If Biden Blew Up Nord Stream 2, Should He Be Impeached for Committing an Act of War Against a Nuclear Power without Congressional Consent?


RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA, y'all are so eager to spread and believe.

WHY? OH WHY? are you so gullible?

Biden couldn't shoot down a spy balloon 200 ft in diameter flying over U.S. airspace was the complaint this past week....

Yet you all thought he would have the guts to blow up and sabotage the Nordstrom pipelines a few months ago....

You are so eager to support Putin, at every turn...look at yourselves in a mirror, and ask yourself, how did I so easily become a Russki, an American traitor wannabe?

Yeah the Russians blew up their pipeline and any conflicting reports are Russian disinformation. So thinks those who believe:
Hunters laptop is Russian disinformation
Fauci is honest
Ivermectin is horse medicine
I have news for you, dipshit.
Trump isn't in office anymore.

Trump founded out of the DAP the NSDAP - ah sorry - he refounded the autocratic loyalist DonTrumplican party - what's a political party with ressources which is able to let him win his narcissistic war against all mankind and will let him be the greatest Greek, Roman, French, German of all times. Ah sorry. The greatest Swede of all times ... damn: - the greatest American of all times - he never was a Swede. Why did he ever say so? Because he is also not a Julius Cesar? Time for the Republicans to make a little meeting now with their new superstupid Julius and not to forget their pencils, isn't it? July or not July is not the only question. Too late or not too late?

Another thing, Putin never would have invaded Ukraine if it weren't for the worthless SOB currently in office.

Putin isn't Putin. I fear I missed the concrete point on my own when Putin was so damned slow not to be Putin any longer but to become Putin. Perhaps he always had only been Putin and I had only been a stupid idiot who believed that some rationality exists in this man. The KGB-patriarch of the Russian orthodox church who betrays the church, Russia and his own father was perhaps also a main reason why I was wrong in case of Putin. I fear now Putin is intelligent - but not reasonable. I hope Russia on its own is reasonable enough and still Christian enough to find a peaceful way out of this existential crisis of Russia which is also a crisis of Europe, China, the USA and the whole world. God may help us all.

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1. Trump will never be president of the US. He alienated too many voters.

2. I don't have to tell a judge that Biden is a criminal. The evidence is accumulating. Its a matter of time before he gets impeached.

3. In 2024 the democrats will vote for their candidate. We'll see who they nominate. I hope its not Joe Biden.

Biden may need to start another war to distract from all of his legal problems. We call that "wag the dog" after a movie with that plot. Wars are nasty.

Again: I do not vote for Joe Biden nor against Joe Biden. I am a German. I do not have any problem with Mr. president Joe Biden. And if he really had destroyed the pipelines Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 then I do not like to know this. I also do not like to know whether this had been made from Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Ukraine or from Russia. ... If this was made from North Korea then tell me why. Could be a funny reason. ...
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As near as I can tell, and I may be wrong. But the RW CT nuts think Biden should be impeached for taking a leak.
I remember Helmet Kohl. When I was living in Germany things were pretty good. And this was before the wall came down.
Since then they've turned former Army Kasserns into housing for all of the East Germans that moved in during 90s. My friend Ann was complaining about the Socialist government giving them her benefits that she had paid into most of her life. They're doing the same here in America with respect to illegals.
We now have a government that hires people because of their skin color and sexual-orientation rather than their character or their qualifications. I hear Germany is doing the same....and it's becoming a shitstorm in Germany, thanks to diversity and equity.

View attachment 756565
Some people think they a able to change the world by changing words. I don't think so. Negroes are for example for me Negroes - or Nubians what's a more funny Roman expression - but I don't see any sense to use the word "blacks". Negroes are not black. And to be black is not nice. And I have absolutelly not any idea what could be wrong with words like Negroe, Gypsy, Red Indian or Jew and so on. I also don't know what's wrong with words like man, woman or words like homosexual or heterosexual and I do not see any sense when in Germany everyone writes "m/w/d" (male - female - diversity) in a job advert. Most who are looking for a miner will not hire a woman for example - except someone needs a sensitive machine leader for example.

I fear today much too many people think they are able to replace spirit with formalisms. On the other side: It needs some rules. Since about 100 years we have the "women's suffrage" (Frauenwahlrecht) in Germany but still are women underrepresented in politics and business. I ask myselve in this context why the politicians did not make on their own the first step in the last decades and made the job "politician" much more interesting for women.
Women do not like to be only another kind of man. I guess this is the real important thing. We often reduce our public political life only to a kind of man made political game - and let the spirit of women not bloom in the way women like to bloom. I guess this could make the world really to a better place.
But the formalism and regulations of speech with the will to regulate thoughts are from my point of view damned dangerous. To live with so called "scissors in the head" (=self-censoring) cuts not only down unloved thoughts but also creativity.

