"Arms exports to Israel must stop immediately": UN experts

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
Any transfer of weapons or ammunition to Israel that would be used in Gaza is likely to violate international humanitarian law and must cease immediately, UN experts* warned today.

“All States must ‘ensure respect’ for international humanitarian law by parties to an armed conflict, as required by 1949 Geneva Conventions and customary international law,” the experts said. “States must accordingly refrain from transferring any weapon or ammunition – or parts for them – if it is expected, given the facts or past patterns of behaviour, that they would be used to violate international law.”

“Such transfers are prohibited even if the exporting State does not intend the arms to be used in violation of the law – or does not know with certainty that they would be used in such a way – as long as there is a clear risk,” they said.

The experts welcomed the decision of a Dutch appeals court on 12 February 2024 ordering the Netherlands to halt the export of F-35 fighter jet parts to Israel. The court found that there was a “clear risk” that the parts would be used to commit or facilitate serious violations of international humanitarian law, as “there are many indications that Israel has violated the humanitarian law of war in a not insignificant number of cases”.

Over 29,313 Palestinians have been killed and 69,333 injured in Gaza since 7 October 2023, the majority being women and children. “Israel has repeatedly failed to comply with international law,” the experts said.
  1. Expert consensus that ATT ( Arms Trade Treaty) obligates States Parties to refuse arms exports if they know the weapons will be used for international crimes or pose an overriding risk of being used for serious violations of international humanitarian law.
  2. The International Court of Justice ruled on January 26, 2024, that there is a plausible risk of genocide in Gaza, which necessitates preventing arms exports to Israel according to the Genocide Convention of 1948.
  3. Several countries—Belgium, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, and Japan's Itochu Corporation—suspended arms transfers to Israel, with the European Union also encouraging restraint in arms exports.
  4. Experts urge other nations to cease arm sales to Israel, including license approvals and military aid, especially the U.S., Germany (the two biggest arms exporters), and others like France, UK, Canada, and Australia.
  5. Arms transfers to Hamas and other nonstate actors are also prohibited because of their violation of international humanitarian law.
  6. Intelligence sharing should not occur if there is a clear risk that information might be misused to breach international humanitarian law.
  7. Officials responsible for arms exports can face individual criminal liability for aiding and abetting war crimes, crimes against humanity, or genocide.
  8. All States have duties to "ensure respect" for international humanitarian law, requiring actions such as diplomacy, technical support, sanctions, referrals to UN bodies, court proceedings, supporting international courts, national investigations, and requesting meetings of the Geneva Conventions parties.
  9. Companies producing and transferring arms to Israel, as well as investors in those firms, carry their own responsibility to respect human rights, international humanitarian law, and international criminal law.
  10. The experts emphasize that international law cannot enforce itself and call upon all States to avoid complicity in international crimes via arms transfers.
Any transfer of weapons or ammunition to Israel that would be used in Gaza is likely to violate international humanitarian law and must cease immediately, UN experts* warned today.

The experts welcomed the decision of a Dutch appeals court on 12 February 2024 ordering the Netherlands to halt the export of F-35 fighter jet parts to Israel. The court found that there was a “clear risk” that the parts would be used to commit or facilitate serious violations of international humanitarian law, as “there are many indications that Israel has violated the humanitarian law of war in a not insignificant number of cases”.

Over 29,313 Palestinians have been killed and 69,333 injured in Gaza since 7 October 2023, the majority being women and children. “Israel has repeatedly failed to comply with international law,” the experts said.
Dude. Get with it. It's 2024. Blood, guts, death, terror, and general warmongering are the in thing. Americans LOVE spending their children's inheritance of foreign wars, bombs, and the Military Industrial Complex. It's the current rave. Everyone is lovin' it. Your old fashioned, outdated sense of common decency MUST go.
Some obvious whataboutisms must follow.

What about arms to Russia from Iran and N Korea?

What about arms and cash to terror group in the region including Hamas?
Some obvious whataboutisms must follow.

What about arms to Russia from Iran and N Korea?

What about arms and cash to terror group in the region including Hamas?
Explicitly stated in point n. 5.
Personally, I think there would be no peace in the middle east without de-arming the terrorist state of Israel and punishing the heads of it for their non-stop war crimes and attempted genocide.
Any transfer of weapons or ammunition to Israel that would be used in Gaza is likely to violate international humanitarian law and must cease immediately, UN experts* warned today.

