Artful Dodger - Bus riding Cat


Cat Lady =^..^=
Apr 27, 2013
This cat may be old, but he's not sitting around his home waiting to die.....he is touring, making new friends, getting fed and enjoying life - all for free, too!

A 15-year-old ginger cat, Artful Dodger, is more than living up to his name. Last month’s Telegraph reports that Dodger has been taking rides on the bus, after boarding at a bus stop near his home. Sometimes he sits on passengers’ laps; he also likes to sit on seats that have been recently vacated, apparently for their warmth.

Dodger’s owner, Fee Jeanes, says that he initially started to frequent the bus stop as people gave him scraps food. But then the bus itself became the attraction; like greenhouses, they are sunny and warm, says Jeanes in the Telegraph. Dodger has gone on ten mile round-trips. Jeanes says that her daughter’s friends had indeed seem him on the bus that far away:

“I couldn’t believe it and panicked. I got into my car to go off and look for him and then at that moment the bus pulled up near our house and low and behold he got off.

“He had fallen asleep on board and nobody knew about it. When the driver realised he knew who Dodger was and where he lived and kept him on board.

“That afternoon I saw Dodger climb on board another bus and I rushed to tell the driver.

“I was shocked when she told me Dodger was always on there…”

“Given this cat is elderly we suspect it would be eligible for free travel, perhaps a bus puss, if such a thing existed.”

Pity that more people (at least here in the US) don’t see the benefits of public transportation as much as the Artful Dodger does.

Cat Waits At Bus Stop, Rides the Bus Routinely | Care2 Causes
lol.... good kitty!

I wonder if Turbo (the cat we lost that we brought from Alabama) boarded a bus and is looking for a new home back in Alabama! :lol::lol::lol:

Turbo boarded a bus,a plane and is now relaxing in the Bahamas. He sends his love.


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