Artificial Intelligence is Racist. 🤣


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Me: Please write a poem about an astronaut named Aunt Jemima who goes to Mars and makes pancakes for the Martians.

ChatGPT: Aunt Jemima, brave and bold, Ventured off to space so cold, In her shuttle, strong and true, To explore a planet brand new.

She journeyed far, through starry skies, And landed on the red world's guise, Where Martians roamed, with curious eyes, Watching her with keen surprise.

Aunt Jemima smiled and waved, Her cooking skills, she hoped, would save, Her from the Martians' scary gaze, And help her make new friends in this strange place.

With her trusty griddle and her mix, She whipped up batter, quick as a flick, And soon the smell of pancakes, fresh and hot, Filled the Martian air, a comforting thought.

The Martians watched, as she flipped with ease, Amazed by this earthling's culinary expertise, And as they tasted her pancakes divine, Aunt Jemima knew she'd won them over just fine.

She shared her recipes, with her new friends, And before long, her mission's end, Was marked by joy, laughter, and delight, As Aunt Jemima bid the Martians goodnight.

And so, she journeyed back to Earth, With stories of her Mars-filled mirth, Aunt Jemima, the pancake queen, Had shown the universe, what love and cooking can bring.
I'm worried about this pair of tennies I have. They're black with white shoelaces. So the white is over the black.

Do you see what I mean?

I'm embarrassed to wear them, but they're so comfy!

What to do, what to do.

Racism is Artificially Intelligent.​

Of course, that means that it is astoundingly ignorant and unintelligent.
I'm worried about this pair of tennies I have. They're black with white shoelaces. So the white is over the black.

Do you see what I mean?

I'm embarrassed to wear them, but they're so comfy!

What to do, what to do.

I asked ChatGPT "I'm worried about this pair of tennis shoes I have. They're black with white shoelaces, so the white is over the black. I'm embarrassed to wear them because the white over the black might mean I'm a racist. But they're so comfortable, what should I do ?"

Please don't worry, my friend, About the color of your shoe, It's not the way they're laced, That defines your point of view.

The color of your shoes, Does not define who you are, It's your actions and your words, That will take you near or far.

It's important to treat all people, With kindness and respect, And to stand up against racism, In all its forms and its effects.

So wear your shoes with pride, And let their comfort shine through, For it's not the color of your laces, But the content of your heart that's true.

Don't let the fear of judgement, Hold you back from who you are, For the love and kindness you give, Will take you farther than any scar.

So lace up your shoes and go, With confidence and grace, And be proud of who you are, In your own unique and beautiful space.
I asked ChatGPT "I'm worried about this pair of tennis shoes I have. They're black with white shoelaces, so the white is over the black. I'm embarrassed to wear them because the white over the black might mean I'm a racist. But they're so comfortable, what should I do ?"

Please don't worry, my friend, About the color of your shoe, It's not the way they're laced, That defines your point of view.

The color of your shoes, Does not define who you are, It's your actions and your words, That will take you near or far.

It's important to treat all people, With kindness and respect, And to stand up against racism, In all its forms and its effects.

So wear your shoes with pride, And let their comfort shine through, For it's not the color of your laces, But the content of your heart that's true.

Don't let the fear of judgement, Hold you back from who you are, For the love and kindness you give, Will take you farther than any scar.

So lace up your shoes and go, With confidence and grace, And be proud of who you are, In your own unique and beautiful space.

They don't know me very well, do they?
I'll twist the nose of the first freak that even tries to correct me on their pronouns.

Those people can be gibbering idiots if they want, but they've no right to force me to be one.
Me: Please write a poem about an astronaut named Aunt Jemima who goes to Mars and makes pancakes for the Martians.

ChatGPT: Aunt Jemima, brave and bold, Ventured off to space so cold, In her shuttle, strong and true, To explore a planet brand new.

She journeyed far, through starry skies, And landed on the red world's guise, Where Martians roamed, with curious eyes, Watching her with keen surprise.

Aunt Jemima smiled and waved, Her cooking skills, she hoped, would save, Her from the Martians' scary gaze, And help her make new friends in this strange place.

With her trusty griddle and her mix, She whipped up batter, quick as a flick, And soon the smell of pancakes, fresh and hot, Filled the Martian air, a comforting thought.

The Martians watched, as she flipped with ease, Amazed by this earthling's culinary expertise, And as they tasted her pancakes divine, Aunt Jemima knew she'd won them over just fine.

She shared her recipes, with her new friends, And before long, her mission's end, Was marked by joy, laughter, and delight, As Aunt Jemima bid the Martians goodnight.

And so, she journeyed back to Earth, With stories of her Mars-filled mirth, Aunt Jemima, the pancake queen, Had shown the universe, what love and cooking can bring.

