As a Conservative I support raising the minimum wage

To $9.25 an hour. FYI, I've worked years ago 3rd shift jobs that obviously for a reason pay more per hour then day time that pay min $9.25 an hour.

For the conservative idiots that think this will hurt businesses it won't. Why? Employee payroll is 100% tax deductible off of corporate profit. They get this money back by having to pay less in taxes. Plus, with all the companies dropping medical coverage which is going to save the big corps millions and the small corps thousands, they have extra money and as a business owner they should put it towards their employees for business productivity and employee morale reasons.

Walmart starting in 2015 is raising their min wage FINALLY. FYI, if you are an small business owner and can only pay 7.25 an hour then what the hell are you doing in business? You shouldn't be.

No one ever claimed it hurts business, numskull. They claim it hurts the very people it is supposedly intended to help: those on the bottom rung of the economic ladder. Raising the minimum wage doesn't do them much good if they get laid off or never get hired.

But it increases their income to qualify and afford an appt in a better neighborhood with better schools and more resources to get out of poverty and into the middle class. That was my point.

Not if they don't have a job.

The whole point of asking and raising the min wage is to make it worth it to get a job. wtf are you talking about?
Reducing welfare benefits would do the same thing.

It's politicially smart for the gop to raise the min wage. Why? Because welfare benefits pay more then min wage jobs. However, something to keep in mind in welfare benefits aren't always in the form of CASH, so if these people know the min wage is increasing they will look for jobs to supplement welfare because cash is more helpful and flexible than welfare.

Welfare reform will only happen with a GOP congress in 2017. Gotta do something now, though.
To $9.25 an hour. FYI, I've worked years ago 3rd shift jobs that obviously for a reason pay more per hour then day time that pay min $9.25 an hour.

For the conservative idiots that think this will hurt businesses it won't. Why? Employee payroll is 100% tax deductible off of corporate profit. They get this money back by having to pay less in taxes. Plus, with all the companies dropping medical coverage which is going to save the big corps millions and the small corps thousands, they have extra money and as a business owner they should put it towards their employees for business productivity and employee morale reasons.

Walmart starting in 2015 is raising their min wage FINALLY. FYI, if you are an small business owner and can only pay 7.25 an hour then what the hell are you doing in business? You shouldn't be.

So you want to raise minimum wage just because you think it won't hurt business? True or not, your reasoning for a hike is ridiculous!
What you are doing is intentionally calling tax deduction a tax increase. Do you know what deduction means? Deductions are meant to lower your tax burden. That means your tax can only go down. Not up. The only thing you were correct about was that and I'll quote you, ".payroll is deductible from earnings." I highlight the key word. We BOTH agree that it is a tax "decrease. "

Now it's not as big as it would be if it was off of adjusted gross income or profit, but regardless it goes DOWN. Now you and I know darn well that all major corporations can without question afford an increase to $9.25 an hour. What's funny is I didn't even mention other savings companies are getting right now,

Full time to part time,
No longer providing employee healthcare coverage due to full time to part time and Obamacare. HUGE SAVINGS!
and lack of hiring meaning hoarding of corporate profits.
Hiring of 1099 independent contractors which work for less but get more work and more pay because they can do work for multiple companies at a time.

For corporations there are 3 MAJOR deductions for taxes - Payroll, Inventory, Insurance for employees, where companies pay for the majority of it. Like a match. That tax RATE you keep talking about will decrease due increase in payroll DEDUCTION amount, which lowers your gross income liability. .

Putting this in simple term for the retarded - Tax rate doesn't matter at all. You can be taxed at the same rate of 30% and pay less taxes if your gross income that you are liable to pay taxes on is decreased more, which you already agreed it does. This doesn't mean a loss of profit in fact it could very well increase corporate profits in 2 ways - 1.) By reducing taxes owed you save money. 2.) By paying employees well it can affect their performance on the job and be a direct result of more sales and more regular customers meaning higher corporate profits, which means your taxes could actually increase, but not as a result of higher employee pay, but more sales and business, which is what corporations want, and they'll need that higher payroll deduction.

