Article on declining morals.

Do you mean "religious dogma" such as "men can not get pregnant"?

Moral certitude like "it's wrong to rape a 6 month old child bloody"?

Is THAT what you mean?
I mean we all have to give up freedom when moralizing assholes decide the world needs to be cleaned up.
One thing addressed is the beauty competitions for kids. Are you saying here that those events have been going on since the beginning of time to where there can't be a moment in time when they didn't exist?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Some might say that the Lord was the first child to be put on display and yes, he was, but his being put on display had absolutely nothing to do with how well his exterior did or didn't look in the opinion of everyone else which is the only thing that goes on during such an event these days, right me if I am wrong about that.

Nothing wrong with young girls having fun dressing up like their older selves.

I know the left want to make it more than it is, but fools gonna do what fools do.
I mean we all have to give up freedom when moralizing assholes decide the world needs to be cleaned up.

Like females have to put up with oddball biological men in their locker rooms. Like that Dickhead?
I mean we all have to give up freedom when moralizing assholes decide the world needs to be cleaned up.
Freedom: Doing whatever the hell you want to do regardless of the damage it does to oneself and/or others.

I think license would be a better term.

And, the world does need to be cleaned up morally. Of course, it won't be, so we're pretty much doomed. :(
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Children used to be bought and sold like cattle and forced to labor in horrible conditions. They had no human rights as we think of them. Are those the good old days of moral purity you long for?
No, but the beauty pageants are not something to be a cheerleader for either.

God bless you always!!!

It was about control and if you stepped out of line you were killed. That isn't the world I want to live in that is for sure. Why not let people have sex, wear what we wish and live our fucking lives???
There’s a very simple reason… While me living my moral life does not adversely affect your life, quite often the morally absent lives of others do negatively impact my life. That’s a problem.
Nothing wrong with young girls having fun dressing up like their older selves.

I know the left want to make it more than it is, but fools gonna do what fools do.
Which is why cookies shouldn't be handed out in the first place if other things are only going to be wanted as well later on.

God bless you always!!!

There’s a very simple reason… While me living my moral life does not adversely affect your life, quite often the morally absent lives of others do negatively impact my life. That’s a problem.
Immoral people provide lots of job opportunities. In fact, our economy is largely the result of immoral people doing their thing.
Like females have to put up with oddball biological men in their locker rooms. Like that Dickhead?
The Nazis were big on moralizing. Were they moral? How about the Taliban? How about any other legal prohibition against sin and debauchery? Did it result in a better society? Look past your knee-jerk fake moral outrage to what it costs to punish the sinful with the law.
The decline of rural life and small towns has left the urban centers with most of the political and cultural power now, along with their corruption and callous disregard for human life and moral standards. They copy the robber barons and hedonists as master role models. There are no more brakes on degenerate sociopathic behavior.
The last agriculture candidate was in 1888.
No, but the beauty pageants are not something to be a cheerleader for either.

God bless you always!!!

I think beauty pageants are soulless and superficial but there are much worse things in the world. What does it say about their morals when people worry about things like that but seemingly don't care about childhood poverty enough to do anything about it?
I think beauty pageants are soulless and superficial but there are much worse things in the world. What does it say about their morals when people worry about things like that but seemingly don't care about childhood poverty enough to do anything about it?

Apples hand hand granades
The Nazis were big on moralizing. Were they moral? How about the Taliban? How about any other legal prohibition against sin and debauchery? Did it result in a better society? Look past your knee-jerk fake moral outrage to what it costs to punish the sinful with the law.

Keep the creeps out of my daughters locker rooms. Or things will get real awfully quickly
Keep the creeps out of my daughters locker rooms. Or things will get real awfully quickly
The creeps you need to worry about are the people you think are trustworthy. The worst predators wear a mask of pious respectability.
Which is why cookies shouldn't be handed out in the first place if other things are only going to be wanted as well later on.

God bless you always!!!



Because your pretty, you asked for it?

Good lord, what have we become?

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