Article V and Preparatory Amendments Assure Constitutional Intent REV the 1st AMEND.


Feb 6, 2012
Over this nation, as a republic we have the Constitution. Unfortunately we have a massive deception ongoing. The US government has not been constitutional since 1863. It's been running on the "Lieber code", or The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 a private corporation named, “The District of Columbia”.

The "Lieber code" was the rules of engagement for the civil war.

British arms manufactures financed the north in the civil war and created massive debt. They exported an arms manufacturing industry to the north and provided massive funding.

All that is needed is for Americans to realize this enmasse and refuse to recognize the false authority. This is particularly important for the military. They are the most abused Americans of all and it is the citizens duty to gently inform them of the deception that has carried too many into unjust wars executing the agenda of Rome through British rule, secretly in control of America.

Article V is our first and last constitutional right.

The Declaration of Independence:

--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

If we fail to use it, we will have no more rights. Congress has been violating the constitution and their oaths for 100 years by not convening state delegates. Congress knows that their fraud will end when the convention amends and restores constitutional government. Congress is secretly controlled by British interests, and always has been.

To conduct an article V convention with full constitutional intent, preparatory amendments are needed. Free speech is abridged, revision of the First Amendment is needed to assure that speech vital to survival is shared and understood.

Next campaign finance reform. Then securing the election systems and voting is needed. Three basic preparatory amendments and this nation is ready to convene a general article V convention.

No, this is not about rewriting the constitution, this is about gaining a measure of perfection to what is already excellent and restoring a constitutional government.

Any who oppose this notion, be ready to be accountable OR, be shown to be unconstitutional. This is a very well thought out proposal.
Sad as it seems, Americans are afraid to discuss the constitution, or their allegiance to it, or their need for a lawful society having principles that so many soldiers have fought and died for.

What is very surprising, is that only about 1 in 10 Americans has even heard of Article V. And then, they do not understand it or it's place in our survival and evolution.

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