Article about pedophiles and parental rights

Pedophiles should all be burned at the stake, and we should seriously consider reinstating that practice. Would be a great way of repeating history. If we don't do that the pedophiles will maybe get a slap on the hand and be let off scot free to reoffend and wreck other kids' lives.
Pedophiles should NOT have ANY parental rights at all. NEVER.

Wow, either way, this kid is screwed. She is the daughter of a two perverts. A woman who was raped by a guy who thinks pedophilia is just fine. And the mom thinks she is a man. . . . She is trans-gendered, so she commits suicide after giving birth. Basically that baby girl started out with three strikes against her from the start.

There is already a scientific basis to the notion that much of the mental perversions are congenital, so there is a good probability that this kid is already fucked. I doubt the STATE will be any better equipped to handle raising a natural born pervert than a pervert would. It's not like the State is going to give this child any special attention or watch for problems, you can bet on that.

So yeah, usually I would agree with you, pedophiles probably shouldn't have parental rights. . . but in this case, I doubt he could do any more harm to the kid than the State will. Believe it or not, parents, no matter how twisted, bond with their children, the state does not.

Are you telling me a bunch of government bureaucrats and liberal DHS workers will do a better job of raising this future child molesting transsexual? I don't think so.

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