Hamas escapes almost all accountability for a war it started in a malicious act of depravity.

The Sinai has never been sovereign Israeli territory. It certainly is not now, as the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt clearly demonstrates.
Americans Are Zionists

It was taken away from Egypt in 1956, 1967, and 1973 (the First October War) for the same reason our President Monroe took Florida from Spain, because it was a staging center for bandits.

So, not only is Israel an integral part of the War on Terror that thereby deserves our funding, it is also an imitation of our own Manifest Destiny founding.
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Americans Are Zionists

It was taken away from Egypt in 1956, 1967, and 1973 (the First October War) for the same reason our President Monroe took Florida from Spain, because it was a staging center for bandits.
States don't get to just "take" another State's territory. That is not the way the law works. And treaties between States will always have the highest level of precedence.
Your first statement makes no sense. Please explain it.

Iran had inflicted mass murder by supporting & training Hamas, and supporting, training, supplying and advising Hezbollah.

Iran has been waging war against Israel and the U.S. as much as they are capable of. It's long overdue for Israel and the U.S to stop playing Iran's game and strike at the heart of the problem.

As we Americans used to say:

"Hit Hitler at Home!"

Did they have any similar sayings in Russia?
The Paleonasties Have Never Had and Can't Ever Have a Homeland

It would be obvious, if we were allowed to make logical connections, that if Shiite Hezbollah and Sunni Hamas temporarily united and destroyed Israel, they would immediately be in a fight to the finish to see who alone would control all the territory. A Jew-Free Israel would be Iranian.
Americans Are Zionists

..... not only is Israel an integral part of the War on Terror .....
You need to learn some history. Israel is an integral part of Terrorism itself. They are the ones who started terrorism at the King David Hotel murdering innocent men, women, and children. The next time I'm in Israel I'm going to the Western Wall and relieve myself. :piss2:
You need to learn some history. Israel is an integral part of Terrorism itself. They are the ones who started terrorism at the King David Hotel murdering innocent men, women, and children. The next time I'm in Israel I'm going to the Western Wall and relieve myself. :piss2:

You're right the Jewish Haganah were the first to use terrorism in this conflict. However, once the Israeli nation was declared in 1947, they got a leash on the Haganah. Thye made it clear that Israel would respect everyone's rights.
You need to learn some history. Israel is an integral part of Terrorism itself. They are the ones who started terrorism at the King David Hotel murdering innocent men, women, and children. The next time I'm in Israel I'm going to the Western Wall and relieve myself. :piss2:

Lay one on the Temple mount for me too!!!!
I did answer the question. I named several countries, and gave the reasoning for it. You just don't like the answer.
No you didn't answer the question. You list3d states that you "claim" do not recognize Palestine. I asked you specifically which state in the entire world that has publicly stated Israel's right to that land and you can't! Because there is none.

You are between disingenuous and a straight out fucking liar!
Simple as that.
They think people should kiss Israel's ass? Zionists are so condescending and feel they are entitled to more land than they were given. And they freak out when people don't automatically agree with them, no matter how ridiculous their position.

Well, fuck that!
No you didn't answer the question. You list3d states that you "claim" do not recognize Palestine. I asked you specifically which state in the entire world that has publicly stated Israel's right to that land and you can't! Because there is none.

You are between disingenuous and a straight out fucking liar!
The countries I listed do not recognize Palestine. The reason they do not recognize Palestine is because Palestine has no defined territory. There is no territory that has been ceded by Israel.

A statement from the US: Language in this report is not meant to convey a position on any final status issues to be negotiated between the parties to the conflict, including the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem or the borders between Israel and any future Palestinian state.

As I have said before, as the listed countries demonstrate, the only way for Palestine to become a State is to sign a peace treaty with Israel delineating the borders.

AND, don't forget both Egypt and Jordan have borders with Israel. That's about as public as you can get.
They think people should kiss Israel's ass? Zionists are so condescending and feel they are entitled to more land than they were given. And they freak out when people don't automatically agree with them, no matter how ridiculous their position.
They are spoiled brats. Rather than help them improve themselves, we took pity on them for the Haloaust and did everything for them. This is the result. It's our fault.
Well, fuck that!
Yes, that is the remedy.

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