Hamas escapes almost all accountability for a war it started in a malicious act of depravity.


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2012
Murder, rape and kidnapping were the consequences of Hamas crossing the border.

The current war would not be occurring but for Hamas, almost certainly at the behest of its Iranian mentors, committing such widespread atrocities, in the certain knowledge that the Israeli response would be massive.

And why did Iran choose to push Hamas last October?

At this time, US diplomacy appeared to be succeeding in encouraging Saudi Arabia and other Arab states to recognise Israel.

This would be catastrophic for Iranian ambitions in the region.

So, let us be clear.

The Iranians in particular bear enormous responsibility as an openly terrorist regime for all that has happened in the Gaza strip.

They are a regime dedicated to creating maximum turmoil in the region.

This is part of the regime's survival strategy in Teheran.

If anyone should doubt Iranian involvement, then a glance at the presence of Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Syria in liaison with the Hezbollah terrorist grouping will remove any doubts.

I say the IDF should settle all family matters.

Murder, rape and kidnapping were the consequences of Hamas crossing the border.

The current war would not be occurring but for Hamas, almost certainly at the behest of its Iranian mentors, committing such widespread atrocities, in the certain knowledge that the Israeli response would be massive.

And why did Iran choose to push Hamas last October?

At this time, US diplomacy appeared to be succeeding in encouraging Saudi Arabia and other Arab states to recognise Israel.

This would be catastrophic for Iranian ambitions in the region.

So, let us be clear.

The Iranians in particular bear enormous responsibility as an openly terrorist regime for all that has happened in the Gaza strip.

They are a regime dedicated to creating maximum turmoil in the region.

This is part of the regime's survival strategy in Teheran.

If anyone should doubt Iranian involvement, then a glance at the presence of Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Syria in liaison with the Hezbollah terrorist grouping will remove any doubts.

They are still holding American hostages... Biden has a hostage problem just like Carter... I remember the media back then reporting on it... they were liberal back then but they were not anti American like our media is today....
They are still holding American hostages... Biden has a hostage problem just like Carter... I remember the media back then reporting on it... they were liberal back then but they were not anti American like our media is today....
And like now, the POTUS, Jimmy Carter wasn't up to the task of gaining their freedom. If Carter would have carpet bombed Tehran the day after the Iranians first refusal to return our citizens, we would not be having the problems in the world that we have today.
What has Biden said about the terrorists and their supporters rioting at Columbia U, and in the streets of Manhattan, and on the GG Bridge? Has he denounced these Jew-haters? These disrupters causing medical emergencies and hundreds of people missing flights? The people calling to exterminate an American ally?

Nope. Radio silence from Dementia-in-Chief.
For the record: The Hamas attack was revenge.

For the record, Islamists from both the Shia and Sunni are extracting revenge against each other for things that happened hundreds of years ago. For the record, when is it NOT about revenge for them?

And for the record, when Israel went into Gaza this time its because they know that Hamas will continue to seek revenge if Israel sits back and does nothing. They refuse to have their people bear the brunt of Hamas's never ending revenge.
YOu do realize that Hamas tipped their hand when they scowered towns in Southern Israel trying to find any Jew they could kill for an entire day or longer? it was very clear to see then that Hamas would always look for a weakness along the border to come in then and kill even liberal Israelis who would fight for Palestinian rights. And for the record, Israel finally realized that Hamas Terrorist tactics could no longer be met with inaction and it was better to end all the fighting now once and for all in one final military action.
For the record, Islamists from both the Shia and Sunni are extracting revenge against each other for things that happened hundreds of years ago. For the record, when is it NOT about revenge for them?

