As a Dem/Prog. which GOP candidate would you support?

Let me correct you. You don't want the country to succeed, you want YOUR government to succeed.

Nah...I don't have my own government (and neither do you).....Come up with some responses that could better hide your biases and stupidity.
Yes, republicans have the right to nominate whomever they wish, to reflect their dogma and agenda, including a hard-core, extreme rightwing agenda, provided republicans understand that a majority of the voters will reject any republican candidate who advocates such an agenda.

Well, Clayton.....far from me to "defend" republicans...but GOP candidates always seem to go to the extreme far right during the nomination phase, and then the nominee swings sharply toward the center when facing the democrat nominee......

Conversely, my biggest hesitation with Hillary Clinton is that she may do the opposite too (swing to the far left and then re-join her Wall Street backers.)
What brand shoes do you buy?

(Pssst, maybe you should ask for show SIZE....not as much flip-flopping on the response from a R-W'er.....Hell, there's got to be ONE thing....besides hating Obama.....that they can stand on without hypocrisy)
Contrary to what some right wingers may think, democrats/progressives DO want our country to succeed, thrive in the world arena, and squarely address the many problems and issues facing us.

Although the odds are against a republican candidate being sworn as president in 2016, one never knows....So, which of that dozen or more GOP candidates vying for the WH, would you feel comfortable in supporting?

(in other words, which of the cadre seems "saner" and closer to both your ideology and willingness to work across party lines)
Well, I do like Rand Paul's non interventionist and anti NSA stances. He probably comes closest to someone I could support from the right. I disagree with him on a bevy of other issues though.
Contrary to what some right wingers may think, democrats/progressives DO want our country to succeed, thrive in the world arena, and squarely address the many problems and issues facing us.

Although the odds are against a republican candidate being sworn as president in 2016, one never knows....So, which of that dozen or more GOP candidates vying for the WH, would you feel comfortable in supporting?

(in other words, which of the cadre seems "saner" and closer to both your ideology and willingness to work across party lines)

Can we dig up Teddy Roosevelt? :p
Yes, republicans have the right to nominate whomever they wish, to reflect their dogma and agenda, including a hard-core, extreme rightwing agenda, provided republicans understand that a majority of the voters will reject any republican candidate who advocates such an agenda.

Well, Clayton.....far from me to "defend" republicans...but GOP candidates always seem to go to the extreme far right during the nomination phase, and then the nominee swings sharply toward the center when facing the democrat nominee......

Conversely, my biggest hesitation with Hillary Clinton is that she may do the opposite too (swing to the far left and then re-join her Wall Street backers.)
And that's the problem for most republican candidates: they have to run hard to the right during the primaries and then reverse course and try to move toward the center during the GE – rendering them inconsistent hypocrites and flip-floppers, telling the voters only what they want to hear to get elected.

Republicans need a candidate with the courage to reject the extreme right and social conservatives, a candidate willing to lose elections in the South and Mountain West so he can present a consistent, centrist message to the voters come election day.

Of course there is currently no republican candidate with such courage; nor are there enough republicans with that kind of courage and political acumen to stand up to the far right and run a candidate who has a chance of winning.

As for the democratic candidate, there is no 'danger' of going 'too far to the left,' as a majority of Americans support a woman's right to privacy, support gay Americans being allowed to marry, support immigration reform, support decriminalizing marijuana, and support increasing the minimum wage.

Indeed, when one surveys the polling data, a majority of Americans agree with that of democratic policy positions:

Contrary to what some right wingers may think, democrats/progressives DO want our country to succeed, thrive in the world arena, and squarely address the many problems and issues facing us.

Although the odds are against a republican candidate being sworn as president in 2016, one never knows....So, which of that dozen or more GOP candidates vying for the WH, would you feel comfortable in supporting?

(in other words, which of the cadre seems "saner" and closer to both your ideology and willingness to work across party lines)

Can we dig up Teddy Roosevelt? :p
TR would look at the GOP today and become a democrat.
Ted Cruz would flop in the swing states because his loud mouth attitude would scare voters off, whereas Hillary just drives past or shakes a few pre-selected hands. He might do well among some red states, but he would lose traction when he heads north or east.

So he wouldn't do well in the States we should carpet-nuke (including my state)? Too bad.

"So he wouldn't do well in the States we should carpet-nuke (including my state)? Too bad"-Anathema

So in other words, you want everyone who disagrees with you to be dead. Unbelievable. :disbelief:
Ted Cruz would flop in the swing states because his loud mouth attitude would scare voters off, whereas Hillary just drives past or shakes a few pre-selected hands. He might do well among some red states, but he would lose traction when he heads north or east.

So he wouldn't do well in the States we should carpet-nuke (including my state)? Too bad.

"So he wouldn't do well in the States we should carpet-nuke (including my state)? Too bad"-Anathema

So in other words, you want everyone who disagrees with you to be dead. Unbelievable. :disbelief:

Yep, that one is bat shit crazy.
Contrary to what some right wingers may think, democrats/progressives DO want our country to succeed, thrive in the world arena, and squarely address the many problems and issues facing us.

Although the odds are against a republican candidate being sworn as president in 2016, one never knows....So, which of that dozen or more GOP candidates vying for the WH, would you feel comfortable in supporting?

(in other words, which of the cadre seems "saner" and closer to both your ideology and willingness to work across party lines)

Can we dig up Teddy Roosevelt? :p
TR would look at the GOP today and become a democrat.