I know what you are trying to do and it won't work. Like I said, "my point still stands." Major fail dude.

JR, your knowledge and logic appear to be the major fail here. You comment of "Deductions are meant to lower your tax burden. That means your tax can only go down," is silly. It is as you think these deductions are just sitting there for businesses to simply claim??? Business have to spend money to claim these deductions! You are making an argument that it is better to pay $100 to receive a benefit of $70 back? Taxes do go down, but at a net loss to the business.

You are correct, effective tax planning with deductions can be benefical to businesses - fixed asset acquisitions & bonus depreciation, charitable contributions (for owners depending on type of entity), state tax planning, etc...

However, paying for deductions just to have deductions is just stupid. But, if you are looking to generate deductions for your taxes, I'll gladly take your money if you think it's a good deal.

What you are doing is intentionally calling tax deduction a tax increase. Do you know what deduction means? Deductions are meant to lower your tax burden. That means your tax can only go down. Not up. The only thing you were correct about was that and I'll quote you, ".payroll is deductible from earnings." I highlight the key word. We BOTH agree that it is a tax "decrease. "

Now it's not as big as it would be if it was off of adjusted gross income or profit, but regardless it goes DOWN. Now you and I know darn well that all major corporations can without question afford an increase to $9.25 an hour. What's funny is I didn't even mention other savings companies are getting right now,

Full time to part time,
No longer providing employee healthcare coverage due to full time to part time and Obamacare. HUGE SAVINGS!
and lack of hiring meaning hoarding of corporate profits.
Hiring of 1099 independent contractors which work for less but get more work and more pay because they can do work for multiple companies at a time.

For corporations there are 3 MAJOR deductions for taxes - Payroll, Inventory, Insurance for employees, where companies pay for the majority of it. Like a match. That tax RATE you keep talking about will decrease due increase in payroll DEDUCTION amount, which lowers your gross income liability. .

Putting this in simple term for the retarded - Tax rate doesn't matter at all. You can be taxed at the same rate of 30% and pay less taxes if your gross income that you are liable to pay taxes on is decreased more, which you already agreed it does. This doesn't mean a loss of profit in fact it could very well increase corporate profits in 2 ways - 1.) By reducing taxes owed you save money. 2.) By paying employees well it can affect their performance on the job and be a direct result of more sales and more regular customers meaning higher corporate profits, which means your taxes could actually increase, but not as a result of higher employee pay, but more sales and business, which is what corporations want, and they'll need that higher payroll deduction.

I know what you are trying to do and it won't work. Like I said, "my point still stands." Major fail dude.

JR, your knowledge and logic appear to be the major fail here. You comment of "Deductions are meant to lower your tax burden. That means your tax can only go down," is silly. It is as you think these deductions are just sitting there for businesses to simply claim??? Business have to spend money to claim these deductions! You are making an argument that it is better to pay $100 to receive a benefit of $70 back? Taxes do go down, but at a net loss to the business.

You are correct, effective tax planning with deductions can be benefical to businesses - fixed asset acquisitions & bonus depreciation, charitable contributions (for owners depending on type of entity), state tax planning, etc...

However, paying for deductions just to have deductions is just stupid. But, if you are looking to generate deductions for your taxes, I'll gladly take your money if you think it's a good deal.


Using deduction to minimize hiring and payroll costs to expand and increase income is brilliant dude.
Using deduction to minimize hiring and payroll costs to expand and increase income is brilliant dude.

Increasing the salary of low skilled employees, because you think the deduction gives you all that money back, is moronic.

More employees equals lower wait times, better customer service, more stores or offices, equals more sales, equals more money. If you knew you'd get a good portion of your money back in a deduction, but get an increase in revenue as well you'd be a fool to not do it. Oh, and major corporations due to Obamacare and dropping current coverage can most certainly hire like this, so the jobs will be there, because the cash of course is. There's no denying this. It's fact.
Using deduction to minimize hiring and payroll costs to expand and increase income is brilliant dude.

