Arrow's Media Drugstore


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-optimism tale inspired by L.A. Story.

I was wondering the other day why comic book characters offer Americans such an euphoric feeling...

Signing off (for the last time!),


Christy Turlington and Linda Evangelista were two of the world's best supermodels, boasting contracts with the world's top fashion designers (including Dior and Laurent!). Now, they caught the attention of Oliver Queen, a socialite-prince who dreamed of being both a 'vigilante-archer' (and taking down the ominous crime syndicate in NYC and Sicily known as 'Black Hand') and a charity-oriented social activist. Queen (who called himself 'Green Arrow') wanted to recruit Turlington and Evangelista for a special AIDS-related charity event covered by the media (CNN and TIME). He would then use the photos from the press-coverage to go after Black Hand.

Well, the plan worked, since Black Hand controlled the 'pedestrian subconscious spirit' in both New York and Italy, but Arrow's carefully-placed 'media-angled' pro-social activism photos had everyone talking suddenly about journalism-related beauty. The leader of Black Hand, an ominous scarred Italian-American named Jigsaw wanted Arrow dead, so he had his goons follow him around. Jigsaw's goons discovered that Arrow was actually Oliver Queen(!) and therefore guessed (correctly) that he was tied socially to Turlington and Evangelista. Indeed, Oliver was currently involved in a romantic relationship with Turlington! Jigsaw's goons kidnapped Christie and brought her to Jigsaw's estate in Sicily.

ARROW: How dare you interfere with my personal life?
JIGSAW: Well, didn't you use 'social sentiments' in your 'anti-crime' crusade?
ARROW: No! Black Hand was choking the spirit of the people, and I offered optimism!
JIGSAW: People don't want 'optimism,' Oliver; they want money.
ARROW: I doubt that. I think people want cupcakes and saris and Christmas.
JIGSAW: Prove it.
ARROW: Ask any mother what she wants for her son, and she'll say, "Vitality!"
JIGSAW: Vitality is not just 'optimism' and 'cheer,' Oliver; it's also power and sex.
ARROW: I think you're daydreaming backwards, Jigsaw; people yearn to be good.
JIGSAW: I'm not 'daydreaming,' you naive fool; I simply capitalize on 'instinct.'
ARROW: There's a difference between 'instinct' and 'pride.'
JIGSAW: I challenge you to offer 'humility' regarding Turlington (who is quite sexy).
ARROW: I plan to marry her and raise a family; that's not simply 'lust.'
JIGSAW: Alright, I'll let you take Christy home, but don't use her in your campaign.
ARROW: Agreed; I'm humble enough to accept a compromise, and she wants safety.
JIGSAW: We'll meet again, Arrow, but remember, next time --- I'll crush your spirit!



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