Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

Look. Elektra and his idiot buddy Delldude have beat this thread to death and shown us that
and shown us that nobody has mentioned CERT, Containment & Emergency Response Team

Since there won't be time to call for assistance in the event a terrorist is ever able to execute a attack against the Capitol, their primary mission consists of rescuing Congressional members, their staff, and visitors who have been taken hostage by terrorists. Secondary missions include, countering threats made against dignitaries, responding to critical incidents and providing security for major events
Enough of this silly thread. My last comment....and it may sound familiar.

These back'n'forths over Nancy did this, Nancy didn't do that are the ultimate in silliness. Sorta like deliberating over removing the Do Not Remove tag on the life-jackets as the Titanic went down.

Here the deal:

1. Don Trump summoned his supporters to DC...with the words...'Be there, will be wild.'

2. So they came locked and loaded.

3. He gathered them, provoked, inspired, and instigated them to march at our legislators.

4. A march he and his enablers purposely kept secret from authorities.....no seeking a permit, no heads-up to law enforcement at the Capitol, or anywhere, no heads-up to McConnell, Shumer, Pelosi, McCarthy. No call to the Congressional leadership that he was sending thousands of angry supporters....a significant number of which he knew were armed....sending that angry mob directly and our Congressional representatives.

5. And once that instigated mob attacked the thin blue-line of uniform police and began to assault and drag them down......Don Trump merely watched on the telly for over 3 hours. A gladiator spectacle to be gawked at for his entertainment. In America's Capitol, seat of our democracy.

6. THAT was the dereliction of duty by the man who had the most power, the most responsibility to protect America, to protect our cherished Capitol. To ensure the buck stops at the Resolute desk. Except.....it didn't with Don Trump.
Or as some here imply....it wasn't his job to be the Commander in Chief of the United States.

Now Trump's cult wants to parse through arcane rules to explain why Don Trump took the "Ain't-My-Job, Man" approach to being a responsible leader of the United States of America.

I hope I am clear.
Look. Elektra and his idiot buddy Delldude have beat this thread to death and shown us that
Now, my final one:

"As commander of the DCNG, I'm not sure if Trump himself could have called them up."

My point, he had all the authority, and manifestly the duty and responsibility ....to call Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi, even the chamber's respective Sergeants at Arms......and tell them he was going to be sending an angry mob at our legislators following his Ellipse speech.

Even more, even more damning, he had all the authority necessary when the violence began to call Mitch and Nancy and say to them...."Let's get our heads together and figger this mess out. We are the nation's leaders it is on our plate. Let's do something pronto. We owe it to America."

Don didn't make that call.
He sat on his butt in the White House and was content to be a spectator as the People's House was vandalized and its' guardians savagely beaten.
I hope I am clear.
You are clear, Democrats refuse to accept responsibility for the Legislative branch of government when they are elected to congress.

You are clear, after previous bombings and attacks, after all the previous great security measures, democrats in charge of the capitol building destroyed the security and allowed a bunch of what everyone here describes as morons, just about take over the legislative branch of government.

democrats claim they are smarter and better leaders yet they let a mob of morons attack the building the democrats cowardly hid in

democrats and their staff had run, hide, with the security teams, surrendered, they needed trump to save them aint that funny, that is what chill is stating, chill says democrats were weak cowards who had to hide and run from maga. If democrats can not protect themselves from maga democrats can not protect our country
Now, my final one:
My point, he had all the authority, and manifestly the duty and responsibility ....to call Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi, even the chamber's respective Sergeants at Arms.....
Pure lies.
As the law states, the legislative branch has it's jurisdiction, the executive branch can not deploy troops without written permission. Even in an emergency, that written permission was given to the National Guard

Pretty funny though, Nancy Pelosi is so weak and incompetent, she need Trump to save her from this man
Look. Elektra and his idiot buddy Delldude have beat this thread to death and shown us that

The NG was not called out previous to Jan 6 for no other reason than the fact that Trump’s SecDef did not order it.
No one else had that authority and no one had the authority over ride him if he had
Please Mr. Trump, save pelosi from maga. Pretty scary, The woman that would declare war, completely surrendered to MAGA, just like Benghazi, just like Afghanistan.

All the Russians needs is a hat with horns and Pelosi will surrender, and have to call Trump?
6. THAT was the dereliction of duty by the man who had the most power, the most responsibility to protect America, to protect our cherished Capitol. To ensure the buck stops at the Resolute desk. Except.....it didn't with Don Trump.
Or as some here imply....it wasn't his job to be the Commander in Chief of the United States.
And here is the ignorance of democrats, they believe that their president is king! They believe that the president has more power than Congress! No equal power, the president has power over congress!

