump supporters"-----a little
footage, an audio visual-----ANYTHING ??? ---
anyone arrested?
Armed rioters, THREAT of violence was my post. The Secretary of State is one of your own and is she lying?
Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered ... › michigan-secretary-state-says-armed...

18 hours ago — Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered outside her home ... Saying the claims have to stop, Sterling called on Trump to "step up" and ... Over and over again, they have chosen to ride the tiger of lunacy ...
You have some nerve asking about the "ANYTHING?". Talk about "ANYTHING" applies to you and your ilks claim of voter fraud because you don't have "ANYTHING" to warrant your disruptive behavior.
the only armed rioters we've seen is antifa and BLM,,, and their damage bill and human victims injuries are off the chart

Yep,2 billion dollars at this point.
I strongly oppose armed rioters of any political persuasion. Politics did not drive antifa and blm--They are driven
by poor treatment against blacks. Regardless, armed rioters spewing threatening rhetoric can lead to shooting.
Politics is a poor excuse to carry a weapon to a protest.
thats fine,,, but these guys werent rioters,, unless you can show me some property damage or personal injuries from attacks,,,

theres never a bad excuse to carry a gun when youre going up against the government,, in fact thats a constitutional protected right,,,
I don't care what is a protected right. If you walk up to a government building carrying a gun and spewing threats, you are looking for trouble. Rioters do not necessarily destroy or injure. In this instance, the "peaceful" protesters
went to the person's HOUSE. There is no excuse for this. By the way, if they are "going up against" the government,
the best idea is NOT to be armed because they will lose a scuffle and may get killed in the process. Dopes
She is a public servant. If she doesn't want to answer to her constituents for her actions regardless of whether or not she is at home or the office, she should get out of politics. Trump has been answering nonstop attacks for four years. Also, I don't recall seeing any of your distaste when BLM rioters broke into a gated community in MO to attack conservative council members there. Your argument is ludicrous. BTW, please enlighten me to a riot that did not result in destruction or injury.
My argument is not ludicrous, son. My point is that she should not be faced with an unruly crowd carrying weapons.
Would you go out on your porch and face a group of dimwits armed and making demands? Nah. Nor should she have to respond to their questions and demands whenever they decide. There is a time and place for everything and that was the time to intimidate, not ask questions. Would you put your young child at risk in a situation like that? If
so, you should not have children.
First, I damn sure am not your son and you would be well advised to respect your elders unless you're over 70. Second, there was NEVER a credible report of threats being made. I am not responsible for your insecurities. Stay in your basement if you are intimidated, your feelings are not my problem or concern. If I had a child with your outlook, I would become a democrat and abort them post birth.
First of all, I am over 70, and my reference to you was sarcastic since you referred to my argument as "ludicrous",
which is hardly accurate. We do not need a report of credible threats since in my view, the carrying of guns and the rhetoric spewed outside of her home with a child inside the home would translate into a credible threat especially when some trump followers have threatened violence as a result of our election.
then where have you been the last 10 months when real threats and violence were happening???
What do you mean---where was I? I wasn't attending the riots for sure. The real violence is forthcoming when
those trump uneducated yahoos bring guns to what you call "peaceful" protests.
I would say "real" violence is the murder of ex-police shop owners and the setting of fire to businesses. Not sure what you call real violence though....
That is real violence and it is coming again with the trump yahoos and their firearms.
That isn't remotely possible. One group is lawful and within their rights, the other is mindless(liberal) and unbridled lawbreaking. madness.
They are yahoos acting out, not liberal or anything else. Your "lawful" group of yahoos are starting out just like the other group did and it escalated. Don't bring firearms and to a "peaceful" demonstration. The funny thing is that she is a Republican just doing her job and following the law.
What "escalated", especially compared to the real violence of the leftist thugs??
I said that it will escalate just like the violence of the antifa thugs.
but it didnt escalate and youre a fucking idiot,,,

why is it you only want the government armed and the people defenseless??
Armed fools who riot are a danger. Of course, the police should be armed and since when should the populace also be armed? The police are armed to prevent violence and fools are armed to be violent. All of a sudden you should be armed because the police are armed? Nah, maybe in trump land where "locked and loaded" is a common language.
This attitude of yours is a direct result of trump's divisiveness.
since 1776 dumbass,,,

and do keep your TDS in check,,
Stop calling me names because it makes you sound like a stupid, uninformed, uneducated dolt.
Are you at war with the federal government? The police force that represents the government needs to carry weapons so that the bad guys with weapons or without weapons causing mayhem can be brought under control. Get real, genius.
and the people need to carry guns to keep the government from overstepping their authority,,,
and you want the people defensless against them,,
The "people" carrying guns will only force the police, trained as they are, to be more aggressive when dealing with them.

Like with all the black criminals?
Criminals are criminals doesn't matter what ethnicity they are!

oh---so? what is your point? Are you suggesting that the "republican" protestors were comitting a crime?
No, It is every American's right to protest as in the UK, even for the most spurious of reasons.

You could call them protesters if they had gone to Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office, not to her home, and certainly not brandishing weapons and shouting obscenities not knowing who was inside. By doing so they lose their peaceful protesters status and are reduced to a criminal threatening and intimidating rabble.

In the UK they would have been arrested on a minimum 'Breach of the Peace' charge.

what EVIDENCE to you have that they were "BRANDISHING WEAPONS" and "shouting obscenities"? WE IS LIVING IN THE 21st century---even kids carry phones that can take pictures and all kinds of recording devices.

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"
I am on my way to Michigan as we speak to get evidence. You are a dingo.
to bad you have to do that,, better if it was there before the story was posted,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.

tainted, why do you comment on issues of which
you are entirely ignorant? For the rest of you
BLM BUGS-----any of you got ANYTHING to support
the claim of terrorizing mother and child and the
destructive and murderous outcome of this violent
RIOT created by "Trump supporters"-----a little
footage, an audio visual-----ANYTHING ??? ---
anyone arrested?
Armed rioters, THREAT of violence was my post. The Secretary of State is one of your own and is she lying?
Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered ... › michigan-secretary-state-says-armed...

18 hours ago — Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered outside her home ... Saying the claims have to stop, Sterling called on Trump to "step up" and ... Over and over again, they have chosen to ride the tiger of lunacy ...
You have some nerve asking about the "ANYTHING?". Talk about "ANYTHING" applies to you and your ilks claim of voter fraud because you don't have "ANYTHING" to warrant your disruptive behavior.
the only armed rioters we've seen is antifa and BLM,,, and their damage bill and human victims injuries are off the chart

Yep,2 billion dollars at this point.
I strongly oppose armed rioters of any political persuasion. Politics did not drive antifa and blm--They are driven
by poor treatment against blacks. Regardless, armed rioters spewing threatening rhetoric can lead to shooting.
Politics is a poor excuse to carry a weapon to a protest.
thats fine,,, but these guys werent rioters,, unless you can show me some property damage or personal injuries from attacks,,,

theres never a bad excuse to carry a gun when youre going up against the government,, in fact thats a constitutional protected right,,,
I don't care what is a protected right. If you walk up to a government building carrying a gun and spewing threats, you are looking for trouble. Rioters do not necessarily destroy or injure. In this instance, the "peaceful" protesters
went to the person's HOUSE. There is no excuse for this. By the way, if they are "going up against" the government,
the best idea is NOT to be armed because they will lose a scuffle and may get killed in the process. Dopes
She is a public servant. If she doesn't want to answer to her constituents for her actions regardless of whether or not she is at home or the office, she should get out of politics. Trump has been answering nonstop attacks for four years. Also, I don't recall seeing any of your distaste when BLM rioters broke into a gated community in MO to attack conservative council members there. Your argument is ludicrous. BTW, please enlighten me to a riot that did not result in destruction or injury.
My argument is not ludicrous, son. My point is that she should not be faced with an unruly crowd carrying weapons.
Would you go out on your porch and face a group of dimwits armed and making demands? Nah. Nor should she have to respond to their questions and demands whenever they decide. There is a time and place for everything and that was the time to intimidate, not ask questions. Would you put your young child at risk in a situation like that? If
so, you should not have children.
First, I damn sure am not your son and you would be well advised to respect your elders unless you're over 70. Second, there was NEVER a credible report of threats being made. I am not responsible for your insecurities. Stay in your basement if you are intimidated, your feelings are not my problem or concern. If I had a child with your outlook, I would become a democrat and abort them post birth.
First of all, I am over 70, and my reference to you was sarcastic since you referred to my argument as "ludicrous",
which is hardly accurate. We do not need a report of credible threats since in my view, the carrying of guns and the rhetoric spewed outside of her home with a child inside the home would translate into a credible threat especially when some trump followers have threatened violence as a result of our election.
then where have you been the last 10 months when real threats and violence were happening???
What do you mean---where was I? I wasn't attending the riots for sure. The real violence is forthcoming when
those trump uneducated yahoos bring guns to what you call "peaceful" protests.
I would say "real" violence is the murder of ex-police shop owners and the setting of fire to businesses. Not sure what you call real violence though....
That is real violence and it is coming again with the trump yahoos and their firearms.
That isn't remotely possible. One group is lawful and within their rights, the other is mindless(liberal) and unbridled lawbreaking. madness.
They are yahoos acting out, not liberal or anything else. Your "lawful" group of yahoos are starting out just like the other group did and it escalated. Don't bring firearms and to a "peaceful" demonstration. The funny thing is that she is a Republican just doing her job and following the law.
What "escalated", especially compared to the real violence of the leftist thugs??
I said that it will escalate just like the violence of the antifa thugs.
but it didnt escalate and youre a fucking idiot,,,

why is it you only want the government armed and the people defenseless??
Armed fools who riot are a danger. Of course, the police should be armed and since when should the populace also be armed? The police are armed to prevent violence and fools are armed to be violent. All of a sudden you should be armed because the police are armed? Nah, maybe in trump land where "locked and loaded" is a common language.
This attitude of yours is a direct result of trump's divisiveness.
since 1776 dumbass,,,

and do keep your TDS in check,,
Stop calling me names because it makes you sound like a stupid, uninformed, uneducated dolt.
Are you at war with the federal government? The police force that represents the government needs to carry weapons so that the bad guys with weapons or without weapons causing mayhem can be brought under control. Get real, genius.
and the people need to carry guns to keep the government from overstepping their authority,,,
and you want the people defensless against them,,
The "people" carrying guns will only force the police, trained as they are, to be more aggressive when dealing with them.

