Democrats funding pro-Hamas rallies.

They live in encampments because they aren't students.
It's possible.

I remember a lot of times, we went to Hash Bash, some years, we were students, some we weren't.

. . but never were we students of UofM. Just students of other universities.

. . and the po-po in Ann Arbor never checked for student IDs. Anyone could be there for the gathering.

We always just crashed with friends.

Don't these. . . ehm, "terrorists," have any friends? :dunno:

It's possible.

I remember a lot of times, we went to Hash Bash, some years, we were students, some we weren't.

. . but never were we students of UofM. Just students of other universities.

. . and the po-po in Ann Arbor never checked for student IDs. Anyone could be there for the gathering.

We always just crashed with friends.

Don't these. . . ehm, "terrorists," have any friends? :dunno:

Yeah....even assholes can find somebody that has something in common with them.

It doesn't make sense to sit in a quad for days on end when your bed is only a few blocks away.
It's like a homeless encampment.
Most kids aren't used to sleeping on the ground and not showering.

I had to do it a lot when I was in the Army, but I didn't really have a choice in the matter.
You proved that ActBue is raising funds.

Not the Democratic Party.

ActBlue is the primary fund raising arm of the commiecrats.

This is directly from the DNC website. Click to donate and see what website it takes you to. Here's a clue for ya commie, it's ActBlue.

Donate to Help Elect Democrats​

The DNC is the only party committee responsible for electing Democrats at every level nationwide. Your support will invest in on-the-ground organizing, voter protection efforts, and more. Click here to donate.

Pretty disgusting if you ask me. These groups are calling for genocide against Jews, and Democrats are funding it.

The People's Forum is also funding it. Marxists all.
This is so typical Nazi Luiza sh#t racist OUTCAST Troll.

Hamas supporter in London says the quiet part out loud

“Hitler knew how to deal with these people"

It always has been pure Jew-hatred under the guise of anti-Zionism.

Watch more from @ThevoiceAlexa on the ground at

— Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) November 11, 2023



Swastikas over Gaza


Nazi-Arab Palestine plot
Since WW2
Nazi Palestine

Outcast racist Luiza also likes to push conspiracy theories. As is users, posters don't post their own opinions individually.
mmmmm Im not down for violence. That will be playing into the hands of those who want to destabalize the country. Strong law enforcement is good and going after those college professors who teach our kids how to be activists. They need to be let go. The kids for th emost part are just mislead and dont even know what they are protesting
Yeah because I mean like…like…like who in their right would protest a genocide? I mean REALLY?

You proved that ActBue is raising funds.

Not the Democratic Party.


Co-founder Benjamin Rahn at a fundraiser with Mark Warner and Ciro Rodriguez in 2006

ActBlue does not endorse individual candidates.[3] The organization is open to Democratic campaigns, candidates, committees, and progressive 501(c)4 organizations. Groups that use ActBlue pay a 3.95% credit card processing fee. As a nonprofit, ActBlue runs its own, separate fundraising program and accepts tips on contributions to pay for its expenses.[4][5][6]

ActBlue was founded in 2004 by Benjamin Rahn and Matt DeBergalis.[7] Rahn and DeBergalis were joined in 2005 by Jonathan Zucker and Erin Hill. Zucker took over as Executive Director in 2007;[8] he was replaced by Hill in 2009. In 2023, Regina Wallace-Jones replaced Hill as Executive Director.[9]
The outside agitators need the tents. The commies don't pay enough to stay in motels.

Who are more guilty of agitating, several dozens of paid outside agents, or a complicit press, who covers a story incorrectly, falsifying a narrative wrongly, and covering facts in a way to give the public a false impression of what is going on?
ActBlue is the primary fund raising arm of the commiecrats.

This is directly from the DNC website. Click to donate and see what website it takes you to. Here's a clue for ya commie, it's ActBlue.

Donate to Help Elect Democrats​

The DNC is the only party committee responsible for electing Democrats at every level nationwide. Your support will invest in on-the-ground organizing, voter protection efforts, and more. Click here to donate.

Not quite the same thing. But you tried. And failed
It's possible.

I remember a lot of times, we went to Hash Bash, some years, we were students, some we weren't.

. . but never were we students of UofM. Just students of other universities.

. . and the po-po in Ann Arbor never checked for student IDs. Anyone could be there for the gathering.

We always just crashed with friends.

Don't these. . . ehm, "terrorists," have any friends? :dunno:


Roughly 60% of those arrested at UT Austin were not students. Haven't heard the stats from UT Dallas yet.

Or entire cities
They have to pick there targets carefully, because if you notice they can pull this shit on a college campus, but if they tried it in the wrong neighborhoods their converts would shit their pants and run back to their parents.
Yeah because I mean like…like…like who in their right would protest a genocide? I mean REALLY?


because they are told its a genocide. Israel was forced to decide they would no longer accept Hamas violence. No one can take what happened on 10/7 and say its just business as usual.
Not quite the same thing. But you tried. And failed
Yeah....the Democrats aren't going to fund this shit directly. They're always going to do it thru a 3rd party to maintain plausible-deniability.

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