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Trump founded out of the DAP the NSDAP - ah sorry - he refounded the autocratic loyalist DonTrumplican party - what's a political party with ressources which is able to let him win his narcissistic war against all mankind and will let him be the greatest Greek, Roman, French, German of all times. Ah sorry. The greatest Swede of all times ... damn: - the greatest American of all times - he never was a Swede. Why did he ever say so? Because he is also not a Julius Cesar? Time for the Republicans to make a little meeting now with their new superstupid Julius and not to forget their pencils, isn't it? July or not July is not the only question. Too late or not too late?

Putin isn't Putin. I fear I missed the concrete point on my own when Putin was so damned slow not to be Putin any longer but to become Putin. Perhaps he always had only been Putin and I had only been a stupid idiot who believed that some rationality exists in this man. The KGB-patriarch of the Russian orthodox church who betrays the church, Russia and his own father was perhaps also a main reason why I was wrong in case of Putin. I fear now Putin is intelligent - but not reasonable. I hope Russia on its own is reasonable enough and still Christian enough to find a peaceful way out of this existential crisis of Russia which is also a crisis of Europe, China, the USA and the whole world. God may help us all.

Most of your posts are word-salad. They sound interesting.....but...
...they don't make a heck of a lot of sense.
Most of your posts are word-salad. They sound interesting.....but...
...they don't make a heck of a lot of sense.
Its wild how the sentence structure translates from German. I'm sure we both use idiom that makes the word salad even more nonsensical.
My take on his thoughts are when government passes regulations to regulate thoughts and behavior, its dangerous, especially when they can't even define what a woman is.
Government should make certain male dominated jobs more "woman friendly" . I could be wrong, but that's my take.
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Most of your posts are word-salad.

What's perhaps only a "result" - better to say an impression - of the typical US-Americna impatience and the unability to think on the own in philosophical categories. Or a result of the will to win - whatever it is - even if it is the own death. So try to avoid for example the use of alcohol and drugs and use only this medicaments which you really need if you are really sick. There must be reasons why a totally unqualified man like Donald Trump got more than only one vote.

...they don't make a heck of a lot of sense.

Sure. Nothing makes any sense if you do not like to use your own spirit.
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What's perhaps only a "result" - better to say an impression - of the typical US-Americna impatience and the unability to think on the own in philosophical categories. Or a result of the will to win - whatever it is - even if it is the own death. So try to avoid for example the use of alcohol and drugs and use only this medicaments which you really need if you are really sick. There must be reasons why a totally unqualified man like Donald Trump got more than only one vote.

Sure. Nothing makes any sense if you do not like to use your own spirit.
You're using a translator and it's not working worth a scheiße
Its wild how the sentence structure translates from German. I'm sure we both use idiom that makes the word salad even more nonsensical.
My take on his thoughts are when government passes regulations to regulate thoughts and behavior, its dangerous, especially when they can't even define what a woman is.
Government should make certain male dominated jobs more "woman friendly" . I could be wrong, but that's my take.

You are not wrong (a typical German form to say 'you are right') - but that's on the other side also a typical male form to think. Not men should make anything "women friendly" - women should do so. And because women still are not able to realize this (- because this is still an unknown territory for most of them which only "male thinking" women are able to enter and to dominate currently -) means this "learning by doing" - step by step - continously - also when something goes wrong. "Never give up" is always a good rule (My mother said so: "Nicht aufgeben zwingt alles" - "never to give up forces everything"). But I am on my own also only a man. And how many men are writing here and how many women are doing so? Nearly only men - and nearly no women? I fear a woman like Lady Gyburc who spoke her tolerance speech in front of the highest authorities of the Holy Empire (as a member of this highest authorities) is still today - after about 800 years - an exception. And also she was perhaps nothing else than the male dream of a poet.

If Biden Blew Up Nord Stream 2, Should He Be Impeached for Committing an Act of War Against a Nuclear Power without Congressional Consent?