Like with all the black criminals?
Criminals are criminals doesn't matter what ethnicity they are!

oh---so? what is your point? Are you suggesting that the "republican" protestors were comitting a crime?
No, It is every American's right to protest as in the UK, even for the most spurious of reasons.

You could call them protesters if they had gone to Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office, not to her home, and certainly not brandishing weapons and shouting obscenities not knowing who was inside. By doing so they lose their peaceful protesters status and are reduced to a criminal threatening and intimidating rabble.

In the UK they would have been arrested on a minimum 'Breach of the Peace' charge.
What they would do in the UK is irrelevant. Brits don't have any standing in this.
My point is that you must have a similar law to 'Breach of the Peace'.
Take care of your own side of the pond. The US isn't a UK subject.
We wouldn't allow fruitcakes like you who want to go to peoples private houses screaming abuse and pointing guns at a 4yo child on our soil!
no you guys steal peoples children and let them die while others say the want to help save them,,,
Not a clue what you are talking about!

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"
I am on my way to Michigan as we speak to get evidence. You are a dingo.
to bad you have to do that,, better if it was there before the story was posted,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.

tainted, why do you comment on issues of which
you are entirely ignorant? For the rest of you
BLM BUGS-----any of you got ANYTHING to support
the claim of terrorizing mother and child and the
destructive and murderous outcome of this violent
RIOT created by "Trump supporters"-----a little
footage, an audio visual-----ANYTHING ??? ---
anyone arrested?
Armed rioters, THREAT of violence was my post. The Secretary of State is one of your own and is she lying?
Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered ... › michigan-secretary-state-says-armed...

18 hours ago — Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered outside her home ... Saying the claims have to stop, Sterling called on Trump to "step up" and ... Over and over again, they have chosen to ride the tiger of lunacy ...
You have some nerve asking about the "ANYTHING?". Talk about "ANYTHING" applies to you and your ilks claim of voter fraud because you don't have "ANYTHING" to warrant your disruptive behavior.
the only armed rioters we've seen is antifa and BLM,,, and their damage bill and human victims injuries are off the chart

Yep,2 billion dollars at this point.
I strongly oppose armed rioters of any political persuasion. Politics did not drive antifa and blm--They are driven
by poor treatment against blacks. Regardless, armed rioters spewing threatening rhetoric can lead to shooting.
Politics is a poor excuse to carry a weapon to a protest.
thats fine,,, but these guys werent rioters,, unless you can show me some property damage or personal injuries from attacks,,,

theres never a bad excuse to carry a gun when youre going up against the government,, in fact thats a constitutional protected right,,,
I don't care what is a protected right. If you walk up to a government building carrying a gun and spewing threats, you are looking for trouble. Rioters do not necessarily destroy or injure. In this instance, the "peaceful" protesters
went to the person's HOUSE. There is no excuse for this. By the way, if they are "going up against" the government,
the best idea is NOT to be armed because they will lose a scuffle and may get killed in the process. Dopes
She is a public servant. If she doesn't want to answer to her constituents for her actions regardless of whether or not she is at home or the office, she should get out of politics. Trump has been answering nonstop attacks for four years. Also, I don't recall seeing any of your distaste when BLM rioters broke into a gated community in MO to attack conservative council members there. Your argument is ludicrous. BTW, please enlighten me to a riot that did not result in destruction or injury.
My argument is not ludicrous, son. My point is that she should not be faced with an unruly crowd carrying weapons.
Would you go out on your porch and face a group of dimwits armed and making demands? Nah. Nor should she have to respond to their questions and demands whenever they decide. There is a time and place for everything and that was the time to intimidate, not ask questions. Would you put your young child at risk in a situation like that? If
so, you should not have children.
First, I damn sure am not your son and you would be well advised to respect your elders unless you're over 70. Second, there was NEVER a credible report of threats being made. I am not responsible for your insecurities. Stay in your basement if you are intimidated, your feelings are not my problem or concern. If I had a child with your outlook, I would become a democrat and abort them post birth.
First of all, I am over 70, and my reference to you was sarcastic since you referred to my argument as "ludicrous",
which is hardly accurate. We do not need a report of credible threats since in my view, the carrying of guns and the rhetoric spewed outside of her home with a child inside the home would translate into a credible threat especially when some trump followers have threatened violence as a result of our election.
then where have you been the last 10 months when real threats and violence were happening???
What do you mean---where was I? I wasn't attending the riots for sure. The real violence is forthcoming when
those trump uneducated yahoos bring guns to what you call "peaceful" protests.
I would say "real" violence is the murder of ex-police shop owners and the setting of fire to businesses. Not sure what you call real violence though....
That is real violence and it is coming again with the trump yahoos and their firearms.
That isn't remotely possible. One group is lawful and within their rights, the other is mindless(liberal) and unbridled lawbreaking. madness.
They are yahoos acting out, not liberal or anything else. Your "lawful" group of yahoos are starting out just like the other group did and it escalated. Don't bring firearms and to a "peaceful" demonstration. The funny thing is that she is a Republican just doing her job and following the law.
What "escalated", especially compared to the real violence of the leftist thugs??
I said that it will escalate just like the violence of the antifa thugs.
but it didnt escalate and youre a fucking idiot,,,

why is it you only want the government armed and the people defenseless??
Armed fools who riot are a danger. Of course, the police should be armed and since when should the populace also be armed? The police are armed to prevent violence and fools are armed to be violent. All of a sudden you should be armed because the police are armed? Nah, maybe in trump land where "locked and loaded" is a common language.
This attitude of yours is a direct result of trump's divisiveness.
since 1776 dumbass,,,

and do keep your TDS in check,,
Stop calling me names because it makes you sound like a stupid, uninformed, uneducated dolt.
Are you at war with the federal government? The police force that represents the government needs to carry weapons so that the bad guys with weapons or without weapons causing mayhem can be brought under control. Get real, genius.
and the people need to carry guns to keep the government from overstepping their authority,,,
and you want the people defensless against them,,
The "people" carrying guns will only force the police, trained as they are, to be more aggressive when dealing with them.

Like with all the black criminals?
Criminals are criminals doesn't matter what ethnicity they are!

oh---so? what is your point? Are you suggesting that the "republican" protestors were comitting a crime?
No, It is every American's right to protest as in the UK, even for the most spurious of reasons.

You could call them protesters if they had gone to Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office, not to her home, and certainly not brandishing weapons and shouting obscenities not knowing who was inside. By doing so they lose their peaceful protesters status and are reduced to a criminal threatening and intimidating rabble.

In the UK they would have been arrested on a minimum 'Breach of the Peace' charge.
What they would do in the UK is irrelevant. Brits don't have any standing in this.
My point is that you must have a similar law to 'Breach of the Peace'.
Take care of your own side of the pond. The US isn't a UK subject.
We wouldn't allow fruitcakes like you who want to go to peoples private houses screaming abuse and pointing guns at a 4yo child on our soil!
no you guys steal peoples children and let them die while others say the want to help save them,,,
Not a clue what you are talking about!
cant remember his name right now but a few yrs ago your government wouldnt treat a kid and many countries including the vatican offered to take him in and give him treatment and you guys refused and let him die,,
That's because the medical experts had assessed his illness as incurable and sending him to another country would only cause him greater distress. That evidence was examined in the High Court and they agreed with the medics,

We have tried and tested structures in the UK that govern people's lives and we trust them.

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"
I am on my way to Michigan as we speak to get evidence. You are a dingo.
to bad you have to do that,, better if it was there before the story was posted,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.

tainted, why do you comment on issues of which
you are entirely ignorant? For the rest of you
BLM BUGS-----any of you got ANYTHING to support
the claim of terrorizing mother and child and the
destructive and murderous outcome of this violent
RIOT created by "Trump supporters"-----a little
footage, an audio visual-----ANYTHING ??? ---
anyone arrested?
Armed rioters, THREAT of violence was my post. The Secretary of State is one of your own and is she lying?
Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered ... › michigan-secretary-state-says-armed...

18 hours ago — Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered outside her home ... Saying the claims have to stop, Sterling called on Trump to "step up" and ... Over and over again, they have chosen to ride the tiger of lunacy ...
You have some nerve asking about the "ANYTHING?". Talk about "ANYTHING" applies to you and your ilks claim of voter fraud because you don't have "ANYTHING" to warrant your disruptive behavior.
the only armed rioters we've seen is antifa and BLM,,, and their damage bill and human victims injuries are off the chart