That's true.
"So he wouldn't do well in the States we should carpet-nuke (including my state)? Too bad"-Anathema

So in other words, you want everyone who disagrees with you to be dead. Unbelievable. :disbelief:

Anathema IS an anathema (as if the idiot even understood what the word meant) to decency and sanity.
Contrary to what some right wingers may think, democrats/progressives DO want our country to succeed, thrive in the world arena, and squarely address the many problems and issues facing us.

Although the odds are against a republican candidate being sworn as president in 2016, one never knows....So, which of that dozen or more GOP candidates vying for the WH, would you feel comfortable in supporting?

(in other words, which of the cadre seems "saner" and closer to both your ideology and willingness to work across party lines)

Let me correct you. You don't want the country to succeed, you want YOUR government to succeed.

Let me correct you. You don't want the country to succeed, you want YOUR government to succeed-PredFan

So wasn't that what folks on the far right (including right wing Congressional leaders) had to say about Obama and America in 2008 on?
I wasn't/aren't a fan of Obama, but wishing any president to fail means wishing America to fail. When America fails, so do many, many of your fellow American's fail and lose everything.
I think anybody who wishes such a thing, no matter what their ideology is, isn't patriotic at all and is basically anti-American.
"As a Dem/Prog. which GOP candidate would you support?"

This is actually a response republicans and conservatives should pay close attention to, given the fact democrats, moderates, and independents will determine who the next president is.

If republicans seek out the 'most conservative' candidate for president they can find, then they've already lost the election.

Yes, republicans have the right to nominate whomever they wish, to reflect their dogma and agenda, including a hard-core, extreme rightwing agenda, provided republicans understand that a majority of the voters will reject any republican candidate who advocates such an agenda.
I can't agree, CC

We lost the last two general elections because our candidate was too far left and too many real conservative voters stayed away or, like the poster just above you did, wasted their vote by writing in their empty wish.
There really is a such thing as the "moral majority". We just need the right candidate to pull them away from the couch
Republicans need a candidate with the courage to reject the extreme right and social conservatives, a candidate willing to lose elections..........

Unfortunately, we may not see such a republican in our lifetime...the days of Nelson Rockefeller, John Lindsay, Jacob Javits, (and, yes, TR) etc., are way over.
Let me correct you. You don't want the country to succeed, you want YOUR government to succeed.

Nah...I don't have my own government (and neither do you).....Come up with some responses that could better hide your biases and stupidity.

I'm sorry, I forgot that I have to
Make things VERY simple for you. I should have said Democrat run government. That is what I meant by YOUR government. Sorry I should have brought it down to a 3rd grade fading level.
I'm sorry, I forgot that I have to
Make things VERY simple for you. I should have said Democrat run government. That is what I meant by YOUR government. Sorry I should have brought it down to a 3rd grade fading level.

For such imbecility, its hard to respond.....Even when right wingers hold a majority in both houses, the SC, and most state governments, morons like you STILL blame democrats?
"As a Dem/Prog. which GOP candidate would you support?"

This is actually a response republicans and conservatives should pay close attention to, given the fact democrats, moderates, and independents will determine who the next president is.

If republicans seek out the 'most conservative' candidate for president they can find, then they've already lost the election.

Yes, republicans have the right to nominate whomever they wish, to reflect their dogma and agenda, including a hard-core, extreme rightwing agenda, provided republicans understand that a majority of the voters will reject any republican candidate who advocates such an agenda.
I can't agree, CC

We lost the last two general elections because our candidate was too far left and too many real conservative voters stayed away or, like the poster just above you did, wasted their vote by writing in their empty wish.
There really is a such thing as the "moral majority". We just need the right candidate to pull them away from the couch

Hortysir, I have tendencies to disagree with you.
McCain and Romney didn't lose the conservative vote, they lost the centralist/moderate vote which make up a larger portion of voting Americans than either the libs or conservatives.
I believe if McCain would have stuck to his guns and ran as more of a centralist (which was his historical position), he might have had a much better chance. Of course his proclamation that the economy was sound in the face of every economist saying we are on the verge of a huge economic crisis, wrecked any credibility that McCain had.
Where as Romney flip-flopped way too much. I might have voted for the moderate Romney but I had a very hard time trying to figure out where he was coming from. That and his 47% comment alienated many many people and he came off looking like an insensitive far right nut snob.
"So he wouldn't do well in the States we should carpet-nuke (including my state)? Too bad"-Anathema

So in other words, you want everyone who disagrees with you to be dead. Unbelievable. :disbelief:

Yep and I'm not afraid to go with them if necessary
I'm sorry, I forgot that I have to
Make things VERY simple for you. I should have said Democrat run government. That is what I meant by YOUR government. Sorry I should have brought it down to a 3rd grade fading level.

For such imbecility, its hard to respond.....Even when right wingers hold a majority in both houses, the SC, and most state governments, morons like you STILL blame democrats?

Jesus you can't read can you? I said no such thing you moron. Read it again idiot.
Republicans need a candidate with the courage to reject the extreme right and social conservatives, a candidate willing to lose elections..........

Unfortunately, we may not see such a republican in our lifetime...the days of Nelson Rockefeller, John Lindsay, Jacob Javits, (and, yes, TR) etc., are way over.

And any Goldwater republicans who might be around lack the courage to stand up to the social right, TPM, and other extremists.

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