As a christian can you pray to give up everlasting life to save non believers?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
I have prayed that before and I got a holy ghost rush, I don't want to go to heaven , sing stupid songs, dance, listen to people talk to much and basically be around people I don't like.

So my question is can you believe in God yet make a deal with him to trade your soul for the millions that don't believe in him and they all go to heaven?
I have prayed that before and I got a holy ghost rush, I don't want to go to heaven , sing stupid songs, dance, listen to people talk to much and basically be around people I don't like.

So my question is can you believe in God yet make a deal with him to trade your soul for the millions that don't believe in him and they all go to heaven?
To begin with, how can you imagine anything undesirable about heaven and you going there?

Of course from my point of view as an atheist and my understanding that your heaven perception is a myth, but nevertheless, it's your myth and it can't be imagined by a Christian to be something it couldn't be.

I've assumed you were wanting a reply?
We can offer up our sufferings to Jesus to use for the salvation of souls.

The redemptive qualities of suffering is an old Catholic belief that has been lost on modern prosperity-preaching evangelicals.
I have prayed that before and I got a holy ghost rush, I don't want to go to heaven , sing stupid songs, dance, listen to people talk to much and basically be around people I don't like.

So my question is can you believe in God yet make a deal with him to trade your soul for the millions that don't believe in him and they all go to heaven?
First, heaven does not fit your description. In heaven's "many mansions" there is a place prepared for you that encompass your own ideals.

Second, your soul returns to God, and it would be at that point you might try to make your deal. Seriously, face-to-face with God, I doubt you would want to make a deal that leaves you out in the cold. Instead, I am betting you will want to join in drawing other people to God.

Third, as you may know, the Catholic Church teaches that simply because a Church or a man cannot convince another to believe, it does mean they are doomed. It means they are left in the hands of a loving and merciful God who has more power than we humans do to reach out to those who do not (or cannot) believe.
God actually does make deals. If you do this, I will do this. Here are a couple of examples:
Honor your mother and father and I will lengthen your days.
Tithe and I'll return it to you 7-fold.

But I want to know where the picture of heaven that the op painted came from. Does all the singing and dancing here on earth upset you too? Yet, it would bother you at a different location?

You are an eternal being. If you prefer not going to Heaven, where do you plan on residing forever? It is an either, or situation. Given the alternative, you may find Heaven a little more to your liking than the other destination.
So, the answer to your question is, "No". God won't let a million sinners into Heaven to placate another sinner.
Don't worry about him forcing you to go to Heaven though. Simply denounce Jesus Christ and you have your wish. No singing or shouting for joy in your heavenly mansion, by God!
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This might be a dumb question, but when Christians say “non-believer,” do they mean atheists or so they mean those who don’t believe Jesus was anything other than a Jewish man? I’m a relatively observant Jew, identify strongly with my religion, and try to follow G-d’s laws. I certainly don’t consider myself a non-believer!

I just want to know what is meant by “non-believer.” I hear it quite a bit. Thank you.
bulld said:
]Sure he does.
And the LORD said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.

He could, but most often he doesn't. Abraham was his friend. Can you claim that?
This might be a dumb question, but when Christians say “non-believer,” do they mean atheists or so they mean those who don’t believe Jesus was anything other than a Jewish man? I’m a relatively observant Jew, identify strongly with my religion, and try to follow G-d’s laws. I certainly don’t consider myself a non-believer!

I just want to know what is meant by “non-believer.” I hear it quite a bit. Thank you.
I mean atheist
Christianity is about self sacrifice. Of course you could and should give up your salvation for the benefit of others. This is a noble decision.
So that "God is no respecter of persons" remark was bullshit then?

WE should show respect to the God of the Universe and Beyond. He shows favor to those he chooses.
What would make a so called loving God so petty?

YOU are disrespectful. Why should he show respect to you when you have none for him

Psalm 115:3 Our God lives in heaven, He does as he pleases.

He was pleased to put you here at this time...for whatever purpose. Maybe one of those, "don't be" lessons.
WE should show respect to the God of the Universe and Beyond. He shows favor to those he chooses.

YOU are disrespectful. Why should he show respect to you when you have none for him

Psalm 115:3 Our God lives in heaven, He does as he pleases.

He was pleased to put you here at this time...for whatever purpose. Maybe one of those, "don't be" lessons.
I've read the bible. Great book with a lot of knowledge, but not much reason to respect a god that is so petty and cruel
WE should show respect to the God of the Universe and Beyond. He shows favor to those he chooses.

YOU are disrespectful. Why should he show respect to you when you have none for him

Psalm 115:3 Our God lives in heaven, He does as he pleases.

He was pleased to put you here at this time...for whatever purpose. Maybe one of those, "don't be" lessons.
Good answer! The disdain that some of these liberals show for G-d is shameful.

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