Yep,2 billion dollars at this point.
I strongly oppose armed rioters of any political persuasion. Politics did not drive antifa and blm--They are driven
by poor treatment against blacks. Regardless, armed rioters spewing threatening rhetoric can lead to shooting.
Politics is a poor excuse to carry a weapon to a protest.
thats fine,,, but these guys werent rioters,, unless you can show me some property damage or personal injuries from attacks,,,

theres never a bad excuse to carry a gun when youre going up against the government,, in fact thats a constitutional protected right,,,
I don't care what is a protected right. If you walk up to a government building carrying a gun and spewing threats, you are looking for trouble. Rioters do not necessarily destroy or injure. In this instance, the "peaceful" protesters
went to the person's HOUSE. There is no excuse for this. By the way, if they are "going up against" the government,
the best idea is NOT to be armed because they will lose a scuffle and may get killed in the process. Dopes
She is a public servant. If she doesn't want to answer to her constituents for her actions regardless of whether or not she is at home or the office, she should get out of politics. Trump has been answering nonstop attacks for four years. Also, I don't recall seeing any of your distaste when BLM rioters broke into a gated community in MO to attack conservative council members there. Your argument is ludicrous. BTW, please enlighten me to a riot that did not result in destruction or injury.
My argument is not ludicrous, son. My point is that she should not be faced with an unruly crowd carrying weapons.
Would you go out on your porch and face a group of dimwits armed and making demands? Nah. Nor should she have to respond to their questions and demands whenever they decide. There is a time and place for everything and that was the time to intimidate, not ask questions. Would you put your young child at risk in a situation like that? If
so, you should not have children.
First, I damn sure am not your son and you would be well advised to respect your elders unless you're over 70. Second, there was NEVER a credible report of threats being made. I am not responsible for your insecurities. Stay in your basement if you are intimidated, your feelings are not my problem or concern. If I had a child with your outlook, I would become a democrat and abort them post birth.
First of all, I am over 70, and my reference to you was sarcastic since you referred to my argument as "ludicrous",
which is hardly accurate. We do not need a report of credible threats since in my view, the carrying of guns and the rhetoric spewed outside of her home with a child inside the home would translate into a credible threat especially when some trump followers have threatened violence as a result of our election.
then where have you been the last 10 months when real threats and violence were happening???
What do you mean---where was I? I wasn't attending the riots for sure. The real violence is forthcoming when
those trump uneducated yahoos bring guns to what you call "peaceful" protests.
I would say "real" violence is the murder of ex-police shop owners and the setting of fire to businesses. Not sure what you call real violence though....
That is real violence and it is coming again with the trump yahoos and their firearms.
That isn't remotely possible. One group is lawful and within their rights, the other is mindless(liberal) and unbridled lawbreaking. madness.
They are yahoos acting out, not liberal or anything else. Your "lawful" group of yahoos are starting out just like the other group did and it escalated. Don't bring firearms and to a "peaceful" demonstration. The funny thing is that she is a Republican just doing her job and following the law.
What "escalated", especially compared to the real violence of the leftist thugs??
I said that it will escalate just like the violence of the antifa thugs.
but it didnt escalate and youre a fucking idiot,,,

why is it you only want the government armed and the people defenseless??
Armed fools who riot are a danger. Of course, the police should be armed and since when should the populace also be armed? The police are armed to prevent violence and fools are armed to be violent. All of a sudden you should be armed because the police are armed? Nah, maybe in trump land where "locked and loaded" is a common language.
This attitude of yours is a direct result of trump's divisiveness.
since 1776 dumbass,,,

and do keep your TDS in check,,
Stop calling me names because it makes you sound like a stupid, uninformed, uneducated dolt.
Are you at war with the federal government? The police force that represents the government needs to carry weapons so that the bad guys with weapons or without weapons causing mayhem can be brought under control. Get real, genius.
and the people need to carry guns to keep the government from overstepping their authority,,,
and you want the people defensless against them,,
The "people" carrying guns will only force the police, trained as they are, to be more aggressive when dealing with them.

Like with all the black criminals?
Criminals are criminals doesn't matter what ethnicity they are!

oh---so? what is your point? Are you suggesting that the "republican" protestors were comitting a crime?
No, It is every American's right to protest as in the UK, even for the most spurious of reasons.

You could call them protesters if they had gone to Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office, not to her home, and certainly not brandishing weapons and shouting obscenities not knowing who was inside. By doing so they lose their peaceful protesters status and are reduced to a criminal threatening and intimidating rabble.

In the UK they would have been arrested on a minimum 'Breach of the Peace' charge.
What they would do in the UK is irrelevant. Brits don't have any standing in this.
My point is that you must have a similar law to 'Breach of the Peace'.
Take care of your own side of the pond. The US isn't a UK subject.
We wouldn't allow fruitcakes like you who want to go to peoples private houses screaming abuse and pointing guns at a 4yo child on our soil!
no you guys steal peoples children and let them die while others say the want to help save them,,,
Not a clue what you are talking about!
cant remember his name right now but a few yrs ago your government wouldnt treat a kid and many countries including the vatican offered to take him in and give him treatment and you guys refused and let him die,,
That's because the medical experts had assessed his illness as incurable and sending him to another country would only cause him greater distress. That evidence was examined in the High Court and they agreed with the medics,

We have tried and tested structures in the UK that govern people's lives and we trust them.
no its because you are the property of your government,,,

maybe you should just mind your own business and let us mind ours,,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"
I am on my way to Michigan as we speak to get evidence. You are a dingo.
to bad you have to do that,, better if it was there before the story was posted,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.

tainted, why do you comment on issues of which
you are entirely ignorant? For the rest of you
BLM BUGS-----any of you got ANYTHING to support
the claim of terrorizing mother and child and the
destructive and murderous outcome of this violent
RIOT created by "Trump supporters"-----a little
footage, an audio visual-----ANYTHING ??? ---
anyone arrested?
Armed rioters, THREAT of violence was my post. The Secretary of State is one of your own and is she lying?
Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered ... › michigan-secretary-state-says-armed...

18 hours ago — Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered outside her home ... Saying the claims have to stop, Sterling called on Trump to "step up" and ... Over and over again, they have chosen to ride the tiger of lunacy ...
You have some nerve asking about the "ANYTHING?". Talk about "ANYTHING" applies to you and your ilks claim of voter fraud because you don't have "ANYTHING" to warrant your disruptive behavior.
the only armed rioters we've seen is antifa and BLM,,, and their damage bill and human victims injuries are off the chart

Yep,2 billion dollars at this point.
I strongly oppose armed rioters of any political persuasion. Politics did not drive antifa and blm--They are driven
by poor treatment against blacks. Regardless, armed rioters spewing threatening rhetoric can lead to shooting.
Politics is a poor excuse to carry a weapon to a protest.
thats fine,,, but these guys werent rioters,, unless you can show me some property damage or personal injuries from attacks,,,

theres never a bad excuse to carry a gun when youre going up against the government,, in fact thats a constitutional protected right,,,
I don't care what is a protected right. If you walk up to a government building carrying a gun and spewing threats, you are looking for trouble. Rioters do not necessarily destroy or injure. In this instance, the "peaceful" protesters
went to the person's HOUSE. There is no excuse for this. By the way, if they are "going up against" the government,
the best idea is NOT to be armed because they will lose a scuffle and may get killed in the process. Dopes
She is a public servant. If she doesn't want to answer to her constituents for her actions regardless of whether or not she is at home or the office, she should get out of politics. Trump has been answering nonstop attacks for four years. Also, I don't recall seeing any of your distaste when BLM rioters broke into a gated community in MO to attack conservative council members there. Your argument is ludicrous. BTW, please enlighten me to a riot that did not result in destruction or injury.
My argument is not ludicrous, son. My point is that she should not be faced with an unruly crowd carrying weapons.
Would you go out on your porch and face a group of dimwits armed and making demands? Nah. Nor should she have to respond to their questions and demands whenever they decide. There is a time and place for everything and that was the time to intimidate, not ask questions. Would you put your young child at risk in a situation like that? If
so, you should not have children.
First, I damn sure am not your son and you would be well advised to respect your elders unless you're over 70. Second, there was NEVER a credible report of threats being made. I am not responsible for your insecurities. Stay in your basement if you are intimidated, your feelings are not my problem or concern. If I had a child with your outlook, I would become a democrat and abort them post birth.
First of all, I am over 70, and my reference to you was sarcastic since you referred to my argument as "ludicrous",
which is hardly accurate. We do not need a report of credible threats since in my view, the carrying of guns and the rhetoric spewed outside of her home with a child inside the home would translate into a credible threat especially when some trump followers have threatened violence as a result of our election.
then where have you been the last 10 months when real threats and violence were happening???
What do you mean---where was I? I wasn't attending the riots for sure. The real violence is forthcoming when
those trump uneducated yahoos bring guns to what you call "peaceful" protests.
I would say "real" violence is the murder of ex-police shop owners and the setting of fire to businesses. Not sure what you call real violence though....
That is real violence and it is coming again with the trump yahoos and their firearms.
That isn't remotely possible. One group is lawful and within their rights, the other is mindless(liberal) and unbridled lawbreaking. madness.
They are yahoos acting out, not liberal or anything else. Your "lawful" group of yahoos are starting out just like the other group did and it escalated. Don't bring firearms and to a "peaceful" demonstration. The funny thing is that she is a Republican just doing her job and following the law.
What "escalated", especially compared to the real violence of the leftist thugs??
I said that it will escalate just like the violence of the antifa thugs.
but it didnt escalate and youre a fucking idiot,,,

why is it you only want the government armed and the people defenseless??
Armed fools who riot are a danger. Of course, the police should be armed and since when should the populace also be armed? The police are armed to prevent violence and fools are armed to be violent. All of a sudden you should be armed because the police are armed? Nah, maybe in trump land where "locked and loaded" is a common language.
This attitude of yours is a direct result of trump's divisiveness.
since 1776 dumbass,,,

and do keep your TDS in check,,
Stop calling me names because it makes you sound like a stupid, uninformed, uneducated dolt.
Are you at war with the federal government? The police force that represents the government needs to carry weapons so that the bad guys with weapons or without weapons causing mayhem can be brought under control. Get real, genius.
and the people need to carry guns to keep the government from overstepping their authority,,,
and you want the people defensless against them,,
The "people" carrying guns will only force the police, trained as they are, to be more aggressive when dealing with them.

Like with all the black criminals?
Criminals are criminals doesn't matter what ethnicity they are!

oh---so? what is your point? Are you suggesting that the "republican" protestors were comitting a crime?
No, It is every American's right to protest as in the UK, even for the most spurious of reasons.

You could call them protesters if they had gone to Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office, not to her home, and certainly not brandishing weapons and shouting obscenities not knowing who was inside. By doing so they lose their peaceful protesters status and are reduced to a criminal threatening and intimidating rabble.

In the UK they would have been arrested on a minimum 'Breach of the Peace' charge.
What they would do in the UK is irrelevant. Brits don't have any standing in this.
My point is that you must have a similar law to 'Breach of the Peace'.
Take care of your own side of the pond. The US isn't a UK subject.
We wouldn't allow fruitcakes like you who want to go to peoples private houses screaming abuse and pointing guns at a 4yo child on our soil!
no you guys steal peoples children and let them die while others say the want to help save them,,,
Not a clue what you are talking about!
cant remember his name right now but a few yrs ago your government wouldnt treat a kid and many countries including the vatican offered to take him in and give him treatment and you guys refused and let him die,,
That's because the medical experts had assessed his illness as incurable and sending him to another country would only cause him greater distress. That evidence was examined in the High Court and they agreed with the medics,

We have tried and tested structures in the UK that govern people's lives and we trust them.
More Nanny state BS. I don't need YOUR gov't. or your courts making my health decisions for me.

