Hamas escapes almost all accountability for a war it started in a malicious act of depravity.

Funny how Al Qaeda and ISIS haven't lifted a finger to help the Palestinians.
It's almost as if they work with Israel and America, not against them.

This is what a lot of Americans don't get. People need to look into the origin of the terrorist groups, and understand that those groups and the whole "war on terror" has been used as a pawn and pretext for perpetual war and power grabs by the corrupt globalist powers-that-be. Americans need to turn off the TV and stop cheerleading for all these wars based on lies, when we are bankrupt and our country is falling apart here at home.
On the contrary, Israel is the only State that does have sovereign title to all of the land west of the Jordan. No other State can claim title to that land without an agreement or treaty with Israel.
If some other nation bombs Israel to dust then the vanquished Zionist Nazis will no long have any claim to anything at all. The only control the Jews will have will be to direct traffic on the road back to Egypt.

More disinformation from the kook-burger fringe

The biggest source I found that makes this claim is a video and article from The Intercept, a media outlet that has a left wing bias. If you watch the video and listen to the tone of the presenter, you can tell that he is almost gleeful in trying to make the point that anything that Hamas perpetrates against Israel is Israel's own doing.
But let's just follow the evidence they present, and see if it adds up to the claim they are making: A quote from Yitzhak Segev, a former Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s, taken from a book called "Arab and Jew: Wounded Spirits in a Promised Land". In there (taken from Google Books search), I find this quote: "...Segev once told me how he financed the Islamic movement as a counterweight to the PLO and the Communists. "The Israeli government gave me a budget, and the military budget gives to the mosques", he said. (That early funding helped nourish the seeds of Hamas and other Muslim movements that used terrorism to undermine the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.)" A quote from Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious affairs official who worked in Gaza for more than two decades, in an article from 2009 in the Wall Street Journal. The quote is as follows: "“Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation."Both those points seem pretty damning at first, but if you actually read the WSJ article from 2009, you get a much deeper analysis of what happened, an analysis which does not support the conclusion being
The primary source supporting this claim is a video and article from The Intercept, known for its left-wing bias. The presenter's tone suggests a strong bias, insinuating that Israel bears responsibility for any actions Hamas takes against it. However, examining the evidence they present:
  1. Yitzhak Segev, a former Israeli military governor in Gaza, is quoted from the book "Arab and Jew: Wounded Spirits in a Promised Land," stating thaIsrael financed the Islamic movement as a counterbalance to the PLO and Communists, inadvertently nurturing groups like Hamas.
  2. Avner Cohen, a former Israeli official, is cited in a 2009 Wall Street Journal article, expressing regret that Hamas is an outcome of Israeli actions.
Despite these quotes appearing damning initially, a closer look at the 2009 WSJ article provides a more nuanced analysis, undermining The Intercept's conclusion.
And, BTW, THIS is why you've exposed yourself as an antisemite.

Rather than ever blaming the Arab monsters who invaded these Israeli homes and raped murdered, tortured and kidnapped these innocent people to continue to try to lead the gullible to the false conclusion that Israel is responsible for what happened October 7th
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If some other nation bombs Israel to dust then the vanquished Zionist Nazis will no long have any claim to anything at all. The only control the Jews will have will be to direct traffic on the road back to Egypt.
Interesting response. Directly counter to Billo_Really 's claim that one can't win territory through aggression. Bombing a people into dust is a valid legal and moral strategy, in your opinion?
I don't know how anyone can read this article in the WSJ and come to the conclusion "Israel created Hamas". It clearly lays out the Hamas was founded by Islamists who, before creating Hamas, were political rivals of the PLO, a terrorist group famous for high profile attacks such as Entebbe, Munich and Black September. The Islamists were at first a charitable and educational outfit (and Israel may have contributed some money to the mosques to facilitate aid and education in Gaza), and when they became militant they were fighting against the PLO, and not Israel. Israel kept an eye on the group fighting against their enemy, the PLO, and tolerated their existence, i.e. they did not interfere when they battled the PLO, but on occasion did in fact intervene when they went to far, and in fact jailed the leader Sheikh Yassin when he started to hoard weapons. A few years later Hamas was actually founded, and when they attacked Israel they immediately cracked down on them by arresting their leader, sentencing him to life, and deporting hundreds of their members to Lebanon. Both Israel and Hamas deny any collusion between the two.

There is no proof Israel ever armed Hamas, there is no proof Israel ever financed Hamas. There is evidence Israel tolerated the precursor group to Hamas, a group that had never attacked Israel, by standing aside and observing them, and intervening only occasionally.

This claim has been twisted by people who want to show that anything that Hamas does to Israel is Israel simply reaping what they have sown. The truth is, Israel never gave any material support to Hamas. Hamas has been built up into what they are today by direct funding and supplies from the regime in Iran
...... Bombing a people into dust is a valid legal and moral strategy, in your opinion?
Is that what you think? If you claim "Joker's wild" and then deal the cards .... I will play the Joker wild. Don't even try to tell me it's "unfair".
Irrelevant. In their respective peace treaties with Israel, Egypt and Jordan, which had held Gaza and the West Bank, gave up all claim to them. By the way, Egypt and Jordan had acquired the territories in war as did the British before them and the Ottoman Turks before them.
I'm sorry, there isn't a single country on the planet that agrees with you.

UN resolution 242 specifically states Israel needs to get the fuck off that land! They have no sovereign title to that land.

That land was seized in the '67 war and you cannot hold onto land seized in a war, you fucking Nazi!
I'm sorry, there isn't a single country on the planet that agrees with you.

UN resolution 242 specifically states Israel needs to get the fuck off that land! They have no sovereign title to that land.

That land was seized in the '67 war and you cannot hold onto land seized in a war, you fucking Nazi!
no, 242 doesn't say that. Do I need to link to the statement of explanation and intent by one of the writers of 242?

and land taken in a defensive war doesn't have tyo be given back. If you recall, I believe we went through this and I showed the various maritime laws that were violated by Egypt when they closed the straits of Tiran and how that was an act of war. Do I have to repost the same stuff I showed you already?
I'm sorry, there isn't a single country on the planet that agrees with you.

UN resolution 242 specifically states Israel needs to get the fuck off that land! They have no sovereign title to that land.

That land was seized in the '67 war and you cannot hold onto land seized in a war, you fucking Nazi!
Obviously, you have never read 242. It addresses Israel and the Arab nations party to the Six Day War, not the so called Palestinians, and it calls for Israel to withdraw to safe and secure borders, which was accomplished to the satisfaction of Egypt and Jordan, the parties that lost the land to Israel, in their respective peace treaties with Israel.
On the contrary, Israel is the only State that does have sovereign title to all of the land west of the Jordan. No other State can claim title to that land without an agreement or treaty with Israel.
Wrong! Not a single country on the planet agrees with you. Neither does UN resolution 242. The world would not let Nazi Germany annex Poland and it won't let you annex the occupied territories. Get that thru your fucking head!
Interesting response. Directly counter to Billo_Really 's claim that one can't win territory through aggression. Bombing a people into dust is a valid legal and moral strategy, in your opinion?
There is no possible way Israel can be bombed into dust. None. There are only 3 countries on the planet with that kind of capability and Israel is not fighting any of them.

I think your safe.
There is no possible way Israel can be bombed into dust. .
"Dust" is a figure of speech. If, for example, the Palestinians overrun Israel and allot the Zionists a piece of the Sinai to call "Israel" then it will effectively be nothing but dust.

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