Thank you chill, you did not imply, you just stated that we do not have equal branches of government. The president rules over congress.
only when one keeps ringing a dirty rag, do we get a drop of truth, chill believes in fascism, dictatorships
6. THAT was the dereliction of duty by the man who had the most power, the most responsibility to protect America
Who here does not believe that Congress has the power to declare war?
Who here does not believe there are equal branches of government.
exactly right, but I can hammer them and hammer them until we see what they really believe,

What the democrats have been arguing is the president of the united states of america rules over and controls all branches of government.
exactly right, but I can hammer them and hammer them until we see what they really believe,

What the democrats have been arguing is the president of the united states of america rules over and controls all branches of government.
I seenat.

Sitting back and allowing them to expose their fascistic proclivities with their own words has been quite amusing.
Pelosi just did not know she had to protect the Capitol, nothing ever bad happens at the capitol
Forty-four years ago Sunday, a bomb planted in a bathroom on the Senate side of the Capitol building went off, causing hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage,
In 1954, a group of Puerto Rican separatists got onto the House floor and opened fire with handguns. Five members of the House were wounded in the attack, including Rep. Alvin Bentley (Mich.). He's in the photo below, being carried out by pages.
a bomb planted by a group calling itself the Armed Resistance Unit exploded under a bench just outside the office of Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.V.) That explosion, a bit before 11 p.m. on Nov. 7, 1983, was one of a series of attacks across Washington, D.C., that year. The bombing, meant to protest the military's actions in Grenada and Lebanon
On July 2, 1915, in the midst of World War I, a German-born professor at Harvard named Erich Muenter planted dynamite under a switchboard near the Senate Reception Room. Shortly before midnight, it went off.
Enough of this silly thread. My last comment....and it may sound familiar.

These back'n'forths over Nancy did this, Nancy didn't do that are the ultimate in silliness. Sorta like deliberating over removing the Do Not Remove tag on the life-jackets as the Titanic went down.
Here the deal:
Here is the deal, the capitol has been attacked by tens of thousands before, Pelosi supposedly knows history, especially the history she lived!

Not Pelosi's fault, oh know. Not after all the bombs, not after all the riots, not after millions of dollars spent on automative weapons to are the Capitol Police swat and special force teams called CERT. Millions in training. They are taught of the previous attacks. Yet Pelosi decided to have a pissing contest with her biggest enemy, not Putin, Trump!

Crowds of as many as 20,000 overwhelmed the District's 3,100-member police force, and 11,850 federal troops and 1,750 D.C. National Guardsmen under orders of President Lyndon B. Johnson arrived on the streets of D.C. to assist them. Marines mounted machine guns on the steps of the Capitol and Army soldiers from the 3rd Infantry guarded the White House
The riots utterly devastated Washington's inner city economy. With the destruction or closing of businesses, thousands of jobs were lost, and insurance rates soared. Made uneasy by the violence, city residents of all races accelerated their departure for suburban areas, depressing property values. Crime in the burned out neighborhoods rose sharply, further discouraging investment.

On some blocks, only rubble remained for decades. Columbia Heights and the U Street corridor did not begin to recover economically until the opening of the U Street and Columbia Heights Metro stations in 1991 and 1999, respectively, while the H Street NE corridor remained depressed for several years longer.
You shouldn't b'lieve fox news. They lie. They had to pay out $¾ billion for lying. Patel threw out the number 20K. Miller then agrees that's what he told the J6 committee but here's his testimony... he never said anything about 20K troops. He only said 10K. Repeatedly. And said he didn't take Trump seriously.
Believe Fox News? They do an AI on Patel and Miller?

Looks like the words of Patel and Miller, claiming they both testified under oath.....so it's on Fox and it's bogus.......I thought you were better......

It was Miller he mentioned it to and Miller said the number was 10000 and that it wasn't an order. Patel claims it was an order for up to 20000, but again, it was Miller told.
Not according to Miller's claims.
The NG was not called out previous to Jan 6 for no other reason than the fact that Trump’s SecDef did not order it.
No shit..............why would NG be called out previous to the dreaded 'insurrection' on J6.

How is it then, that Miller gave the order to deploy NG troops at 3:04pm, J6?

You are delving into psycho babble.
No one really knew what to do. It was an unprecedented event in modern history.
1968, Martin Luther King is assassinated in Memphis, Nancy Pelosi is 28 years old. Riots across the USA, to include Washington D.C.. Tens of thousands of people rioting at the Capitol grounds.






The NG was not called out previous to Jan 6 for no other reason than the fact that Trump’s SecDef did not order it.
The consummate liar, Lesh................. :ssex:
You and idiot Elektra are making up rules that don’t exist
LOL.......why is it you keep getting your little ass kicked when these rules are provided?
The MAGArats were almost in the House Chambers.
They can't get no respect...................


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