Arrest of Iranians proves Tehran’s role


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I don't think this comes as a surprise.

Arrest of Iranians proves Tehran’s role

Capture of two Quds Force officers shows just how much Iran is interfering in Yemen

Gulf News
April 12, 2015

If ever there was proof needed that Iran has been meddling in the internal affairs of Yemen, look no further than the capture and arrest of Iranian military advisers on the ground there on Friday. Forces loyal to the legitimate government of President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi fighting Al Houthi terrorists in Aden captured two Iranian military officers who belonged, initial investigations showed, to an elite unit of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.

Tehran has been caught red-handed. There is no other possible explanation for the presence of the Quds Force officers in Aden, other than to offer help and advice to Al Houthis in their subversive campaign of terror to destabilise Yemen and complete their plans to overthrow the rightful civilian government of President Hadi. But their arrest also begs the question of how many more Iranian advisers are on the ground in Yemen, offering training to Al Houthis, teaching how to kill Yemenis and how to seize power.

This proven presence of Iranian forces on the ground now shows how duplicitous and dangerous Tehran has been in stirring up sedition in Yemen. But let’s not be fooled into thinking that this is a one-off occurrence. No, rest assured, the weaponry used by Al Houthis comes from Iran, the rocket-propelled grenades come from Iran, the bullets and magazines for AK-47s also come from Iran.

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Arrest of Iranians proves Tehran s role
I don't think this comes as a surprise.

Arrest of Iranians proves Tehran’s role

Capture of two Quds Force officers shows just how much Iran is interfering in Yemen

Gulf News
April 12, 2015

If ever there was proof needed that Iran has been meddling in the internal affairs of Yemen, look no further than the capture and arrest of Iranian military advisers on the ground there on Friday. Forces loyal to the legitimate government of President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi fighting Al Houthi terrorists in Aden captured two Iranian military officers who belonged, initial investigations showed, to an elite unit of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.

Tehran has been caught red-handed. There is no other possible explanation for the presence of the Quds Force officers in Aden, other than to offer help and advice to Al Houthis in their subversive campaign of terror to destabilise Yemen and complete their plans to overthrow the rightful civilian government of President Hadi. But their arrest also begs the question of how many more Iranian advisers are on the ground in Yemen, offering training to Al Houthis, teaching how to kill Yemenis and how to seize power.

This proven presence of Iranian forces on the ground now shows how duplicitous and dangerous Tehran has been in stirring up sedition in Yemen. But let’s not be fooled into thinking that this is a one-off occurrence. No, rest assured, the weaponry used by Al Houthis comes from Iran, the rocket-propelled grenades come from Iran, the bullets and magazines for AK-47s also come from Iran.

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Arrest of Iranians proves Tehran s role

manipulation, interference, terrorism, coup
I wish someone would inform Obama about Iran, he seems to believe they're buddies with our best interests in mind.

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