Artilce: No one believed the Covid Wuhan lab leak theory – then the world changed its tune


Platinum Member
May 26, 2021
Got to love the headline:

No one believed the Covid Wuhan lab leak theory – then the world changed its tune​

There were practically millions worldwide who absolutely pointed to a lab leak. The MSM and Politicians directed their propaganda to the world public to hide responsibility and create the conspiracy theory narrative.

We should now be asking this question:
If you're in a zoo, the zoo keeper forgets to lock the gate, and an animal escapes and does harm, what will those who have been harmed do?

Why are the countries impacted, not pushing harder to get the truth out and demand civil punishment and restitutions for the impact caused?

That was fraud #1

Fraud #2 was Covid itself, a dud that was completely gone from America by May of 2020 and killed no more than 40k Americans max.

Covid beyond May of 2020 was COMPLETE AND TOTAL 100% FRAUD

Fraud #3 was Murderous Fraud Vax, which was never needed
Got to love the headline:

No one believed the Covid Wuhan lab leak theory – then the world changed its tune​

There were practically millions worldwide who absolutely pointed to a lab leak. The MSM and Politicians directed their propaganda to the world public to hide responsibility and create the conspiracy theory narrative.

We should now be asking this question:
If you're in a zoo, the zoo keeper forgets to lock the gate, and an animal escapes and does harm, what will those who have been harmed do?

Why are the countries impacted, not pushing harder to get the truth out and demand civil punishment and restitutions for the impact caused?

That fact that the world is failing to hold China responsible is, basically, a failing "appeasement" strategy. It won't end well. That shit never does.
The Deep State has history re-writers, like Orwell's Winston character to change things as needed.
That fact that the world is failing to hold China responsible is, basically, a failing "appeasement" strategy. It won't end well. That shit never does.
I think it's not just China that is responsible, thus the cover up.
Lab leak + GOF from "conspiracy theory" to "conspiracy fact".
I think it's not just China that is responsible, thus the cover up.
You mean the US itself or front assets who are US citizens ?

The truth that dare not be spoken , perhaps ?

Damn right it was,though it might still be a few years before the full story is accepted .
Got to love the headline:

No one believed the Covid Wuhan lab leak theory – then the world changed its tune​

There were practically millions worldwide who absolutely pointed to a lab leak. The MSM and Politicians directed their propaganda to the world public to hide responsibility and create the conspiracy theory narrative.

We should now be asking this question:
If you're in a zoo, the zoo keeper forgets to lock the gate, and an animal escapes and does harm, what will those who have been harmed do?

Why are the countries impacted, not pushing harder to get the truth out and demand civil punishment and restitutions for the impact caused?

I've been saying the same story for one wanted to believe it then....and the story is relegated to off msm publications.

The NIH funds researcher I personally know had run out of the normal and routine safe ideas of how to research coronaviruses. But another University (in Texas where delegates from China's consulate there were expelled for espionage by Trump) picked up some research and began using WIV as its research lab of choice. (Much cheaper to use than USA labs) and the NIH was funding this research the whole time.

The carelessness of handling this virus is rather simple and requires nothing more than throwing the cage cleaning refuse in the common dumpster instead of a protected incinerator designed for destroying contagious viruses and bacteria.
Where the NIH was funding some of this research the Chinese scientists likely went much further than what was funded or directed. And WHY the originator and foremost of American scientists on the subject was bemoaning that none of his projects he had been working on for the past 20 years were getting funded anymore. He was looking for something else to study when the pandemic hit and Moderna gave him an instant job offer and more research to do. (Much better pay than the University gave him too)
Everyone I know was pretty sure it was a lab leak as soon as we heard about the "Wuhan Institute of Virology". You'd have had to be a gullible moron to think otherwise.
The Deep State has history re-writers, like Orwell's Winston character to change things as needed.
The Chinese have already thought about that.

My son was living in China when the pandemic began. He was telling me that it was a Wuhan lab leak two months before the US even knew about COVID. I have no proof of course, all speculation, but to me it always seemed more likely than anything else.
I love it. Trump told us this was the WU WU virus and the left screamed and shouted and pounded their fists chanting "Racist Racist Racist".
My son was living in China when the pandemic began. He was telling me that it was a Wuhan lab leak two months before the US even knew about COVID. I have no proof of course, all speculation, but to me it always seemed more likely than anything else.
The US knew about it. You and I didn't, but certain people knew all about it. Let's just leave it at that.
That fact that the world is failing to hold China responsible is, basically, a failing "appeasement" strategy. It won't end well. That shit never does.
It’s all about the Benjamins. Always is
My son was living in China when the pandemic began. He was telling me that it was a Wuhan lab leak two months before the US even knew about COVID. I have no proof of course, all speculation, but to me it always seemed more likely than anything else.
China’s own behavior pretty much gave it away and I have no doubt most governments knew.
Got to love the headline:

No one believed the Covid Wuhan lab leak theory – then the world changed its tune​

There were practically millions worldwide who absolutely pointed to a lab leak. The MSM and Politicians directed their propaganda to the world public to hide responsibility and create the conspiracy theory narrative.

We should now be asking this question:
If you're in a zoo, the zoo keeper forgets to lock the gate, and an animal escapes and does harm, what will those who have been harmed do?

Why are the countries impacted, not pushing harder to get the truth out and demand civil punishment and restitutions for the impact caused?

Its yahoo news. Its a propaganda filled partisan liberal rag. They were pushing bat soup at the yings chinese restaurant around the corner from the lab. Thats the type of propaganda that yahoo pumps out.
Anyone still believe Covid came from someone eating a bat?

Now, the real question is, when are we going to demand restitution from China and everyone else who knew what was going on in that lab?
Millions around the world died due to Covid or complication from it. When are people going to get mad enough to want reparations from those liable?

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