As a Conservative I support raising the minimum wage

As a Conservative I support raising the minimum wage

No economic conservative would support the very existence of a minimum wage.

An economic conservative would support slave labor and what vietnam has. They believe that the common man shouldn't have any economic protection against the super rich fucking using them.

I support increasing the minimum wage simply because the lower end of our society deserves better then the streets for working hard. Somehow, I doubt the billionaire is going to be effected to harshly.

I support increasing the minimum wage simply because the lower end of our society deserves better then the streets for working hard.

I agree. Step 1, booting millions of illegals, not encouraging millions more to come here.
Using deduction to minimize hiring and payroll costs to expand and increase income is brilliant dude.

Increasing the salary of low skilled employees, because you think the deduction gives you all that money back, is moronic.

More employees equals lower wait times, better customer service, more stores or offices, equals more sales, equals more money. If you knew you'd get a good portion of your money back in a deduction, but get an increase in revenue as well you'd be a fool to not do it. Oh, and major corporations due to Obamacare and dropping current coverage can most certainly hire like this, so the jobs will be there, because the cash of course is. There's no denying this. It's fact.

More employees equals lower wait times,

Raising the minimum wage will probably reduce the number of employees.

Wont affect a damn thing, but put more money in employees pockets. Hard for a conservative to swallow. btw.. you can basically seal the deal that the GOP will raise it.

Yep,,,hoping Boehner brings a 12.00 per hour minimum wage to the floor later this year. ;) We need to show that working in America means something for the common man. This is how we decrease welfare.

Yes! Decreasing employment at the low end will decrease welfare. Wait, what?
To $9.25 an hour. FYI, I've worked years ago 3rd shift jobs that obviously for a reason pay more per hour then day time that pay min $9.25 an hour.

For the conservative idiots that think this will hurt businesses it won't. Why? Employee payroll is 100% tax deductible off of corporate profit. They get this money back by having to pay less in taxes. Plus, with all the companies dropping medical coverage which is going to save the big corps millions and the small corps thousands, they have extra money and as a business owner they should put it towards their employees for business productivity and employee morale reasons.

Walmart starting in 2015 is raising their min wage FINALLY. FYI, if you are an small business owner and can only pay 7.25 an hour then what the hell are you doing in business? You shouldn't be.

Love when people who never had bottom line responsibility and have no idea what "Profit" even is, chime in on how to run a company or an economy
Before minimum wage increase

Revenues $100
Payroll $70
Income before taxes $30
Income tax (30%) $9
Net income $21

Minimum wage increases payroll to $80

Revenues $100
Payroll $80
Income before taxes $20
Income tax (30%) $6
Net income $14.

The profit of the business falls.

^ Listen to him. He knows how this works
Using deduction to minimize hiring and payroll costs to expand and increase income is brilliant dude.

Using a deduction (which is an expense by the way) to increase income is brilliant dude... I am still trying to get my head around this statement... Using an expense to increase income... Expenses by definition decrease income pal...

Mind-blown here...

Not an expense, but an investment. This statement you will never get around. Ever. Discussion is finished. I ended it.
No conservative would support the government forcing Americans to do jackshit.

Like carrying a pregnancy to term they don't want?
you have every right to be an evil fuck that's to lazy to be an adult and accept the consequences of your actions

and I have every right to call you an evil fuck

but this isn't an abortion thread, so suck it
As a Conservative I support raising the minimum wage

No economic conservative would support the very existence of a minimum wage.

An economic conservative would support slave labor and what vietnam has. They believe that the common man shouldn't have any economic protection against the super rich fucking using them.

I support increasing the minimum wage simply because the lower end of our society deserves better then the streets for working hard. Somehow, I doubt the billionaire is going to be effected to harshly.

I support increasing the minimum wage simply because the lower end of our society deserves better then the streets for working hard.

I agree. Step 1, booting millions of illegals, not encouraging millions more to come here.

step two: eliminate the corporate tax
step three: make unions illegal again
The business won't go bankrupt, the owners just wont make countless tens of millions each year

Who are you to decide what the owners should make? If you don't like what they are willing to pay you then don't work there. It's that simple.
Nothing wrong with private sector unions, in many cases they can help lessen the conflict that exists between employers and employees.
Very, very, very basic question for the non-conservative who mis-identified himself at the top of this thread:

I own a single-location grocery store in a small town. I would like to have someone empty my trash baskets every afternoon, sweep the floors, and help to stock the shelves. I usually do this myself, but I would rather not.

It is worth, say, $5/hr for me to get someone to do this, part time, maybe 20 hours per week. ($100/wk, plus payroll taxes). it is not worth $7.25 or more. I'll just continue doing it myself.

There is a retired guy in the neighborhood who is looking for something to do in the afternoons, and who would jump at the chance to make this money.

Question: On what basis can the Government step in and tell me and the retired guy that this mutually-satisfactory arrangement is impermissible? That we cannot enter into an agreement that is satisfactory to both of us - indeed we both WANT to do it.

I'm not talking about constitutional law, just logic.

And if the government can do this, I will continue sweeping my own store and the guy will be out the $100/wk.

Now extrapolate this question to apply to EVERY EMPLOYER and EVERY POTENTIAL EMPLOYEE in the country. If the employer wants to hire someone for a certain wage, and he can find people who WANT to work for that wage, on what basis can the government step in and say, "NO!"?
Nothing wrong with private sector unions, in many cases they can help lessen the conflict that exists between employers and employees.

private sector unions raise our prices through violent means and have driven 30 million jobs of shore. That is wrong if you think about it, but liberals cant think can they? That is the definition of a liberal/
If the employer wants to hire someone for a certain wage, and he can find people who WANT to work for that wage, on what basis can the government step in and say, "NO!"?

liberals feel good if they tell you to pay the lowly worker more. Were it not for the Constitution the liberals would force you to hire 3 people at $10.00/hr becuase that would make them feel even better. Liberalism is based in pure ignorance.
Private sector unions are, on balance, a good thing in competitive industries. They give employees negotiating power as a group that none of them would have as individuals. When "organized" employers are forced to compete with non-union employers they (union & management) are forced to work together to maximize productivity so that the company will not be at a disadvantage in the marketplace.

Were it not for the evil, racist, Davis Bacon Act, we would see this dynamic hard at work in the government construction sector, where non-union construction companies would compete with unionized ones.

But alas,...
Private sector unions are, on balance,...

100% stupid and liberal. Workers are consumers so raising wages raises prices and therefore net benefit is possible. The standard of living goes up with new Republican supply-side capitalist inventions.

Econ 101 class one day one.

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