Increasing the salary of low skilled employees, because you think the deduction gives you all that money back, is moronic.

More employees equals lower wait times, better customer service, more stores or offices, equals more sales, equals more money. If you knew you'd get a good portion of your money back in a deduction, but get an increase in revenue as well you'd be a fool to not do it. Oh, and major corporations due to Obamacare and dropping current coverage can most certainly hire like this, so the jobs will be there, because the cash of course is. There's no denying this. It's fact.

Increasing the minimum wage doesn't increase the number of employees you have. It only increases the cost. The amount you save from the deduction does not equal the cost increase. That means you suffer a net loss unless you make-up for it by raising your prices or by cutting the number of people you employ.

It's as simple as that.
I say those adults working 40 hours per week who make minimum wage should get the gov't assistance they need to survive. Therefore no increase in min wage. Why people apply for those jobs is beyond me. Those are for kids, living at home.
Using deduction to minimize hiring and payroll costs to expand and increase income is brilliant dude.

Increasing the salary of low skilled employees, because you think the deduction gives you all that money back, is moronic.

More employees equals lower wait times, better customer service, more stores or offices, equals more sales, equals more money. If you knew you'd get a good portion of your money back in a deduction, but get an increase in revenue as well you'd be a fool to not do it. Oh, and major corporations due to Obamacare and dropping current coverage can most certainly hire like this, so the jobs will be there, because the cash of course is. There's no denying this. It's fact.

More employees equals lower wait times,

Raising the minimum wage will probably reduce the number of employees.
Using deduction to minimize hiring and payroll costs to expand and increase income is brilliant dude.

Increasing the salary of low skilled employees, because you think the deduction gives you all that money back, is moronic.

More employees equals lower wait times, better customer service, more stores or offices, equals more sales, equals more money. If you knew you'd get a good portion of your money back in a deduction, but get an increase in revenue as well you'd be a fool to not do it. Oh, and major corporations due to Obamacare and dropping current coverage can most certainly hire like this, so the jobs will be there, because the cash of course is. There's no denying this. It's fact.

Increasing the minimum wage doesn't increase the number of employees you have. It only increases the cost. The amount you save from the deduction does not equal the cost increase. That means you suffer a net loss unless you make-up for it by raising your prices or by cutting the number of people you employ.

It's as simple as that.

No it costs money, but not as much, and certainly not enough for med-big corporations to not want to hire. There's actually incentive to hire. Connect the dots and you will come to the same conclusion. Not very difficult. I'll be at the other end of the tunnel, you know, where the light is.
Using deduction to minimize hiring and payroll costs to expand and increase income is brilliant dude.

Increasing the salary of low skilled employees, because you think the deduction gives you all that money back, is moronic.

More employees equals lower wait times, better customer service, more stores or offices, equals more sales, equals more money. If you knew you'd get a good portion of your money back in a deduction, but get an increase in revenue as well you'd be a fool to not do it. Oh, and major corporations due to Obamacare and dropping current coverage can most certainly hire like this, so the jobs will be there, because the cash of course is. There's no denying this. It's fact.

More employees equals lower wait times,

Raising the minimum wage will probably reduce the number of employees.

Wont affect a damn thing, but put more money in employees pockets. Hard for a conservative to swallow. btw.. you can basically seal the deal that the GOP will raise it.
I say those adults working 40 hours per week who make minimum wage should get the gov't assistance they need to survive. Therefore no increase in min wage. Why people apply for those jobs is beyond me. Those are for kids, living at home.

Those adults aren't working 40 hrs. Why? Obamacare. Companies don't ant them qualifying for full coverage. Companies are making a fortune by doing this. They can hire more part time at a higher min wage. No doubt in my mind.
Using deduction to minimize hiring and payroll costs to expand and increase income is brilliant dude.

Increasing the salary of low skilled employees, because you think the deduction gives you all that money back, is moronic.

More employees equals lower wait times, better customer service, more stores or offices, equals more sales, equals more money. If you knew you'd get a good portion of your money back in a deduction, but get an increase in revenue as well you'd be a fool to not do it. Oh, and major corporations due to Obamacare and dropping current coverage can most certainly hire like this, so the jobs will be there, because the cash of course is. There's no denying this. It's fact.

