Hamas escapes almost all accountability for a war it started in a malicious act of depravity.

The fence was built AFTER the one neighbor attacked the other! It was built on the border between Israel and Gaza to prevent further attacks into Israel. For your information Gaza is not landlocked by Israel. It never has been.
80% of the separation wall was built on Palestinian property and thus considered illegal according to the International Criminal Court.

As for not being landlocked, Israel boards any vessel heading into Gaza. And they board these vessels in International waters, thus making the them an act of piracy. In one such boarding, Israel executed an American citizen on the Mavi Marmara.
I recognize that Israel is a tiny country surrounded by enemies who resort to lying, deception and violence to eliminate them.
You don't recognize that Gaza is wedged between the sea and an enormously larger enemy of Israel that resorts to lying, deception and violence to eliminate them?
Israel just happens to be better at defending themslves than the backwards enemies they face are at killing them.
It has escaped your understanding that Israel enjoys unlimited defence from the most powerful nation in the world?
Understanding what Israel is up against, goes a long way into understanding how they react.
Maybe understanding what Palestine is up against, goes a much longer way toward understanding how they react.
When you understand the mind of Hamas, you realize they dont care about the human life
When you understand the mind of Zionists, you realize they don't care about human life
... of their own civilians lives but are happy to use them as a statistic, therefore there is no reason for them to negotiate peace.
The Palestinians are sacrificing themselves just as any nation under the threat of annihilation. They have been willing to negotiate peace for nearly 80 years but all it has achieved is the loss of lives and land. They are now willing to throw the dice and test the United Nations to make good its promises of justice decreed by its own international law.
They only want jews dead, and nothing else
And this you say because you are convinced the Palestinians have stolen land from Israel and have killed Israelis disproportionately?
After seeing the level of destruction in Gaza and the amount of dead Palestinians, I'd say it is Israel that doesn't care about life.
That cannot be denied.
I will also say it is Israel who is causing all the problems in the ME. From their almost 60 year occupation of Palestinian land, to the 16 year blockade of Gaza, to the attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria, to Netanfuckyou's insistence on no two-state solution, Israel is showing the world it doesn't care about peace.
The facts are all there to back you up.
As for a tiny country, they maybe in land mass, but not militarily.
Israel is much larger than Gaza.
Israel is the biggest military power in the ME.
As well as having unlimited assistance from the biggest military power in the whole world.
And no other country in the ME, has the capability of taking them out.
Thanks to the sacrifice of Gazans that equation might change soon.
predictions by leading ME analysts are that America's hold on power in the ME, has been negated by Iran's threats against the Zionist regime.

If the Zionist attempt a serious and damaging attack on Iran, we're going to find out whether or not Iran is bluffing.

We aleary at least know that Biden has chosen caution, as opposed to another war on a country that hasn't allowed their WMD's to go missing.
After seeing the level of destruction in Gaza and the amount of dead Palestinians, I'd say it is Israel that doesn't care about life.

I will also say it is Israel who is causing all the problems in the ME. From their almost 60 year occupation of Palestinian land, to the 16 year blockade of Gaza, to the attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria, to Netanfuckyou's insistence on no two-state solution, Israel is showing the world it doesn't care about peace.

As for a tiny country, they maybe in land mass, but not militarily. Israel is the biggest military power in the ME. And no other country in the ME, has the capability of taking them out.

The plan was for everything east of the River be given to the Arabs (Palestine) and everything to the West was Israel.This is where your 60 year occupation story falls apart.
The West bank land actually does belong to Israel. Its true that some Arabs lost their homes inside of Israel, but that was because arab nations had lined up in war against Israel and that was a casualty of war.
I see no one from the U.N. going to Turkey and demand they give land back to the Armenians, or demanding other arabs in the region to give back land to each other.There seems to be a seperate standard that is against Israel. Of course thats because they are Jews, right?