And for the record, when Israel went into Gaza this time its because they know that Hamas will continue to seek revenge if Israel sits back and does nothing. They refuse to have their people bear the brunt of Hamas's never ending revenge.
YOu do realize that Hamas tipped their hand when they scowered towns in Southern Israel trying to find any Jew they could kill for an entire day or longer? it was very clear to see then that Hamas would always look for a weakness along the border to come in then and kill even liberal Israelis who would fight for Palestinian rights. And for the record, Israel finally realized that Hamas Terrorist tactics could no longer be met with inaction and it was better to end all the fighting now once and for all in one final military action.
This is also why once this is over, the Israelis will have to take up permanent residence in GAZA, including housing for the IDF near the border.
The current war would not be occurring but for Hamas, almost certainly at the behest of its Iranian mentors, committing such widespread atrocities, in the certain knowledge that the Israeli response would be massive.
1. Even the cruel, heartless leaders of Hamas could not have imagined the ferocious response of Prime Minister Netanyahu to the October 7 pogrom.

2. The Hamas leaders no doubt are amazed and pleased how much of the world has turned against Israel because of the total obliteration of the Gazan infrastructure and the humanitarian plight of 2,000,000 Gazan civilians, many of whom probably supported the October 7 massacre.

3. The Biden Administration is understandably obsessed with the effect of the current situation on its electoral chances in November.

a. Maybe it is expecting too much to hope that peace -- not electoral victory in November -- will be the No.1 consideration in the coming days.
1. Even the cruel, heartless leaders of Hamas could not have imagined the ferocious response of Prime Minister Netanyahu to the October 7 pogrom.

2. The Hamas leaders no doubt are amazed and pleased how much of the world has turned against Israel because of the total obliteration of the Gazan infrastructure and the humanitarian plight of 2,000,000 Gazan civilians, many of whom probably supported the October 7 massacre.

3. The Biden Administration is understandably obsessed with the effect of the current situation on its electoral chances in November.

a. Maybe it is expecting too much to hope that peace -- not electoral victory in November -- will be the No.1 consideration in the coming days.
The October 7 attack by Hamas was revenge for the hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians murdered by the Zionist regime.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
Murder, rape and kidnapping were the consequences of Hamas crossing the border.

The current war would not be occurring but for Hamas, almost certainly at the behest of its Iranian mentors, committing such widespread atrocities, in the certain knowledge that the Israeli response would be massive.

And why did Iran choose to push Hamas last October?

At this time, US diplomacy appeared to be succeeding in encouraging Saudi Arabia and other Arab states to recognise Israel.

This would be catastrophic for Iranian ambitions in the region.

So, let us be clear.

The Iranians in particular bear enormous responsibility as an openly terrorist regime for all that has happened in the Gaza strip.

They are a regime dedicated to creating maximum turmoil in the region.

This is part of the regime's survival strategy in Teheran.

If anyone should doubt Iranian involvement, then a glance at the presence of Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Syria in liaison with the Hezbollah terrorist grouping will remove any doubts.

Biden is the chief demon in the Middle East,he'd sell his mother for chewing gum money.
The October 7 attack by Hamas was revenge for the hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians murdered by the Zionist regime.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

When palestinian fighters die at the hands of Isrealis because they attacked Israelis... thats not murder. Thats war and conflict which Palestinians are bringing on themselves.
Where do you get your numbers from anyway? the worst casualties were in the Lebanon war where PLO killed many Lebanese, and attacked Israel from the North... there were around 30,000 killed in that war.
But you know who gets left out? Lebanese christians who were murdered and tortured by their Muslim brothers. There is a reason Israelis are forced to take a hard stand aginst these people.
When palestinian fighters die at the hands of Isrealis because they attacked Israelis... thats not murder. Thats war and conflict which Palestinians are bringing on themselves.
Yes, and when Zionist fighters die at the hands of Hamas fighters.

The distinction for civilians is understood by both sides but not honoured by both sides.

Stay on message. You have a record of spamming and that is no longer going to be toerated.
Yes, and when Zionist fighters die at the hands of Hamas fighters.

The distinction for civilians is understood by both sides but not honoured by both sides.

Stay on message. You have a record of spamming and that is no longer going to be toerated.

I'm assuming you're refering to item #2 ?

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  1. 1.​
    irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the internet to a large number of recipients.​
  2. 2.​
    a canned meat product made mainly from ham.​
  1. send the same message indiscriminately to (large numbers of recipients) on the internet.​


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