More employees equals lower wait times,

Raising the minimum wage will probably reduce the number of employees.

Wont affect a damn thing, but put more money in employees pockets. Hard for a conservative to swallow. btw.. you can basically seal the deal that the GOP will raise it.

you can basically seal the deal that the GOP will raise it

They do a lot of stupid stuff, so what?
Using deduction to minimize hiring and payroll costs to expand and increase income is brilliant dude.

Increasing the salary of low skilled employees, because you think the deduction gives you all that money back, is moronic.

More employees equals lower wait times, better customer service, more stores or offices, equals more sales, equals more money. If you knew you'd get a good portion of your money back in a deduction, but get an increase in revenue as well you'd be a fool to not do it. Oh, and major corporations due to Obamacare and dropping current coverage can most certainly hire like this, so the jobs will be there, because the cash of course is. There's no denying this. It's fact.

More employees equals lower wait times,

Raising the minimum wage will probably reduce the number of employees.

Wont affect a damn thing, but put more money in employees pockets. Hard for a conservative to swallow. btw.. you can basically seal the deal that the GOP will raise it.

you can basically seal the deal that the GOP will raise it

They do a lot of stupid stuff, so what?

It's very smart for 2 reasons. 1.) The min wage accept it or not way so low why bother? Just go on welfare. 2.) Politically it will help them with minorities.
Increasing the salary of low skilled employees, because you think the deduction gives you all that money back, is moronic.

More employees equals lower wait times, better customer service, more stores or offices, equals more sales, equals more money. If you knew you'd get a good portion of your money back in a deduction, but get an increase in revenue as well you'd be a fool to not do it. Oh, and major corporations due to Obamacare and dropping current coverage can most certainly hire like this, so the jobs will be there, because the cash of course is. There's no denying this. It's fact.

More employees equals lower wait times,

Raising the minimum wage will probably reduce the number of employees.

Wont affect a damn thing, but put more money in employees pockets. Hard for a conservative to swallow. btw.. you can basically seal the deal that the GOP will raise it.

you can basically seal the deal that the GOP will raise it

They do a lot of stupid stuff, so what?

It's very smart for 2 reasons. 1.) The min wage accept it or not way so low why bother? Just go on welfare. 2.) Politically it will help them with minorities.

Politically, it won't help them with anyone.
Using deduction to minimize hiring and payroll costs to expand and increase income is brilliant dude.

Using a deduction (which is an expense by the way) to increase income is brilliant dude... I am still trying to get my head around this statement... Using an expense to increase income... Expenses by definition decrease income pal...

Mind-blown here...
As a Conservative I support raising the minimum wage

No economic conservative would support the very existence of a minimum wage.

An economic conservative would support slave labor and what vietnam has. They believe that the common man shouldn't have any economic protection against the super rich fucking using them.

I support increasing the minimum wage simply because the lower end of our society deserves better then the streets for working hard. Somehow, I doubt the billionaire is going to be effected to harshly.
Using deduction to minimize hiring and payroll costs to expand and increase income is brilliant dude.

Increasing the salary of low skilled employees, because you think the deduction gives you all that money back, is moronic.

More employees equals lower wait times, better customer service, more stores or offices, equals more sales, equals more money. If you knew you'd get a good portion of your money back in a deduction, but get an increase in revenue as well you'd be a fool to not do it. Oh, and major corporations due to Obamacare and dropping current coverage can most certainly hire like this, so the jobs will be there, because the cash of course is. There's no denying this. It's fact.

More employees equals lower wait times,

Raising the minimum wage will probably reduce the number of employees.

Wont affect a damn thing, but put more money in employees pockets. Hard for a conservative to swallow. btw.. you can basically seal the deal that the GOP will raise it.

Yep,,,hoping Boehner brings a 12.00 per hour minimum wage to the floor later this year. ;) We need to show that working in America means something for the common man. This is how we decrease welfare.

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