Arms sale to Saudi Arabia


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2020
Trump and the US government have approved the sale of high accuracy bombs and other weapons sales to Saudi to use against the Houthi in Yemen. I do not have the details but Saudis will spend hundreds of millions over the next ten years. The Houthi militia are backed by Iran. The Saudis do not want a Shia regime on their border.
It is said Biden opposes the deal but if the congress has approved it what can he do about it?
We need to mind our own business and let them fight among themselves.

We're to the point where we're literally starting wars just to keep the fed's printing press going and putting the American electorate on the hook for it. The only people who benefit from that are those in the military industrial complex. It serves no purpose to the actual American people.
Who the fuck these Dem/GOP Establishmemt RINO pig traitors selling arms and weapons to and guns are banned for U.S. subjects in our own homes? Gee whiz don't call us citizens yet the way these congress critters and commie socialists of SCOTUS treat us.
Trump and the US government have approved the sale of high accuracy bombs and other weapons sales to Saudi to use against the Houthi in Yemen. I do not have the details but Saudis will spend hundreds of millions over the next ten years. The Houthi militia are backed by Iran. The Saudis do not want a Shia regime on their border.
It is said Biden opposes the deal but if the congress has approved it what can he do about it?

Remember that Hussain el'Obama arranged for the Wahhabist regime in Saudi Arabia to purchase $108 billion in weapons ...
We need to mind our own business and let them fight among themselves.

We're to the point where we're literally starting wars just to keep the fed's printing press going. The only people who benefit from that are those in the military industrial complex. It serves no purpose to the actual American people.

Jobs, my friend, American jobs ... if there's one industry not being shipped to China, that would be the defense industry ... it's the only thing keeping Republican slobs working ...
It's ok that Trump is supporting second amendment rights for other countries. But I doubt very much that Biden will have any regard for mine.
We need to sell them bone saws


More profit to be made
We shouldn’t be selling any arms to this butcher kingdom. The less entanglement with these monsters the better.

The Tremendous Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a line of defense against the Iranian mullahs. Iran has never even apologized for their attacks and invasion of our Greek friends.

Crown Prince Moe Salman looks like a great guy, he's really been modernizing Saudi Arabia in recent years. Did you see how they now allow women drivers? and women wrestling as well?
We shouldn’t be selling any arms to this butcher kingdom. The less entanglement with these monsters the better.

The Tremendous Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a line of defense against the Iranian mullahs. Iran has never even apologized for their attacks and invasion of our Greek friends.

Crown Prince Moe Salman looks like a great guy, he's really been modernizing Saudi Arabia in recent years. Did you see how they now allow women drivers? and women wrestling as well?
Not to mention female women!
We shouldn’t be selling any arms to this butcher kingdom. The less entanglement with these monsters the better.

The Tremendous Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a line of defense against the Iranian mullahs. Iran has never even apologized for their attacks and invasion of our Greek friends.

Crown Prince Moe Salman looks like a great guy, he's really been modernizing Saudi Arabia in recent years. Did you see how they now allow women drivers? and women wrestling as well?

He has made reforms the Mullahs do not like. Such as the ones you said.
Who the fuck these Dem/GOP Establishmemt RINO pig traitors selling arms and weapons to and guns are banned for U.S. subjects in our own homes? Gee whiz don't call us citizens yet the way these congress critters and commie socialists of SCOTUS treat us.
Trump also selling weapons to UAE, whom it was just found out, was the center of helping Venezuela skirt the trump oil embargo.
We're to the point where we're literally starting wars just to keep the fed's printing press going
Thats not true

The world is a very violent place

we need the weapons and so do our allies

Aw, horse pucky.

Bring em home and build more bases here. That's real national defense. That's real defense spending. And th American people are put on the hook for the principle plus interest at the barrel of our own government's gun.

The only people benefitting from this nonsense are those in the business of war and invested interests in being the policemen of the world.

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