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"
I am on my way to Michigan as we speak to get evidence. You are a dingo.
to bad you have to do that,, better if it was there before the story was posted,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.

tainted, why do you comment on issues of which
you are entirely ignorant? For the rest of you
BLM BUGS-----any of you got ANYTHING to support
the claim of terrorizing mother and child and the
destructive and murderous outcome of this violent
RIOT created by "Trump supporters"-----a little
footage, an audio visual-----ANYTHING ??? ---
anyone arrested?
Armed rioters, THREAT of violence was my post. The Secretary of State is one of your own and is she lying?
Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered ... › michigan-secretary-state-says-armed...

18 hours ago — Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered outside her home ... Saying the claims have to stop, Sterling called on Trump to "step up" and ... Over and over again, they have chosen to ride the tiger of lunacy ...
You have some nerve asking about the "ANYTHING?". Talk about "ANYTHING" applies to you and your ilks claim of voter fraud because you don't have "ANYTHING" to warrant your disruptive behavior.
the only armed rioters we've seen is antifa and BLM,,, and their damage bill and human victims injuries are off the chart

Yep,2 billion dollars at this point.
I strongly oppose armed rioters of any political persuasion. Politics did not drive antifa and blm--They are driven
by poor treatment against blacks. Regardless, armed rioters spewing threatening rhetoric can lead to shooting.
Politics is a poor excuse to carry a weapon to a protest.
thats fine,,, but these guys werent rioters,, unless you can show me some property damage or personal injuries from attacks,,,

theres never a bad excuse to carry a gun when youre going up against the government,, in fact thats a constitutional protected right,,,
I don't care what is a protected right. If you walk up to a government building carrying a gun and spewing threats, you are looking for trouble. Rioters do not necessarily destroy or injure. In this instance, the "peaceful" protesters
went to the person's HOUSE. There is no excuse for this. By the way, if they are "going up against" the government,
the best idea is NOT to be armed because they will lose a scuffle and may get killed in the process. Dopes
She is a public servant. If she doesn't want to answer to her constituents for her actions regardless of whether or not she is at home or the office, she should get out of politics. Trump has been answering nonstop attacks for four years. Also, I don't recall seeing any of your distaste when BLM rioters broke into a gated community in MO to attack conservative council members there. Your argument is ludicrous. BTW, please enlighten me to a riot that did not result in destruction or injury.
My argument is not ludicrous, son. My point is that she should not be faced with an unruly crowd carrying weapons.
Would you go out on your porch and face a group of dimwits armed and making demands? Nah. Nor should she have to respond to their questions and demands whenever they decide. There is a time and place for everything and that was the time to intimidate, not ask questions. Would you put your young child at risk in a situation like that? If
so, you should not have children.
First, I damn sure am not your son and you would be well advised to respect your elders unless you're over 70. Second, there was NEVER a credible report of threats being made. I am not responsible for your insecurities. Stay in your basement if you are intimidated, your feelings are not my problem or concern. If I had a child with your outlook, I would become a democrat and abort them post birth.
First of all, I am over 70, and my reference to you was sarcastic since you referred to my argument as "ludicrous",
which is hardly accurate. We do not need a report of credible threats since in my view, the carrying of guns and the rhetoric spewed outside of her home with a child inside the home would translate into a credible threat especially when some trump followers have threatened violence as a result of our election.
then where have you been the last 10 months when real threats and violence were happening???
What do you mean---where was I? I wasn't attending the riots for sure. The real violence is forthcoming when
those trump uneducated yahoos bring guns to what you call "peaceful" protests.
I would say "real" violence is the murder of ex-police shop owners and the setting of fire to businesses. Not sure what you call real violence though....
That is real violence and it is coming again with the trump yahoos and their firearms.
That isn't remotely possible. One group is lawful and within their rights, the other is mindless(liberal) and unbridled lawbreaking. madness.
They are yahoos acting out, not liberal or anything else. Your "lawful" group of yahoos are starting out just like the other group did and it escalated. Don't bring firearms and to a "peaceful" demonstration. The funny thing is that she is a Republican just doing her job and following the law.
What "escalated", especially compared to the real violence of the leftist thugs??
I said that it will escalate just like the violence of the antifa thugs.
but it didnt escalate and youre a fucking idiot,,,

why is it you only want the government armed and the people defenseless??
Armed fools who riot are a danger. Of course, the police should be armed and since when should the populace also be armed? The police are armed to prevent violence and fools are armed to be violent. All of a sudden you should be armed because the police are armed? Nah, maybe in trump land where "locked and loaded" is a common language.
This attitude of yours is a direct result of trump's divisiveness.
since 1776 dumbass,,,

and do keep your TDS in check,,
Stop calling me names because it makes you sound like a stupid, uninformed, uneducated dolt.
Are you at war with the federal government? The police force that represents the government needs to carry weapons so that the bad guys with weapons or without weapons causing mayhem can be brought under control. Get real, genius.
and the people need to carry guns to keep the government from overstepping their authority,,,
and you want the people defensless against them,,
The "people" carrying guns will only force the police, trained as they are, to be more aggressive when dealing with them.

Like with all the black criminals?
Criminals are criminals doesn't matter what ethnicity they are!

oh---so? what is your point? Are you suggesting that the "republican" protestors were comitting a crime?
No, It is every American's right to protest as in the UK, even for the most spurious of reasons.

You could call them protesters if they had gone to Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office, not to her home, and certainly not brandishing weapons and shouting obscenities not knowing who was inside. By doing so they lose their peaceful protesters status and are reduced to a criminal threatening and intimidating rabble.

In the UK they would have been arrested on a minimum 'Breach of the Peace' charge.
What they would do in the UK is irrelevant. Brits don't have any standing in this.
My point is that you must have a similar law to 'Breach of the Peace'.
Take care of your own side of the pond. The US isn't a UK subject.
We wouldn't allow fruitcakes like you who want to go to peoples private houses screaming abuse and pointing guns at a 4yo child on our soil!
no you guys steal peoples children and let them die while others say the want to help save them,,,
Not a clue what you are talking about!
cant remember his name right now but a few yrs ago your government wouldnt treat a kid and many countries including the vatican offered to take him in and give him treatment and you guys refused and let him die,,
That's because the medical experts had assessed his illness as incurable and sending him to another country would only cause him greater distress. That evidence was examined in the High Court and they agreed with the medics,

We have tried and tested structures in the UK that govern people's lives and we trust them.
More Nanny state BS. I don't need YOUR gov't. or your courts making my health decisions for me.
Tried and tested structures that they trust.....brainless and spineless lemmings

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"
I am on my way to Michigan as we speak to get evidence. You are a dingo.
to bad you have to do that,, better if it was there before the story was posted,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.

tainted, why do you comment on issues of which
you are entirely ignorant? For the rest of you
BLM BUGS-----any of you got ANYTHING to support
the claim of terrorizing mother and child and the
destructive and murderous outcome of this violent
RIOT created by "Trump supporters"-----a little
footage, an audio visual-----ANYTHING ??? ---
anyone arrested?
Armed rioters, THREAT of violence was my post. The Secretary of State is one of your own and is she lying?
Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered ... › michigan-secretary-state-says-armed...

18 hours ago — Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered outside her home ... Saying the claims have to stop, Sterling called on Trump to "step up" and ... Over and over again, they have chosen to ride the tiger of lunacy ...
You have some nerve asking about the "ANYTHING?". Talk about "ANYTHING" applies to you and your ilks claim of voter fraud because you don't have "ANYTHING" to warrant your disruptive behavior.
the only armed rioters we've seen is antifa and BLM,,, and their damage bill and human victims injuries are off the chart

Yep,2 billion dollars at this point.
I strongly oppose armed rioters of any political persuasion. Politics did not drive antifa and blm--They are driven
by poor treatment against blacks. Regardless, armed rioters spewing threatening rhetoric can lead to shooting.
Politics is a poor excuse to carry a weapon to a protest.
thats fine,,, but these guys werent rioters,, unless you can show me some property damage or personal injuries from attacks,,,

theres never a bad excuse to carry a gun when youre going up against the government,, in fact thats a constitutional protected right,,,
I don't care what is a protected right. If you walk up to a government building carrying a gun and spewing threats, you are looking for trouble. Rioters do not necessarily destroy or injure. In this instance, the "peaceful" protesters
went to the person's HOUSE. There is no excuse for this. By the way, if they are "going up against" the government,
the best idea is NOT to be armed because they will lose a scuffle and may get killed in the process. Dopes
She is a public servant. If she doesn't want to answer to her constituents for her actions regardless of whether or not she is at home or the office, she should get out of politics. Trump has been answering nonstop attacks for four years. Also, I don't recall seeing any of your distaste when BLM rioters broke into a gated community in MO to attack conservative council members there. Your argument is ludicrous. BTW, please enlighten me to a riot that did not result in destruction or injury.
My argument is not ludicrous, son. My point is that she should not be faced with an unruly crowd carrying weapons.
Would you go out on your porch and face a group of dimwits armed and making demands? Nah. Nor should she have to respond to their questions and demands whenever they decide. There is a time and place for everything and that was the time to intimidate, not ask questions. Would you put your young child at risk in a situation like that? If
so, you should not have children.
First, I damn sure am not your son and you would be well advised to respect your elders unless you're over 70. Second, there was NEVER a credible report of threats being made. I am not responsible for your insecurities. Stay in your basement if you are intimidated, your feelings are not my problem or concern. If I had a child with your outlook, I would become a democrat and abort them post birth.
First of all, I am over 70, and my reference to you was sarcastic since you referred to my argument as "ludicrous",
which is hardly accurate. We do not need a report of credible threats since in my view, the carrying of guns and the rhetoric spewed outside of her home with a child inside the home would translate into a credible threat especially when some trump followers have threatened violence as a result of our election.
then where have you been the last 10 months when real threats and violence were happening???
What do you mean---where was I? I wasn't attending the riots for sure. The real violence is forthcoming when
those trump uneducated yahoos bring guns to what you call "peaceful" protests.
I would say "real" violence is the murder of ex-police shop owners and the setting of fire to businesses. Not sure what you call real violence though....
That is real violence and it is coming again with the trump yahoos and their firearms.
That isn't remotely possible. One group is lawful and within their rights, the other is mindless(liberal) and unbridled lawbreaking. madness.
They are yahoos acting out, not liberal or anything else. Your "lawful" group of yahoos are starting out just like the other group did and it escalated. Don't bring firearms and to a "peaceful" demonstration. The funny thing is that she is a Republican just doing her job and following the law.
What "escalated", especially compared to the real violence of the leftist thugs??
I said that it will escalate just like the violence of the antifa thugs.
but it didnt escalate and youre a fucking idiot,,,