The experts welcomed the decision of a Dutch appeals court on 12 February 2024 ordering the Netherlands to halt the export of F-35 fighter jet parts to Israel. The court found that there was a “clear risk” that the parts would be used to commit or facilitate serious violations of international humanitarian law, as “there are many indications that Israel has violated the humanitarian law of war in a not insignificant number of cases”.

Over 29,313 Palestinians have been killed and 69,333 injured in Gaza since 7 October 2023, the majority being women and children. “Israel has repeatedly failed to comply with international law,” the experts said.
Fuck the UN.
Norway’s pension fund has divested their entire Israel Bond holdings. Four Norwegian universities have also decided to cut ties with Israeli institutions linked to the IDF.

Meanwhile 👇
In the U.S., the student government of the University of California at Davis last week voted to divest its $20 million budget from “companies complicit in the occupation and genocide.” They cited companies like McDonald’s, Sabra, Starbucks, Airbnb, Disney and Chevron.

Uncivilized Barbarians

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Any transfer of weapons or ammunition to Israel that would be used in Gaza is likely to violate international humanitarian law and must cease immediately, UN experts* warned today.

The experts welcomed the decision of a Dutch appeals court on 12 February 2024 ordering the Netherlands to halt the export of F-35 fighter jet parts to Israel. The court found that there was a “clear risk” that the parts would be used to commit or facilitate serious violations of international humanitarian law, as “there are many indications that Israel has violated the humanitarian law of war in a not insignificant number of cases”.

Over 29,313 Palestinians have been killed and 69,333 injured in Gaza since 7 October 2023, the majority being women and children. “Israel has repeatedly failed to comply with international law,” the experts said.
The United Ninnies could easily be replaced with quality ambassadors from the nations, @ quite a $aving$ to boot!
Any transfer of weapons or ammunition to Israel that would be used in Gaza is likely to violate international humanitarian law and must cease immediately, UN experts* warned today.

The experts welcomed the decision of a Dutch appeals court on 12 February 2024 ordering the Netherlands to halt the export of F-35 fighter jet parts to Israel. The court found that there was a “clear risk” that the parts would be used to commit or facilitate serious violations of international humanitarian law, as “there are many indications that Israel has violated the humanitarian law of war in a not insignificant number of cases”.

Over 29,313 Palestinians have been killed and 69,333 injured in Gaza since 7 October 2023, the majority being women and children. “Israel has repeatedly failed to comply with international law,” the experts said.

Thanks for this badly needed thread.

It is not just the international community that is condemning Netanyahu's genocidal foray into Gaza.

Ethical Jews around the world have the courage to call this gratuitous slaughter a Genocide (1), (2)

The arms being given or sold to Israel are not for "defense" and the systematic extermination of a civilian population is not a "War".

It is a lie to say that repeatedly churning rubble filled with body parts, collective punishment and IDF's M.O. of "Fire at every person" (3) is "defense".

Any doubts about the trigger happy nature of IDF are erased when considering that three half naked hostages waving white flags were simply gunned down like countless other civilians.

In spite of an egregious pro Israel US Media bias and as of 25 January 2024, about 35% (4)of Americans say that Israel is committing genocide yet the same Israeli lobbies who shape America's fatally flawed Middle East policy are still able to extract $ Billions to bomb homeless and hungry men women and children.

Finally, few Americans know that all aid to Israel is illegal according to the Symington - Glenn Amendment (5) but, predictably, the same right wing Israeli lobbies that was "quietly successful" (6) in driving America to war for Israeli regional hegemony under false pretenses succeeded in breaking another American law.

I can't think of any loyal American who would agree to let a self serving foreign government control something so vital to America's genuine security as our Middle East policy.


(1). “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED

(2). “A Textbook Case of Genocide”

“Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?”

EXCERPT "I say this as a scholar of genocide, who has spent many years writing about Israeli mass violence against Palestinians. I have written about settler colonialism and Jewish supremacy in Israel, the distortion of the Holocaust to boost the Israeli arms industry, the weaponization of antisemitism accusations to justify Israeli violence against Palestinians, and the racist regime of Israeli apartheid. “

“Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant declared it in no uncertain terms on October 9th: “We are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we will act accordingly.”