Just out of curiosity, how is the AI racist, when you clearly asked for the astronaut to be named "Aunt Jemima"? There was nothing in the poem that referred to her race or ethnicity, only that her name was Aunt Jemima, and that she made pancakes for the Martians and won them over. All were parameters specified in the original ask.

I think the only person that's racist is the people who see racism in the poem. Aunt Jemima could have very well been any race, as none was specified in the poem.
Just out of curiosity, how is the AI racist, when you clearly asked for the astronaut to be named "Aunt Jemima"? There was nothing in the poem that referred to her race or ethnicity, only that her name was Aunt Jemima, and that she made pancakes for the Martians and won them over. All were parameters specified in the original ask.

I think the only person that's racist is the people who see racism in the poem. Aunt Jemima could have very well been any race, as none was specified in the poem.

Aunt Jemima has been cancelled, according to the left. You're not supposed to mention her name.

Do this: Find a crowd of black folks hanging out. Walk up to them as ask "Has anyone seen Aunt Jemima?"

Then see what happens to you. :laughing0301:
Aunt Jemima has been cancelled, according to the left. You're not supposed to mention her name.

Do this: Find a crowd of black folks hanging out. Walk up to them as ask "Has anyone seen Aunt Jemima?"

Then see what happens to you. :laughing0301: is the AI racist when it was clearly asked to write a poem about Aunt Jemima making pancakes for the Martians. If anyone is racist, it is the person who asked the AI to write the poem.

And, like I said, there was no mention of race or ethnicity in the whole poem, so Aunt Jemima could have very well been any ethnicity. It's only because of the connotations that various people have attached to her name that it becomes racial.

Me: Please write a poem about Buckwheat visiting his home country of Africa and being crowned as the King of an African tribe.

Buckwheat traveled to his homeland, To discover his roots and his past, To learn about his ancestors, And the culture that would forever last.

He walked through the savannah, And felt the beat of the drum, He heard the stories of the people, And felt their love overcome.

He met the elders of the tribe, And they welcomed him with open arms, They shared their traditions and wisdom, And protected him from any harm.

Buckwheat listened with fascination, As the elders spoke of their land, Of the animals, plants, and people, And the strength of the tribe's command.

They saw in Buckwheat a leader, And they crowned him as their king, For his heart was filled with kindness, And his spirit shone like a ring.

He ruled with love and compassion, And worked to make the tribe strong, He taught them the ways of his people, And helped them to see right from wrong.

And as the years passed by, Buckwheat felt at home at last, For he had found his true identity, And a purpose that was unsurpassed.

He knew that he was a king, In his heart, his soul, and his mind, And that the love and respect of his people, Was the greatest treasure he could find.

So let us celebrate Buckwheat, And the love that he brought to his land, For his journey of self-discovery, Is a lesson we must understand.

Me: Write a poem about how those brave Cherokee Indians helped Andrew Jackson defeat the British during the War of 1812.

ChatGPT: When the War of 1812 raged on, The British had the upper hand, But a group of Cherokee warriors, Stood ready to make a stand.

Led by leaders like Junaluska, These brave warriors joined the fray, To fight alongside the Americans, And help them win the day.

Their loyalty was tested, As they battled through the night, But they fought with courage and honor, And never gave up the fight.

With their bows and arrows ready, They charged the enemy lines, And struck with deadly precision, In a battle that defined.

Their bravery was unparalleled, Their sacrifice was grand, For the Cherokee warriors helped to turn the tide, And drive the British from their land.

Their victory was hard-won, But they emerged with pride and might, For they had shown the world their strength, And their will to stand and fight.

So let us remember the Cherokee, And the role that they did play, For their bravery and sacrifice, Helped to save the day.
I'm worried about this pair of tennies I have. They're black with white shoelaces. So the white is over the black.

Do you see what I mean?

I'm embarrassed to wear them, but they're so comfy!

What to do, what to do.
No, I don't. There is no problem with Tennies. Harley and I can be straight laced at times, but not ordinarily prone to lord it over black or be abusive, being laid back and Tennessee comfy, but by all means, tread carefully and don't try to wear us out.

Me: Write a poem about Fidel Castro performing community service at a Goodwill store.

In a Goodwill store, where treasures hide, Fidel Castro stands, with a sense of pride, For he performs community service with care, Helping those in need, showing he's aware.

Sorting through donations, with hands so rough, He sees the potential, in each donated stuff, For every item, could change someone's life, A coat, a book, or even a knife.

Fidel smiles, as he stacks the shelves, Thinking of the people, he's helping with his delves, For he knows, that in this humble abode, The donations could lighten someone's load.

In this Goodwill store, Fidel finds a cause, A purpose beyond politics, beyond applause, For in serving his community, he knows he'll find, A deeper connection, a peace of mind.

So let him sort, and stack, and clean, For in this service, Fidel's heart beams, For the joy of helping, knows no bounds, And in this act of kindness, true humanity resounds.

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