If Biden Blew Up Nord Stream 2, Should He Be Impeached for Committing an Act of War Against a Nuclear Power without Congressional Consent?

"There is only one party who benefits from those now destroyed pipelines."

Umm, competing oil-producers or transporters?

Saudi Arabia?
Arab Emirates?

Bipartisan group of Congress sure wanted Nordstream to END.

Look at all of these politicians saying that Nordstream is bad for America.
Not sure why the cult is pushing back so hard on this obvious truth.

I'm not sure who the "cult" is that the poster Angus is referencing.
Nor am I sure that good poster Angus has 'proved' his alleged 'truth'.

If he does have deadsolid verifiable 'proof'......well, Angus, right now would be a great time for you to show it....and NOT look like the silly ninny - Joe Hoft of Gateway Pundit. (see the OP)
You are not wrong (a typical German form to say 'you are right') - but that's on the other side also a typical male form to think. Not men should make anything "women friendly" - women should do so. And because women still are not able to realize this (- because this is still an unknown territory for most of them which only "male thinking" women are able to enter and to dominate currently -) means this "learning by doing" - step by step - continuously - also when something goes wrong. "Never give up" is always a good rule (My mother said so: "Nicht aufgeben zwingt alles" - "never to give up forces everything"). But I am on my own also only a man. And how many men are writing here and how many women are doing so? Nearly only men - and nearly no women? I fear a woman like Lady Gyburc who spoke her tolerance speech in front of the highest authorities of the Holy Empire (as a member of this highest authorities) is still today - after about 800 years - an exception. And also she was perhaps nothing else than the male dream of a poet.
You are a very deep thinker. I can see that your mom was too. I love her saying:
"Never give up" (My mother said so: "Nicht aufgeben zwingt alles" - "never to give up forces everything")

We have a counter saying "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result" is the definition of insanity.

So "never give up", but keep finding different potential solutions.

As for idioms, my wife was a farm girl of German ancestry, nothing was ever "empty", it was "all". Every so often I still need a translator.

Maybe Nikki Haley can break the "glass ceiling" here in the US and get elected president?
It would be interesting to see how she handles the bright spotlight and intense scrutiny/pressure.

Last year, NATO called Nord Stream bombings "acts of sabotage...on allies' critical infrastructure." 4 months later, Victoria Nuland testified "the administration is very gratified to know that Nord Stream 2 is now, as you like to say, a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea."
There is only one party who benefits from those now destroyed pipelines.

As well the Republicans and the Democrats of the USA attacked the souvereignity of Germany in case of the use of this pipelines and our business with Russia before Putin had attacked the Ukraine. Both political groups of the USA felt very well with a return of a new Cold War and a new kind of war against Nazi-Germany and as defenders against European colonialism. For example when three senators of the USA threatened a little German harbor that they will wipe it out economically if they will not ignore German and European laws and start to follow US-American laws - while this people only did do their jobs and never had to do anything with politics. The totally stupid behavior of many US-American unreal politicians in this context could a be nice study for a new Sigmund Freud who likes to find out a little more about the weird psychology of chosen class representatives in a violent world school without teachers but armed pupils.

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Again someone who knows not a lot about Duke Waldstein and the conflicts which leaded to the 30 years war and the final solution of this conflicts. Duke Waldstein was anything else than a devil and had anything else than a heart of stone. It is said when Duke Waldstein not had been murdered from his own emperor then today instead of "the 30 years war" we could perhaps speak about a much shorter war.
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You are a very deep thinker. I can see that your mom was too. I love her saying:
"Never give up" (My mother said so: "Nicht aufgeben zwingt alles" - "never to give up forces everything")

We have a counter saying "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result" is the definition of insanity.

This fits perfectly to the philosophy of Konrad Lorenz who started the day by trying to disprove one of his most favored scientific hypothesis. His form of early morning exercise.

So "never give up", but keep finding different potential solutions.

As for idioms, my wife was a farm girl of German ancestry, nothing was ever "empty", it was "all". Every so often I still need a translator.

Maybe Nikki Haley can break the "glass ceiling" here in the US and get elected president?

I do not know her but best whishes. And hopefully will some knights protect her. Emancipation or not - a lady is a lady.

It would be interesting to see how she handles the bright spotlight and intense scrutiny/pressure.

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Two more defect pipelines - who cares? Germany for sure doesn't care about this pipelines. That's past of the 19th or 16th century BC under your fake-president Donald - the superidiot and Putins very best friend - Trump.

It was illegal and has doubled the price of heat in Europe.
Everyone is angry.
Economic sanctions against Russia were totally illegal, a war crime.
Also against the 4th amendment of the US Constitution, which does not just apply to citizens.
"On Friday TGP opined that Biden should be impeached if he blew up our allies energy pipeline."

Does Gateway Pundits think Russia is one of our allies?

Blowing up the pipeline was criminal by US and International law, but the pipeline was also essential to Germany, who was one of our allies.
It was illegal and has doubled the price of heat in Europe.
Everyone is angry.

I not. If criminality and stupidity would make me angry then I would not be 13.8 billion years old.

Economic sanctions against Russia were totally illegal, a war crime.


Also against the 4th amendment of the US Constitution, which does not just apply to citizens.

I'm a German. The 4th amandement of what means what?

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If there was actual evidence that he ordered an attack, Then yes he should be impeached.

But since there's not, It doesn't really matter.

TGP has a long history of pushing b******* stories as fact. They also promoted Marjorie Taylor Greene's Retarded claims that Israel attacked the US using space lasers and started wildfires in California. Anything they claim should be taken with a whole f****** truck load of salt.
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