why is it you only want the government armed and the people defenseless??
Armed fools who riot are a danger. Of course, the police should be armed and since when should the populace also be armed? The police are armed to prevent violence and fools are armed to be violent. All of a sudden you should be armed because the police are armed? Nah, maybe in trump land where "locked and loaded" is a common language.
This attitude of yours is a direct result of trump's divisiveness.
since 1776 dumbass,,,

and do keep your TDS in check,,
Stop calling me names because it makes you sound like a stupid, uninformed, uneducated dolt.
Are you at war with the federal government? The police force that represents the government needs to carry weapons so that the bad guys with weapons or without weapons causing mayhem can be brought under control. Get real, genius.
and the people need to carry guns to keep the government from overstepping their authority,,,
and you want the people defensless against them,,
The "people" carrying guns will only force the police, trained as they are, to be more aggressive when dealing with them.
seems that didnt happen in this case,, how many times do you have to be proven wrong before you shut up???
Exactly what didn't happen--disrupting a woman when she is at her home tending to her 8 yr old child,
being armed and shouting obscenities? She is a Republican doing her job. That was not a peaceful moment and you know it. Just keep flapping until someone gets hurt.

do you have any evidence of this "DISRUPTION OF CHILD TENDING" -----a bit would help----some surveillance camera stuff? You seem to be suggesting that ANY DEMONSTRATION by a group of citizens "COULD" be disruptive to mother/child.
For the record---WE CAN TAKE IT----just what obscenties were SHOUTED which caused trauma
to the eight year old? A personal anecdote (which may be offensive to muslims)----a few years ago I was
in supermarket-----veggie dept. A lady garbed to the EYELASHES in black robes (muslim robes)----with at least four toddlers hanging off of her, dropped a bunch of beets onto the floor-----she shouted out
"KUS ACHTAH" I was startled because the term is
arabic for what roughly translates to "sister fucker"
If those kids ----like three year old kids---were anything like my kid at age three was----they would be
singing "sister fucker" for at least a week based on the vehemence with which mama yelled out those words.
I am interested in what YOU call "obscenities" not to be uttered in the presence of children by "republicans"
OUTSIDE OF THE HOUSE (my kid got his first "fuck"
expletive from the landlord's plumber. It DELIGHTED
him because it had elicited a startle response from
mama---he was about age two)
What are you talking about? The fact that they were at her house, armed and shouting obscenities is what I am referring to, so stop deflecting. Who cares what you witnessed. That is irrelevant. If they were peaceful, why were they armed? For giggles, yes? They wanted to intimidate her and were successful, but it changes nothing.
Do I have any evidence? What a silly question. Her statement is my evidence and it isn't the point.

But it's fine for BLM to march through neighborhoods and tell the residents they better get out of their houses because they were going take them.
Stop being a hypocrit.
I have never said that it was "fine" for anybody to act out in that way. On the contrary, I am disgusted and have posted my disgust with their activities time and again and I don't give a rat's ass who they vote for. It is NOT ok for anybody to act out in a threatening way, be they Dem voters, Republican voters, Trump support voters, or independent voters. It is also not acceptable for peaceful protesters to carry weapons to their "peaceful" protest.
Catch my drift?

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"
I am on my way to Michigan as we speak to get evidence. You are a dingo.
to bad you have to do that,, better if it was there before the story was posted,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.

tainted, why do you comment on issues of which
you are entirely ignorant? For the rest of you
BLM BUGS-----any of you got ANYTHING to support
the claim of terrorizing mother and child and the
destructive and murderous outcome of this violent
RIOT created by "Trump supporters"-----a little
footage, an audio visual-----ANYTHING ??? ---
anyone arrested?
Armed rioters, THREAT of violence was my post. The Secretary of State is one of your own and is she lying?
Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered ... › michigan-secretary-state-says-armed...

18 hours ago — Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered outside her home ... Saying the claims have to stop, Sterling called on Trump to "step up" and ... Over and over again, they have chosen to ride the tiger of lunacy ...
You have some nerve asking about the "ANYTHING?". Talk about "ANYTHING" applies to you and your ilks claim of voter fraud because you don't have "ANYTHING" to warrant your disruptive behavior.
the only armed rioters we've seen is antifa and BLM,,, and their damage bill and human victims injuries are off the chart

Yep,2 billion dollars at this point.
I strongly oppose armed rioters of any political persuasion. Politics did not drive antifa and blm--They are driven
by poor treatment against blacks. Regardless, armed rioters spewing threatening rhetoric can lead to shooting.
Politics is a poor excuse to carry a weapon to a protest.
thats fine,,, but these guys werent rioters,, unless you can show me some property damage or personal injuries from attacks,,,

theres never a bad excuse to carry a gun when youre going up against the government,, in fact thats a constitutional protected right,,,
I don't care what is a protected right. If you walk up to a government building carrying a gun and spewing threats, you are looking for trouble. Rioters do not necessarily destroy or injure. In this instance, the "peaceful" protesters
went to the person's HOUSE. There is no excuse for this. By the way, if they are "going up against" the government,
the best idea is NOT to be armed because they will lose a scuffle and may get killed in the process. Dopes
She is a public servant. If she doesn't want to answer to her constituents for her actions regardless of whether or not she is at home or the office, she should get out of politics. Trump has been answering nonstop attacks for four years. Also, I don't recall seeing any of your distaste when BLM rioters broke into a gated community in MO to attack conservative council members there. Your argument is ludicrous. BTW, please enlighten me to a riot that did not result in destruction or injury.
My argument is not ludicrous, son. My point is that she should not be faced with an unruly crowd carrying weapons.
Would you go out on your porch and face a group of dimwits armed and making demands? Nah. Nor should she have to respond to their questions and demands whenever they decide. There is a time and place for everything and that was the time to intimidate, not ask questions. Would you put your young child at risk in a situation like that? If
so, you should not have children.
First, I damn sure am not your son and you would be well advised to respect your elders unless you're over 70. Second, there was NEVER a credible report of threats being made. I am not responsible for your insecurities. Stay in your basement if you are intimidated, your feelings are not my problem or concern. If I had a child with your outlook, I would become a democrat and abort them post birth.
First of all, I am over 70, and my reference to you was sarcastic since you referred to my argument as "ludicrous",
which is hardly accurate. We do not need a report of credible threats since in my view, the carrying of guns and the rhetoric spewed outside of her home with a child inside the home would translate into a credible threat especially when some trump followers have threatened violence as a result of our election.
then where have you been the last 10 months when real threats and violence were happening???
What do you mean---where was I? I wasn't attending the riots for sure. The real violence is forthcoming when
those trump uneducated yahoos bring guns to what you call "peaceful" protests.
I would say "real" violence is the murder of ex-police shop owners and the setting of fire to businesses. Not sure what you call real violence though....
That is real violence and it is coming again with the trump yahoos and their firearms.
That isn't remotely possible. One group is lawful and within their rights, the other is mindless(liberal) and unbridled lawbreaking. madness.
They are yahoos acting out, not liberal or anything else. Your "lawful" group of yahoos are starting out just like the other group did and it escalated. Don't bring firearms and to a "peaceful" demonstration. The funny thing is that she is a Republican just doing her job and following the law.
What "escalated", especially compared to the real violence of the leftist thugs??
I said that it will escalate just like the violence of the antifa thugs.
but it didnt escalate and youre a fucking idiot,,,

why is it you only want the government armed and the people defenseless??
Armed fools who riot are a danger. Of course, the police should be armed and since when should the populace also be armed? The police are armed to prevent violence and fools are armed to be violent. All of a sudden you should be armed because the police are armed? Nah, maybe in trump land where "locked and loaded" is a common language.
This attitude of yours is a direct result of trump's divisiveness.
since 1776 dumbass,,,

and do keep your TDS in check,,
Stop calling me names because it makes you sound like a stupid, uninformed, uneducated dolt.
Are you at war with the federal government? The police force that represents the government needs to carry weapons so that the bad guys with weapons or without weapons causing mayhem can be brought under control. Get real, genius.
and the people need to carry guns to keep the government from overstepping their authority,,,
and you want the people defensless against them,,
The "people" carrying guns will only force the police, trained as they are, to be more aggressive when dealing with them.

Like with all the black criminals?
Criminals are criminals doesn't matter what ethnicity they are!

oh---so? what is your point? Are you suggesting that the "republican" protestors were comitting a crime?
No, It is every American's right to protest as in the UK, even for the most spurious of reasons.

You could call them protesters if they had gone to Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office, not to her home, and certainly not brandishing weapons and shouting obscenities not knowing who was inside. By doing so they lose their peaceful protesters status and are reduced to a criminal threatening and intimidating rabble.

In the UK they would have been arrested on a minimum 'Breach of the Peace' charge.
What they would do in the UK is irrelevant. Brits don't have any standing in this.
My point is that you must have a similar law to 'Breach of the Peace'.
Trump supporters don't want to hear from anyone who is from another country, because they don't like people from other countries unless you agree with their agenda.

