Article about LGTB "allies"

If ya don't know what he's on about, why dignify it with a thread? :)

Because I want to be able to understand how liberals "think" if there is any logic to it.

Classic liberalism was based on Western Renaissance thought, using reason and science as the arbiters of Truth and Good.

Now they just blindly parrot Democrat talking points sponsored by Soros through
If ya don't know what he's on about, why dignify it with a thread? :)

Because I want to be able to understand how liberals "think" if there is any logic to it.

Classic liberalism was based on Western Renaissance thought, using reason and science as the arbiters of Truth and Good.

Now they just blindly parrot Democrat talking points sponsored by Soros through

There are still some classic libs like myself, yet what you are trying to do is paint everyone the same color.
If ya don't know what he's on about, why dignify it with a thread? :)

Because I want to be able to understand how liberals "think" if there is any logic to it.

Liberals and queers are not all one in the same, try to open your mind from your pigeon holing. The GOP has a gay political society also, they just try to ignore those nasty Log Cabiners and:

American Crossroads, one of the most high-profile conservative groups in the country, donated $53,000 last year to a political group that backs Republicans who support same-sex marriage, records show.
The donation was made to American Unity PAC, a super PAC whose slogan is “promoting and protecting inclusive Republicans.” Super PACs are political action committees that are allowed to accept unlimited contributions.

Oh!, and Carl Rove founded this PAC.
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Because I want to be able to understand how liberals "think" if there is any logic to it.

Classic liberalism was based on Western Renaissance thought, using reason and science as the arbiters of Truth and Good.

Now they just blindly parrot Democrat talking points sponsored by Soros through

There are still some classic libs like myself, yet what you are trying to do is paint everyone the same color.

No, I differentiate between liberals and libtards, the former being the heirs of FDR, JFK and Humphrey while the latter are heirs of Marx, George Bernard Shaw and the tradition of government knows best ALWAYS.

Big diff.
Fags were a central part of communist strategy beginning in the 50's. Pretty much ever suffrage movement had it's roots in communist interference.
Fags were a central part of communist strategy beginning in the 50's. Pretty much ever suffrage movement had it's roots in communist interference.

True, they tried to exploit dissenting communities as best they could, but that does not mean that there were no legitimate grievances.

Would you have wanted to live under Jim Crow?
The Myth of Allyship: Complacency of Small Victories | Jay Dodd

can someone please translate whining liberal screeching into english? What the fuck is this deviant freak whining about?

Think he's saying that you don't need to label a straight person who supports gay individuals as an "ally" because treating a gay person like any other human should come naturally.

I have a few black friends I know and support (for various things they do), and would never be expected to be called a "black ally". I'm just simply helping out my friends. It's not an article that requires a rocket science degree, Nova.
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