Indeed, Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza is quite explicit, open, and unashamed. Perpetrators of genocide usually do not express their intentions so clearly,

Israel’s goal is to destroy the Palestinians of Gaza. And those of us watching around the world are derelict in our responsibility to prevent them from doing so.” CONTINUED

(3)" 'Fire at every person': Israeli soldiers reveal they were ordered to shoot to kill in Gaza combat zones – even if targets may have been civilians"


EXCERPT "The Israeli military deliberately pounded civilian areas in the Gaza Strip with incessant fire of inaccurate ordinance during last year’s war against Hamas and was at best indifferent about casualties among the Palestinian population."CONTINUED

(4). “35 percent of Americans say Israel committing genocide in Gaza: Poll”

EXCERPT “Around 35 percent of Americans believe Israel is carrying out a genocide against Palestinians, according to the latest Economist/YouGov poll." CONTINUED

(5). "Lawsuit Claims Aid to Nuclear Israel Illegal Under Symington Glenn Amendments"

Lawsuit Claims Aid to Nuclear Israel Illegal Under Symington Glenn Amendments - Corporate Crime Reporter

EXCERPT "A lawsuit filed in federal court in Washington, D.C. claims that United States aid to Israel is illegal under a law passed in the 1970s that prohibits aid to nuclear powers that don’t sign the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Such aid violates longstanding bans on foreign aid to non-signatories to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) with nuclear weapons programs, the lawsuit alleges."CONTINUED


AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003
The Barbarian Muslims are just like the Nazis.
They are Genocidal Psychopaths.

Why do bigoted Zionist shills think they can deceive the world into hating people about who they know absolutely nothing?

Before you start throwing the word "Nazi" around, you should know that the German Zionist Federation was in complete co operation with Germany's National Socialists.(1)

It was the Nazi trained and armed Zionist terrorist gangs( 1) who began the ongoing, genocidal Nakba and it is the same right wing Zionist extremists that are committing what ethical and honest Jews are calling a genocide in Gaza. (2), (3)

I can support my assertions, why can't you?

(1). “Zionism and the Third Reich”
Zionism and the Third Reich

EXCERPT “In cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some forty camps and agricultural centers throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. Although the Nuremberg Laws forbid Jews from displaying the German flag, Jews were specifically guaranteed the right to display the blue and white Jewish national banner. The flag that would one day be adopted by Israel was flown at the Zionist camps and centers in Hitler's Germany. /19

Himmler's security service cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in Palestine. The SS agency paid Haganah official Feivel Polkes for information about the situation in Palestine and for help in directing Jewish emigration to that country. Meanwhile, the Haganah was kept well informed about German plans by a spy it managed to plant in the Berlin headquarters of the SS. /20 Haganah-SS collaboration even included secret deliveries of German weapons to Jewish settlers for use in clashes with Palestinian Arabs. /21

In the aftermath of the November 1938 "Kristallnacht" outburst of violence and destruction, the SS quickly helped the Zionist organization to get back on its feet and continue its work in Germany, although now under more restricted supervision. /22” CONTINUED

19. Lucy Dawidowicz, The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945 (New York: Bantam, pb., 1976), pp. 253-254.; Max Nussbaum, "Zionism Under Hitler," Congress Weekly (New York: American Jewish Congress), Sept. 11, 1942.; F. Nicosia, The Third Reich (1985), pp. 58-60, 217.; Edwin Black, The Transfer Agreement (1984), p. 175.

20. H. Höhne, The Order of the Death's Head (Ballantine, pb., 1984), pp. 380-382.; K. Schleunes, Twisted Road (1970, 1990), p. 226.; Secret internal SS intelligence report about F. Polkes, June 17, 1937, in: John Mendelsohn, ed., The Holocaust (New York: Garland, 1982), vol. 5, pp. 62-64.

21. F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), pp. 63-64, 105, 219-220.

22. F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), p. 160.

(2). “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED

(3). “A Textbook Case of Genocide”

“Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?”