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"
I am on my way to Michigan as we speak to get evidence. You are a dingo.
to bad you have to do that,, better if it was there before the story was posted,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.

tainted, why do you comment on issues of which
you are entirely ignorant? For the rest of you
BLM BUGS-----any of you got ANYTHING to support
the claim of terrorizing mother and child and the
destructive and murderous outcome of this violent
RIOT created by "Trump supporters"-----a little
footage, an audio visual-----ANYTHING ??? ---
anyone arrested?
Armed rioters, THREAT of violence was my post. The Secretary of State is one of your own and is she lying?
Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered ... › michigan-secretary-state-says-armed...

18 hours ago — Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered outside her home ... Saying the claims have to stop, Sterling called on Trump to "step up" and ... Over and over again, they have chosen to ride the tiger of lunacy ...
You have some nerve asking about the "ANYTHING?". Talk about "ANYTHING" applies to you and your ilks claim of voter fraud because you don't have "ANYTHING" to warrant your disruptive behavior.
the only armed rioters we've seen is antifa and BLM,,, and their damage bill and human victims injuries are off the chart

Yep,2 billion dollars at this point.
I strongly oppose armed rioters of any political persuasion. Politics did not drive antifa and blm--They are driven
by poor treatment against blacks. Regardless, armed rioters spewing threatening rhetoric can lead to shooting.
Politics is a poor excuse to carry a weapon to a protest.
thats fine,,, but these guys werent rioters,, unless you can show me some property damage or personal injuries from attacks,,,

theres never a bad excuse to carry a gun when youre going up against the government,, in fact thats a constitutional protected right,,,
I don't care what is a protected right. If you walk up to a government building carrying a gun and spewing threats, you are looking for trouble. Rioters do not necessarily destroy or injure. In this instance, the "peaceful" protesters
went to the person's HOUSE. There is no excuse for this. By the way, if they are "going up against" the government,
the best idea is NOT to be armed because they will lose a scuffle and may get killed in the process. Dopes
She is a public servant. If she doesn't want to answer to her constituents for her actions regardless of whether or not she is at home or the office, she should get out of politics. Trump has been answering nonstop attacks for four years. Also, I don't recall seeing any of your distaste when BLM rioters broke into a gated community in MO to attack conservative council members there. Your argument is ludicrous. BTW, please enlighten me to a riot that did not result in destruction or injury.
My argument is not ludicrous, son. My point is that she should not be faced with an unruly crowd carrying weapons.
Would you go out on your porch and face a group of dimwits armed and making demands? Nah. Nor should she have to respond to their questions and demands whenever they decide. There is a time and place for everything and that was the time to intimidate, not ask questions. Would you put your young child at risk in a situation like that? If
so, you should not have children.
First, I damn sure am not your son and you would be well advised to respect your elders unless you're over 70. Second, there was NEVER a credible report of threats being made. I am not responsible for your insecurities. Stay in your basement if you are intimidated, your feelings are not my problem or concern. If I had a child with your outlook, I would become a democrat and abort them post birth.
First of all, I am over 70, and my reference to you was sarcastic since you referred to my argument as "ludicrous",
which is hardly accurate. We do not need a report of credible threats since in my view, the carrying of guns and the rhetoric spewed outside of her home with a child inside the home would translate into a credible threat especially when some trump followers have threatened violence as a result of our election.
then where have you been the last 10 months when real threats and violence were happening???
What do you mean---where was I? I wasn't attending the riots for sure. The real violence is forthcoming when
those trump uneducated yahoos bring guns to what you call "peaceful" protests.
I would say "real" violence is the murder of ex-police shop owners and the setting of fire to businesses. Not sure what you call real violence though....
That is real violence and it is coming again with the trump yahoos and their firearms.
That isn't remotely possible. One group is lawful and within their rights, the other is mindless(liberal) and unbridled lawbreaking. madness.
They are yahoos acting out, not liberal or anything else. Your "lawful" group of yahoos are starting out just like the other group did and it escalated. Don't bring firearms and to a "peaceful" demonstration. The funny thing is that she is a Republican just doing her job and following the law.
What "escalated", especially compared to the real violence of the leftist thugs??
I said that it will escalate just like the violence of the antifa thugs.
but it didnt escalate and youre a fucking idiot,,,

why is it you only want the government armed and the people defenseless??
Armed fools who riot are a danger. Of course, the police should be armed and since when should the populace also be armed? The police are armed to prevent violence and fools are armed to be violent. All of a sudden you should be armed because the police are armed? Nah, maybe in trump land where "locked and loaded" is a common language.
This attitude of yours is a direct result of trump's divisiveness.
since 1776 dumbass,,,

and do keep your TDS in check,,
Stop calling me names because it makes you sound like a stupid, uninformed, uneducated dolt.
Are you at war with the federal government? The police force that represents the government needs to carry weapons so that the bad guys with weapons or without weapons causing mayhem can be brought under control. Get real, genius.
and the people need to carry guns to keep the government from overstepping their authority,,,
and you want the people defensless against them,,
The "people" carrying guns will only force the police, trained as they are, to be more aggressive when dealing with them.
seems that didnt happen in this case,, how many times do you have to be proven wrong before you shut up???
Exactly what didn't happen--disrupting a woman when she is at her home tending to her 8 yr old child,
being armed and shouting obscenities? She is a Republican doing her job. That was not a peaceful moment and you know it. Just keep flapping until someone gets hurt.
when someone gets hurt you let me know,,, until then I see no problem,,
Trust me. As these threatening "protests" continue, it will happen.
Threatening protests are what happened in MO, Minneapolis, Portland and Seattle. Where was all your social justice warrioring then?
I have never said that it was "fine" for anybody to act out in that way. On the contrary, I am disgusted and have posted my disgust with their activities time and again and I don't give a rat's ass who they vote for. It is NOT ok for anybody to act out in a threatening way, be they Dem voters, Republican voters, Trump support voters, or independent voters. It is also not acceptable for peaceful protesters to carry weapons to their "peaceful" protest.
Catch my drift?

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"
I am on my way to Michigan as we speak to get evidence. You are a dingo.
to bad you have to do that,, better if it was there before the story was posted,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.

tainted, why do you comment on issues of which
you are entirely ignorant? For the rest of you
BLM BUGS-----any of you got ANYTHING to support
the claim of terrorizing mother and child and the
destructive and murderous outcome of this violent
RIOT created by "Trump supporters"-----a little
footage, an audio visual-----ANYTHING ??? ---
anyone arrested?
Armed rioters, THREAT of violence was my post. The Secretary of State is one of your own and is she lying?
Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered ... › michigan-secretary-state-says-armed...

18 hours ago — Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered outside her home ... Saying the claims have to stop, Sterling called on Trump to "step up" and ... Over and over again, they have chosen to ride the tiger of lunacy ...
You have some nerve asking about the "ANYTHING?". Talk about "ANYTHING" applies to you and your ilks claim of voter fraud because you don't have "ANYTHING" to warrant your disruptive behavior.
the only armed rioters we've seen is antifa and BLM,,, and their damage bill and human victims injuries are off the chart

Yep,2 billion dollars at this point.
I strongly oppose armed rioters of any political persuasion. Politics did not drive antifa and blm--They are driven
by poor treatment against blacks. Regardless, armed rioters spewing threatening rhetoric can lead to shooting.
Politics is a poor excuse to carry a weapon to a protest.
thats fine,,, but these guys werent rioters,, unless you can show me some property damage or personal injuries from attacks,,,

theres never a bad excuse to carry a gun when youre going up against the government,, in fact thats a constitutional protected right,,,
I don't care what is a protected right. If you walk up to a government building carrying a gun and spewing threats, you are looking for trouble. Rioters do not necessarily destroy or injure. In this instance, the "peaceful" protesters
went to the person's HOUSE. There is no excuse for this. By the way, if they are "going up against" the government,
the best idea is NOT to be armed because they will lose a scuffle and may get killed in the process. Dopes
She is a public servant. If she doesn't want to answer to her constituents for her actions regardless of whether or not she is at home or the office, she should get out of politics. Trump has been answering nonstop attacks for four years. Also, I don't recall seeing any of your distaste when BLM rioters broke into a gated community in MO to attack conservative council members there. Your argument is ludicrous. BTW, please enlighten me to a riot that did not result in destruction or injury.
My argument is not ludicrous, son. My point is that she should not be faced with an unruly crowd carrying weapons.
Would you go out on your porch and face a group of dimwits armed and making demands? Nah. Nor should she have to respond to their questions and demands whenever they decide. There is a time and place for everything and that was the time to intimidate, not ask questions. Would you put your young child at risk in a situation like that? If
so, you should not have children.
First, I damn sure am not your son and you would be well advised to respect your elders unless you're over 70. Second, there was NEVER a credible report of threats being made. I am not responsible for your insecurities. Stay in your basement if you are intimidated, your feelings are not my problem or concern. If I had a child with your outlook, I would become a democrat and abort them post birth.
First of all, I am over 70, and my reference to you was sarcastic since you referred to my argument as "ludicrous",
which is hardly accurate. We do not need a report of credible threats since in my view, the carrying of guns and the rhetoric spewed outside of her home with a child inside the home would translate into a credible threat especially when some trump followers have threatened violence as a result of our election.
then where have you been the last 10 months when real threats and violence were happening???
What do you mean---where was I? I wasn't attending the riots for sure. The real violence is forthcoming when
those trump uneducated yahoos bring guns to what you call "peaceful" protests.
I would say "real" violence is the murder of ex-police shop owners and the setting of fire to businesses. Not sure what you call real violence though....
That is real violence and it is coming again with the trump yahoos and their firearms.
That isn't remotely possible. One group is lawful and within their rights, the other is mindless(liberal) and unbridled lawbreaking. madness.
They are yahoos acting out, not liberal or anything else. Your "lawful" group of yahoos are starting out just like the other group did and it escalated. Don't bring firearms and to a "peaceful" demonstration. The funny thing is that she is a Republican just doing her job and following the law.
What "escalated", especially compared to the real violence of the leftist thugs??
I said that it will escalate just like the violence of the antifa thugs.
but it didnt escalate and youre a fucking idiot,,,

why is it you only want the government armed and the people defenseless??
Armed fools who riot are a danger. Of course, the police should be armed and since when should the populace also be armed? The police are armed to prevent violence and fools are armed to be violent. All of a sudden you should be armed because the police are armed? Nah, maybe in trump land where "locked and loaded" is a common language.
This attitude of yours is a direct result of trump's divisiveness.
since 1776 dumbass,,,

and do keep your TDS in check,,
Stop calling me names because it makes you sound like a stupid, uninformed, uneducated dolt.
Are you at war with the federal government? The police force that represents the government needs to carry weapons so that the bad guys with weapons or without weapons causing mayhem can be brought under control. Get real, genius.
and the people need to carry guns to keep the government from overstepping their authority,,,
and you want the people defensless against them,,
The "people" carrying guns will only force the police, trained as they are, to be more aggressive when dealing with them.

