Article on teens transgenderism. by Brad Jones

Cole announced her detransition in May 2021, about 11 months after the surgery, and has embraced womanhood.

“I am a woman,” she said.

Despite her transition, Cole said she has always been mainly attracted to masculine men and had only ever been “marginally attracted” to women. She is “straight,” she said, and knows now that her gender confusion as a child was based on insecurity and her fear of being a woman.

Cole has enjoyed “cultivating” a new feminine look for herself, but says she still isn’t really into makeup and doesn’t have time for it most days. Brave young lady. As I have said since I was a teen growing up around 5 older sisters and a lot of girl cousins they all go through a period in their lives some call'' Tom Boy'' and some still are but are straight and live a straight lifestyle. Some parents are crowd followers and will get suckered into the latest fad by some ''quack'' with a best selling book and video. Support is needed for those who oppose what happened to this young lady and those who get persuaded into it. ( Put this young lady on your prayer list)

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