BTW, Israel is an inclusive, multi ethnic society and a democracy. Not perfect by far but they offer opportunities to Arab citizens that you would never see reciprocated in other surrounding Arab countries.

The plan was for everything east of the River be given to the Arabs (Palestine) and everything to the West was Israel.This is where your 60 year occupation story falls apart.
If the Palestinians were allowed to vote on it you'd have a point, but they weren't so you don't.
Funny how Al Qaeda and ISIS haven't lifted a finger to help the Palestinians.
It's almost as if they work with Israel and America, not against them.
You don't recognize that Gaza is wedged between the sea and an enormously larger enemy of Israel that resorts to lying, deception and violence to eliminate them?

It has escaped your understanding that Israel enjoys unlimited defence from the most powerful nation in the world?

Maybe understanding what Palestine is up against, goes a much longer way toward understanding how they react.

When you understand the mind of Zionists, you realize they don't care about human life

The Palestinians are sacrificing themselves just as any nation under the threat of annihilation. They have been willing to negotiate peace for nearly 80 years but all it has achieved is the loss of lives and land. They are now willing to throw the dice and test the United Nations to make good its promises of justice decreed by its own international law.

And this you say because you are convinced the Palestinians have stolen land from Israel and have killed Israelis disproportionately?

That cannot be denied.

The facts are all there to back you up.

Israel is much larger than Gaza.

As well as having unlimited assistance from the biggest military power in the whole world.

Thanks to the sacrifice of Gazans that equation might change soon.
I certainly hope support for Israel is changing in this country. When it comes to Israel, there is 3 things we need to do...
  1. Stop protecting them with our veto in the UNSC.
  2. Stop all weapons shipments to Israel.
  3. Freeze all Israeli assets in US banks.
That'll get their attention.
The plan was for everything east of the River be given to the Arabs (Palestine) and everything to the West was Israel.This is where your 60 year occupation story falls apart.
The West bank land actually does belong to Israel. Its true that some Arabs lost their homes inside of Israel, but that was because arab nations had lined up in war against Israel and that was a casualty of war.
I see no one from the U.N. going to Turkey and demand they give land back to the Armenians, or demanding other arabs in the region to give back land to each other.There seems to be a seperate standard that is against Israel. Of course thats because they are Jews, right?

BTW, Israel is an inclusive, multi ethnic society and a democracy. Not perfect by far but they offer opportunities to Arab citizens that you would never see reciprocated in other surrounding Arab countries.

View attachment 934975
Wrong! You cannot hold onto land seized in a war. Israel seized that land in the '67 war. Israel has no sovereign title to that land.
Wrong! You cannot hold onto land seized in a war. Israel seized that land in the '67 war. Israel has no sovereign title to that land.

In a war for self defense where your enemies weee trying to remove you completely. Yes You Can.

All of Europe is shaped by land taken in war. As is most of the world
In a war for self defense where your enemies weee trying to remove you completely. Yes You Can.

All of Europe is shaped by land taken in war. As is most of the world
Israel did not act in self defense. The war started when Israeli tanks rolled into Egypt.
Israel did not act in self defense. The war started when Israeli tanks rolled into Egypt.
Irrelevant. In their respective peace treaties with Israel, Egypt and Jordan, which had held Gaza and the West Bank, gave up all claim to them. By the way, Egypt and Jordan had acquired the territories in war as did the British before them and the Ottoman Turks before them.
Wrong! You cannot hold onto land seized in a war. Israel seized that land in the '67 war. Israel has no sovereign title to that land.
On the contrary, Israel is the only State that does have sovereign title to all of the land west of the Jordan. No other State can claim title to that land without an agreement or treaty with Israel.
Irrelevant. In their respective peace treaties with Israel, Egypt and Jordan, which had held Gaza and the West Bank, gave up all claim to them. By the way, Egypt and Jordan had acquired the territories in war as did the British before them and the Ottoman Turks before them .

Exactly, Arabs in the region now want stupid westerners to forget all about that, in the bid to get rid of the joooos.

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