Like with all the black criminals?
Criminals are criminals doesn't matter what ethnicity they are!

oh---so? what is your point? Are you suggesting that the "republican" protestors were comitting a crime?
No, It is every American's right to protest as in the UK, even for the most spurious of reasons.

You could call them protesters if they had gone to Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office, not to her home, and certainly not brandishing weapons and shouting obscenities not knowing who was inside. By doing so they lose their peaceful protesters status and are reduced to a criminal threatening and intimidating rabble.

In the UK they would have been arrested on a minimum 'Breach of the Peace' charge.
What they would do in the UK is irrelevant. Brits don't have any standing in this.
My point is that you must have a similar law to 'Breach of the Peace'.
Trump supporters don't want to hear from anyone who is from another country, because they don't like people from other countries unless you agree with their agenda.
No we just don't like America hating socialists.

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"
I am on my way to Michigan as we speak to get evidence. You are a dingo.
to bad you have to do that,, better if it was there before the story was posted,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.

tainted, why do you comment on issues of which
you are entirely ignorant? For the rest of you
BLM BUGS-----any of you got ANYTHING to support
the claim of terrorizing mother and child and the
destructive and murderous outcome of this violent
RIOT created by "Trump supporters"-----a little
footage, an audio visual-----ANYTHING ??? ---
anyone arrested?
Armed rioters, THREAT of violence was my post. The Secretary of State is one of your own and is she lying?
Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered ... › michigan-secretary-state-says-armed...

18 hours ago — Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered outside her home ... Saying the claims have to stop, Sterling called on Trump to "step up" and ... Over and over again, they have chosen to ride the tiger of lunacy ...
You have some nerve asking about the "ANYTHING?". Talk about "ANYTHING" applies to you and your ilks claim of voter fraud because you don't have "ANYTHING" to warrant your disruptive behavior.
the only armed rioters we've seen is antifa and BLM,,, and their damage bill and human victims injuries are off the chart

Yep,2 billion dollars at this point.
I strongly oppose armed rioters of any political persuasion. Politics did not drive antifa and blm--They are driven
by poor treatment against blacks. Regardless, armed rioters spewing threatening rhetoric can lead to shooting.
Politics is a poor excuse to carry a weapon to a protest.
thats fine,,, but these guys werent rioters,, unless you can show me some property damage or personal injuries from attacks,,,

theres never a bad excuse to carry a gun when youre going up against the government,, in fact thats a constitutional protected right,,,
I don't care what is a protected right. If you walk up to a government building carrying a gun and spewing threats, you are looking for trouble. Rioters do not necessarily destroy or injure. In this instance, the "peaceful" protesters
went to the person's HOUSE. There is no excuse for this. By the way, if they are "going up against" the government,
the best idea is NOT to be armed because they will lose a scuffle and may get killed in the process. Dopes
She is a public servant. If she doesn't want to answer to her constituents for her actions regardless of whether or not she is at home or the office, she should get out of politics. Trump has been answering nonstop attacks for four years. Also, I don't recall seeing any of your distaste when BLM rioters broke into a gated community in MO to attack conservative council members there. Your argument is ludicrous. BTW, please enlighten me to a riot that did not result in destruction or injury.
My argument is not ludicrous, son. My point is that she should not be faced with an unruly crowd carrying weapons.
Would you go out on your porch and face a group of dimwits armed and making demands? Nah. Nor should she have to respond to their questions and demands whenever they decide. There is a time and place for everything and that was the time to intimidate, not ask questions. Would you put your young child at risk in a situation like that? If
so, you should not have children.
First, I damn sure am not your son and you would be well advised to respect your elders unless you're over 70. Second, there was NEVER a credible report of threats being made. I am not responsible for your insecurities. Stay in your basement if you are intimidated, your feelings are not my problem or concern. If I had a child with your outlook, I would become a democrat and abort them post birth.
First of all, I am over 70, and my reference to you was sarcastic since you referred to my argument as "ludicrous",
which is hardly accurate. We do not need a report of credible threats since in my view, the carrying of guns and the rhetoric spewed outside of her home with a child inside the home would translate into a credible threat especially when some trump followers have threatened violence as a result of our election.
then where have you been the last 10 months when real threats and violence were happening???
What do you mean---where was I? I wasn't attending the riots for sure. The real violence is forthcoming when
those trump uneducated yahoos bring guns to what you call "peaceful" protests.
I would say "real" violence is the murder of ex-police shop owners and the setting of fire to businesses. Not sure what you call real violence though....
That is real violence and it is coming again with the trump yahoos and their firearms.
That isn't remotely possible. One group is lawful and within their rights, the other is mindless(liberal) and unbridled lawbreaking. madness.
They are yahoos acting out, not liberal or anything else. Your "lawful" group of yahoos are starting out just like the other group did and it escalated. Don't bring firearms and to a "peaceful" demonstration. The funny thing is that she is a Republican just doing her job and following the law.
What "escalated", especially compared to the real violence of the leftist thugs??
I said that it will escalate just like the violence of the antifa thugs.
but it didnt escalate and youre a fucking idiot,,,

why is it you only want the government armed and the people defenseless??
Armed fools who riot are a danger. Of course, the police should be armed and since when should the populace also be armed? The police are armed to prevent violence and fools are armed to be violent. All of a sudden you should be armed because the police are armed? Nah, maybe in trump land where "locked and loaded" is a common language.
This attitude of yours is a direct result of trump's divisiveness.
since 1776 dumbass,,,

and do keep your TDS in check,,
Stop calling me names because it makes you sound like a stupid, uninformed, uneducated dolt.
Are you at war with the federal government? The police force that represents the government needs to carry weapons so that the bad guys with weapons or without weapons causing mayhem can be brought under control. Get real, genius.
and the people need to carry guns to keep the government from overstepping their authority,,,
and you want the people defensless against them,,
The "people" carrying guns will only force the police, trained as they are, to be more aggressive when dealing with them.

Like with all the black criminals?
Criminals are criminals doesn't matter what ethnicity they are!

oh---so? what is your point? Are you suggesting that the "republican" protestors were comitting a crime?
No, It is every American's right to protest as in the UK, even for the most spurious of reasons.

You could call them protesters if they had gone to Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office, not to her home, and certainly not brandishing weapons and shouting obscenities not knowing who was inside. By doing so they lose their peaceful protesters status and are reduced to a criminal threatening and intimidating rabble.

In the UK they would have been arrested on a minimum 'Breach of the Peace' charge.

what EVIDENCE to you have that they were "BRANDISHING WEAPONS" and "shouting obscenities"? WE IS LIVING IN THE 21st century---even kids carry phones that can take pictures and all kinds of recording devices.
It has been reported all over the news, except maybe Fox. It is a shame because we are living in the 21st century and
this kind of behavior should not be happening. If no pictures were taken, it didn't happen?? Really? Obviously, you are disgusted with the idea that any group would pull a stunt like that, so I would suggest that you google it.

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"
I am on my way to Michigan as we speak to get evidence. You are a dingo.
to bad you have to do that,, better if it was there before the story was posted,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.

tainted, why do you comment on issues of which
you are entirely ignorant? For the rest of you
BLM BUGS-----any of you got ANYTHING to support
the claim of terrorizing mother and child and the
destructive and murderous outcome of this violent
RIOT created by "Trump supporters"-----a little
footage, an audio visual-----ANYTHING ??? ---
anyone arrested?
Armed rioters, THREAT of violence was my post. The Secretary of State is one of your own and is she lying?
Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered ... › michigan-secretary-state-says-armed...

18 hours ago — Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered outside her home ... Saying the claims have to stop, Sterling called on Trump to "step up" and ... Over and over again, they have chosen to ride the tiger of lunacy ...
You have some nerve asking about the "ANYTHING?". Talk about "ANYTHING" applies to you and your ilks claim of voter fraud because you don't have "ANYTHING" to warrant your disruptive behavior.
the only armed rioters we've seen is antifa and BLM,,, and their damage bill and human victims injuries are off the chart

Yep,2 billion dollars at this point.
I strongly oppose armed rioters of any political persuasion. Politics did not drive antifa and blm--They are driven
by poor treatment against blacks. Regardless, armed rioters spewing threatening rhetoric can lead to shooting.
Politics is a poor excuse to carry a weapon to a protest.
thats fine,,, but these guys werent rioters,, unless you can show me some property damage or personal injuries from attacks,,,