Did Biden just commit an act of war against a nuclear power? If so this is certainly impeachable.
12 Feb 2023 ~~ By Joe Hoft

On Friday TGP opined that Biden should be impeached if he blew up our allies energy pipeline.
That’s where we are right now. Like in World War I, that event started alliances to fall in place that hadn’t even been solidified previously. If this Nordstream 2 event gets further investigated, and proven true that the U.S. was behind it – it’s as if we shot Archduke Ferdinand.
Many nations that we may have assumed would rally to our side, may rally to Russia’s side instead. It’s that significant, which is why you have to look at pre-WW1 to see how such an event can change things quickly, and cause a World War to ramp up as a result.
I may be “early” on this – because it could be 2-3 years before definitive proof comes out (what if – a Republican becomes President in 2024 and releases/declassifies information to the public about Nordstream 2?).
Europe won’t like us. Germans won’t like us if we’re the ones to blame for causing Germany to dig new coal mines, no matter that they’re unprepared and they should have done better for themselves, but still – Europe relations will suffer from this, no matter how we spin it.
  1. Biden committed an Act of War against a Nuclear-capable nation as if a pre-emptive strike on a Nuclear Power, something we have never done before.
  2. An Act of War against a Nuclear Power, preemptively conducted, should 100% of the time come after a formal Declaration of War from the US Congress because you don’t sign up 100 Million (or more) Americans to die in a Nuclear War without their Representatives committing the nation to that fight.
And Joe, 2 more points of importance:
  1. Nordstream 2 as an asset/physical pipeline, is owned by Gazprom, a Russian company HQd in Switzerland.
  2. Shell Oil and some other companies as a group had put together $10 Million to help with Construction costs, but they retained no ownership rights of the pipeline itself.
  3. Think of this just like a Russian-owned Oil Tanker that shows up in New York harbor. The transportation asset is Russian-owned the entire time, but the oil delivered is then the property of the receiving customer (Germany may have laws or some arrangement to begin ownership of pipeline on their own soil that may not be as transparent to the public, but this portion of pipeline in the ocean was certainly Russian owned).
This Impeachable Offense by President Biden is a big deal, and our Founders would probably find it to be one of the most egregious offenses by a US President in our entire nation’s history. A preemptive strike on a Nuclear Power puts at least 1/3 of our nation in danger, perhaps more. There is nothing more dangerous – COVID Shots, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan – add up any problem issues of the last 20 years, add up all the lives at stake, and it will be a minuscule risk in contrast to the potential deaths of 100+ Million Americans in a Nuclear War.
Also, based on warheads alone, the US is at a disadvantage against Russia.
This was a very dangerous move by Biden. It is certainly impeachable.
This event is compared to the event that triggered WW1, and this one triggered WWIII.... So far it hasn't occurred.
The American people have effectively lost control of the Presidency and the Senate due to vote fraud in state-wide elections and I see absolutely no sign that that is ever going to change short of kinetic action against the current political class.
Just one of several impeachable acts
Unfortunately, The Senate is packed with members controlled by PAC money from private and corporate donors. It take a two thirds majority of the Senate to pronounce Biden impeached.
America and the lives of it's citizens are in danger. Joseph Robinette Biden is a current and real danger to of National Security.

Bombshell leaked docs suggest Putin is mobilizing UK army of ‘kamikaze’ spies to wreak havoc in Britain

Okay, after we impeach him for
  • the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, deliberately stranding Americans and friendlies
  • firing Americans with natural immunity for refusing to get an ineffective vaccine,
  • giving Hunter access to classified documents related to Ukraine,
  • letting a spy balloon with unknown capabilities knowingly fly over sensitive military sites, and
  • deliberately refusing to enforce the border, in violation of his Constitutional duties.
You're using a translator and it's not working worth a scheiße

Why did you use the word "Scheiße" instead of the word "shit"? An English keyboard is not made for the letter "ß". Why did you not realize that "Scheiße" is a substantive (=which are written with a big Letter in the Beginning in the German Language)?
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Why did you use the word "Scheiße" instead of the word "shit"? An English keyboard is not made for the letter "ß". Why did you not realize that "Scheiße" is a substantive (=which are written with a big Letter in the Beginning in the German Language)?
Because I was using a translator like you are.
What will you pro-Ruskies do when you find our Biden had nothing to do with the pipeline?
What will you do when you find out he did blow the pipelines?

My guess…you’ll support his decision.
What will you do when you find out he did blow the pipelines?

My guess…you’ll support his decision.

Whoever did do so: It was an extremely stupid and evil decision and deed which weakens the possibilities to come to peace in the world.
Whoever did do so: It was an extremely stupid and evil decision and deed which weakens the possibilities to come to peace in the world.
There is only one party who benefits from those now destroyed pipelines.

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