EXCERPT " I say this as a scholar of genocide, who has spent many years writing about Israeli mass violence against Palestinians. I have written about settler colonialism and Jewish supremacy in Israel, the distortion of the Holocaust to boost the Israeli arms industry, the weaponization of antisemitism accusations to justify Israeli violence against Palestinians, and the racist regime of Israeli apartheid. “

“Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant declared it in no uncertain terms on October 9th: “We are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we will act accordingly.”

Indeed, Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza is quite explicit, open, and unashamed. Perpetrators of genocide usually do not express their intentions so clearly,

Israel’s goal is to destroy the Palestinians of Gaza. And those of us watching around the world are derelict in our responsibility to prevent them from doing so.” CONTINUED
Why do bigoted Zionist shills think they can deceive the world into hating people about who they know absolutely nothing?

Before you start throwing the word "Nazi" around, you should know that the German Zionist Federation was in complete co operation with Germany's National Socialists.(1)

It was the Nazi trained and armed Zionist terrorist gangs( 1) who began the ongoing, genocidal Nakba and it is the same right wing Zionist extremists that are committing what ethical and honest Jews are calling a genocide in Gaza. (2), (3)

I can support my assertions, why can't you?

(1). “Zionism and the Third Reich”
Zionism and the Third Reich

EXCERPT “In cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some forty camps and agricultural centers throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. Although the Nuremberg Laws forbid Jews from displaying the German flag, Jews were specifically guaranteed the right to display the blue and white Jewish national banner. The flag that would one day be adopted by Israel was flown at the Zionist camps and centers in Hitler's Germany. /19

Himmler's security service cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in Palestine. The SS agency paid Haganah official Feivel Polkes for information about the situation in Palestine and for help in directing Jewish emigration to that country. Meanwhile, the Haganah was kept well informed about German plans by a spy it managed to plant in the Berlin headquarters of the SS. /20 Haganah-SS collaboration even included secret deliveries of German weapons to Jewish settlers for use in clashes with Palestinian Arabs. /21

In the aftermath of the November 1938 "Kristallnacht" outburst of violence and destruction, the SS quickly helped the Zionist organization to get back on its feet and continue its work in Germany, although now under more restricted supervision. /22” CONTINUED

19. Lucy Dawidowicz, The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945 (New York: Bantam, pb., 1976), pp. 253-254.; Max Nussbaum, "Zionism Under Hitler," Congress Weekly (New York: American Jewish Congress), Sept. 11, 1942.; F. Nicosia, The Third Reich (1985), pp. 58-60, 217.; Edwin Black, The Transfer Agreement (1984), p. 175.

20. H. Höhne, The Order of the Death's Head (Ballantine, pb., 1984), pp. 380-382.; K. Schleunes, Twisted Road (1970, 1990), p. 226.; Secret internal SS intelligence report about F. Polkes, June 17, 1937, in: John Mendelsohn, ed., The Holocaust (New York: Garland, 1982), vol. 5, pp. 62-64.

21. F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), pp. 63-64, 105, 219-220.

22. F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), p. 160.

(2). “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED

(3). “A Textbook Case of Genocide”

“Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?”

EXCERPT " I say this as a scholar of genocide, who has spent many years writing about Israeli mass violence against Palestinians. I have written about settler colonialism and Jewish supremacy in Israel, the distortion of the Holocaust to boost the Israeli arms industry, the weaponization of antisemitism accusations to justify Israeli violence against Palestinians, and the racist regime of Israeli apartheid. “

“Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant declared it in no uncertain terms on October 9th: “We are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we will act accordingly.”

Indeed, Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza is quite explicit, open, and unashamed. Perpetrators of genocide usually do not express their intentions so clearly,

Israel’s goal is to destroy the Palestinians of Gaza. And those of us watching around the world are derelict in our responsibility to prevent them from doing so.” CONTINUED
Hamas is a violent genocidal hate group.
If they would leave Israel alone, they would not be pounded in retaliation.
It's gonna be difficult to fire rockets at Israeli civilians, while hiding behind Arab civilians, from that neighborhood.
Now the some European political garbage is gathered in Kiev and if Russia had hit these scumbags and civilians were hurt, you would be the first to squeal like a castrated pig "Bloody murder!"
Now the some European political garbage is gathered in Kiev and if Russia had hit these scumbags and civilians were hurt, you would be the first to squeal like a castrated pig "Bloody murder!"

Russia would never target civilians, eh comrade?

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