theres never a bad excuse to carry a gun when youre going up against the government,, in fact thats a constitutional protected right,,,
I don't care what is a protected right. If you walk up to a government building carrying a gun and spewing threats, you are looking for trouble. Rioters do not necessarily destroy or injure. In this instance, the "peaceful" protesters
went to the person's HOUSE. There is no excuse for this. By the way, if they are "going up against" the government,
the best idea is NOT to be armed because they will lose a scuffle and may get killed in the process. Dopes
She is a public servant. If she doesn't want to answer to her constituents for her actions regardless of whether or not she is at home or the office, she should get out of politics. Trump has been answering nonstop attacks for four years. Also, I don't recall seeing any of your distaste when BLM rioters broke into a gated community in MO to attack conservative council members there. Your argument is ludicrous. BTW, please enlighten me to a riot that did not result in destruction or injury.
My argument is not ludicrous, son. My point is that she should not be faced with an unruly crowd carrying weapons.
Would you go out on your porch and face a group of dimwits armed and making demands? Nah. Nor should she have to respond to their questions and demands whenever they decide. There is a time and place for everything and that was the time to intimidate, not ask questions. Would you put your young child at risk in a situation like that? If
so, you should not have children.
First, I damn sure am not your son and you would be well advised to respect your elders unless you're over 70. Second, there was NEVER a credible report of threats being made. I am not responsible for your insecurities. Stay in your basement if you are intimidated, your feelings are not my problem or concern. If I had a child with your outlook, I would become a democrat and abort them post birth.
First of all, I am over 70, and my reference to you was sarcastic since you referred to my argument as "ludicrous",
which is hardly accurate. We do not need a report of credible threats since in my view, the carrying of guns and the rhetoric spewed outside of her home with a child inside the home would translate into a credible threat especially when some trump followers have threatened violence as a result of our election.
then where have you been the last 10 months when real threats and violence were happening???
What do you mean---where was I? I wasn't attending the riots for sure. The real violence is forthcoming when
those trump uneducated yahoos bring guns to what you call "peaceful" protests.
I would say "real" violence is the murder of ex-police shop owners and the setting of fire to businesses. Not sure what you call real violence though....
That is real violence and it is coming again with the trump yahoos and their firearms.
That isn't remotely possible. One group is lawful and within their rights, the other is mindless(liberal) and unbridled lawbreaking. madness.
They are yahoos acting out, not liberal or anything else. Your "lawful" group of yahoos are starting out just like the other group did and it escalated. Don't bring firearms and to a "peaceful" demonstration. The funny thing is that she is a Republican just doing her job and following the law.
What "escalated", especially compared to the real violence of the leftist thugs??
I said that it will escalate just like the violence of the antifa thugs.
but it didnt escalate and youre a fucking idiot,,,

why is it you only want the government armed and the people defenseless??
Armed fools who riot are a danger. Of course, the police should be armed and since when should the populace also be armed? The police are armed to prevent violence and fools are armed to be violent. All of a sudden you should be armed because the police are armed? Nah, maybe in trump land where "locked and loaded" is a common language.
This attitude of yours is a direct result of trump's divisiveness.
since 1776 dumbass,,,

and do keep your TDS in check,,
Stop calling me names because it makes you sound like a stupid, uninformed, uneducated dolt.
Are you at war with the federal government? The police force that represents the government needs to carry weapons so that the bad guys with weapons or without weapons causing mayhem can be brought under control. Get real, genius.
and the people need to carry guns to keep the government from overstepping their authority,,,
and you want the people defensless against them,,
The "people" carrying guns will only force the police, trained as they are, to be more aggressive when dealing with them.

Like with all the black criminals?
Criminals are criminals doesn't matter what ethnicity they are!

oh---so? what is your point? Are you suggesting that the "republican" protestors were comitting a crime?
No, It is every American's right to protest as in the UK, even for the most spurious of reasons.

You could call them protesters if they had gone to Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office, not to her home, and certainly not brandishing weapons and shouting obscenities not knowing who was inside. By doing so they lose their peaceful protesters status and are reduced to a criminal threatening and intimidating rabble.

In the UK they would have been arrested on a minimum 'Breach of the Peace' charge.
What they would do in the UK is irrelevant. Brits don't have any standing in this.
My point is that you must have a similar law to 'Breach of the Peace'.
Trump supporters don't want to hear from anyone who is from another country, because they don't like people from other countries unless you agree with their agenda.
No we just don't like America hating socialists.
The Brits do not hate us, pal. Quite the contrary.

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.
sounds like it wwas peaceful and there wasnt anyone hurt or property damage,,,

cant say that when dems protest can we,,,
When obscenities followed by death threats and threats of violence occur, the sound is not peaceful.
did it happen?? no it ididnt,, now on the otherhand when dems riot they destroy and attack people,,

so save you BS for something we can believe,,
Boobbob is confused like most libbers.
Armed rioters shouting and threatening death and violence is very confusing to any sane person.
you forgot to add,, "without evidence"
I am on my way to Michigan as we speak to get evidence. You are a dingo.
to bad you have to do that,, better if it was there before the story was posted,,

Dozens of armed people gathered outside Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's home over the weekend "shouting obscenities" and threatening violence in an effort to overturn the presidential election results in the state, she said Sunday.

Benson and her 4-year-old son had just finished decorating their home for Christmas and were about to watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" when the group arrived, she said in a statement.

Classy behaviour from donnys stormtroopers.
These are the same trumpers that constantly blog how peaceful they are and criticize the Dems for violence not of their doing.

tainted, why do you comment on issues of which
you are entirely ignorant? For the rest of you
BLM BUGS-----any of you got ANYTHING to support
the claim of terrorizing mother and child and the
destructive and murderous outcome of this violent
RIOT created by "Trump supporters"-----a little
footage, an audio visual-----ANYTHING ??? ---
anyone arrested?
Armed rioters, THREAT of violence was my post. The Secretary of State is one of your own and is she lying?
Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered ... › michigan-secretary-state-says-armed...

18 hours ago — Michigan secretary of state says armed protesters gathered outside her home ... Saying the claims have to stop, Sterling called on Trump to "step up" and ... Over and over again, they have chosen to ride the tiger of lunacy ...
You have some nerve asking about the "ANYTHING?". Talk about "ANYTHING" applies to you and your ilks claim of voter fraud because you don't have "ANYTHING" to warrant your disruptive behavior.
the only armed rioters we've seen is antifa and BLM,,, and their damage bill and human victims injuries are off the chart

Yep,2 billion dollars at this point.
I strongly oppose armed rioters of any political persuasion. Politics did not drive antifa and blm--They are driven
by poor treatment against blacks. Regardless, armed rioters spewing threatening rhetoric can lead to shooting.
Politics is a poor excuse to carry a weapon to a protest.
thats fine,,, but these guys werent rioters,, unless you can show me some property damage or personal injuries from attacks,,,

theres never a bad excuse to carry a gun when youre going up against the government,, in fact thats a constitutional protected right,,,
I don't care what is a protected right. If you walk up to a government building carrying a gun and spewing threats, you are looking for trouble. Rioters do not necessarily destroy or injure. In this instance, the "peaceful" protesters
went to the person's HOUSE. There is no excuse for this. By the way, if they are "going up against" the government,
the best idea is NOT to be armed because they will lose a scuffle and may get killed in the process. Dopes
She is a public servant. If she doesn't want to answer to her constituents for her actions regardless of whether or not she is at home or the office, she should get out of politics. Trump has been answering nonstop attacks for four years. Also, I don't recall seeing any of your distaste when BLM rioters broke into a gated community in MO to attack conservative council members there. Your argument is ludicrous. BTW, please enlighten me to a riot that did not result in destruction or injury.
My argument is not ludicrous, son. My point is that she should not be faced with an unruly crowd carrying weapons.
Would you go out on your porch and face a group of dimwits armed and making demands? Nah. Nor should she have to respond to their questions and demands whenever they decide. There is a time and place for everything and that was the time to intimidate, not ask questions. Would you put your young child at risk in a situation like that? If
so, you should not have children.
First, I damn sure am not your son and you would be well advised to respect your elders unless you're over 70. Second, there was NEVER a credible report of threats being made. I am not responsible for your insecurities. Stay in your basement if you are intimidated, your feelings are not my problem or concern. If I had a child with your outlook, I would become a democrat and abort them post birth.
First of all, I am over 70, and my reference to you was sarcastic since you referred to my argument as "ludicrous",
which is hardly accurate. We do not need a report of credible threats since in my view, the carrying of guns and the rhetoric spewed outside of her home with a child inside the home would translate into a credible threat especially when some trump followers have threatened violence as a result of our election.
then where have you been the last 10 months when real threats and violence were happening???
What do you mean---where was I? I wasn't attending the riots for sure. The real violence is forthcoming when
those trump uneducated yahoos bring guns to what you call "peaceful" protests.
I would say "real" violence is the murder of ex-police shop owners and the setting of fire to businesses. Not sure what you call real violence though....
That is real violence and it is coming again with the trump yahoos and their firearms.
That isn't remotely possible. One group is lawful and within their rights, the other is mindless(liberal) and unbridled lawbreaking. madness.
They are yahoos acting out, not liberal or anything else. Your "lawful" group of yahoos are starting out just like the other group did and it escalated. Don't bring firearms and to a "peaceful" demonstration. The funny thing is that she is a Republican just doing her job and following the law.
What "escalated", especially compared to the real violence of the leftist thugs??
I said that it will escalate just like the violence of the antifa thugs.
but it didnt escalate and youre a fucking idiot,,,

why is it you only want the government armed and the people defenseless??
Armed fools who riot are a danger. Of course, the police should be armed and since when should the populace also be armed? The police are armed to prevent violence and fools are armed to be violent. All of a sudden you should be armed because the police are armed? Nah, maybe in trump land where "locked and loaded" is a common language.
This attitude of yours is a direct result of trump's divisiveness.
since 1776 dumbass,,,

and do keep your TDS in check,,
Stop calling me names because it makes you sound like a stupid, uninformed, uneducated dolt.
Are you at war with the federal government? The police force that represents the government needs to carry weapons so that the bad guys with weapons or without weapons causing mayhem can be brought under control. Get real, genius.
and the people need to carry guns to keep the government from overstepping their authority,,,
and you want the people defensless against them,,
The "people" carrying guns will only force the police, trained as they are, to be more aggressive when dealing with them.

Like with all the black criminals?
Criminals are criminals doesn't matter what ethnicity they are!

oh---so? what is your point? Are you suggesting that the "republican" protestors were comitting a crime?
No, It is every American's right to protest as in the UK, even for the most spurious of reasons.

You could call them protesters if they had gone to Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office, not to her home, and certainly not brandishing weapons and shouting obscenities not knowing who was inside. By doing so they lose their peaceful protesters status and are reduced to a criminal threatening and intimidating rabble.

In the UK they would have been arrested on a minimum 'Breach of the Peace' charge.
What they would do in the UK is irrelevant. Brits don't have any standing in this.
My point is that you must have a similar law to 'Breach of the Peace'.
Trump supporters don't want to hear from anyone who is from another country, because they don't like people from other countries unless you agree with their agenda.
No we just don't like America hating socialists.
The Brits do not hate us, pal. Quite the contrary. usual you libbers are confused.

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