As a Jew this is hard for me to explain


Gold Member
Aug 6, 2017
As a Jew this is hard for me to explain

I’m 70 living in 2019ad. For those who didn’t know-------

“ad” means; The years “After Jesus’s death”.,.i.e. (ad)

2,019 years ago;.,.,,.,, Jesus walked the streets of Jerusalem

And He knew “Jerusalem” was not the “Promised Land”

Now over 2,000 years later I have found it.

The “Promised Land “ turns out to be-----

It's not--
the Palestinian Land
now called “Israel”
“United States of America”
The United States​

And as an American, I consider a Jewish American to be just “an American” or a “Jewish American”.

But more importantly; I as an American; I view a Jew as a Jewish person. I view Jews who live in or born in “Israel” as Israelite’s; not a “Jew”, although they are from the same family.

there is a difference

No harm intended or implied

If I have offended, you

Please forgive me :)-

America hasn't always been a paradise for Jews.

Within my lifetime, it was still legal to not rent or sell property to Jews. Real estate ads in New York City contained the phrase 'Only Gentiles Need Apply'.

Companies could discriminate against Jews in hiring. Large firms made it policy to not hire Jews.

Hotel chains across America were openly restricted to potential guests with 'Jewish-sounding' surnames.

You couldn't join many country or social clubs if you were Jewish.

In 1930s America, this man, Charles Coughlin, had a network radio show espousing anti-semitic rhetoric to millions of listeners.


In the 1920s, this was a nation-wide best-seller


Israel is the only country on the face of this Earth where Jews are not the 'guests' of a host nation.

It's sad that there has to be at least one place where Jews can be autonomous, but history has shown, over and over again, that it is existentially necessary that Israel exist.
America hasn't always been a paradise for Jews.
The past is the past

If you want to dwell there .,.,.,.,.,/

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1/3 of the world’s Jewish population live in “Israel”

1/3 of the world’s Jewish population live Europe

1/3 of the world’s Jewish population live in the USA

& out of them all.,.,…,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,.,

The USA turns out to be the "Promised Land”

Just ask a Jewish American.,.,..,.,?

I can guaranty you, He/She will say,

Yes, this is my "Promised Land”
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Will you promise to stop drinking. This thread is odd. Are you pro or Anti Israel?
Will you promise to stop drinking. This thread is odd. Are you pro or Anti Israel?
This is not about being “pro” or “anti” Israel.

You must first clarify your question.

Are you talking about the Israeli Jews occupying a large chunk of Palestine-?

Or the boundaries of this land now referred to as “Israel”-?

What do you mean by the term “anti”-?
Besides; "Israel" was a person; not a place

Just asking :)-
America hasn't always been a paradise for Jews.
The past is the past

If you want to dwell there .,.,.,.,.,/

Create a thread

1/3 of the world’s Jewish population live in “Israel”

1/3 of the world’s Jewish population live Europe

1/3 of the world’s Jewish population live in the USA

& out of them all.,.,…,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,.,

The USA turns out to be the "Promised Land”

Just ask a Jewish American.,.,..,.,?

I can guaranty you, He/She will say,

Yes, this is my "Promised Land”

Personally, I have no doubt that America is your 'promised land'. I have been an American all my life and after living in many other countries, I proudly call myself an American. However, history shows, that Jewish guest minorities can have their hosts turn on them when there is a political will do to so.

I don't advocate all Jews living in Israel. I do believe its existence is necessary for the guaranteed of survival for the Jewish people.
A.D., "after death."


A.D.” does not mean “after death,” as many people suppose. “B.C.” stands for the English phrase “before Christ,” but “A.D.” stands confusingly for a Latin phrase: anno domini (“in the year of the Lord”—the year Jesus was born).
I don't advocate all Jews living in Israel. I do believe its existence is necessary for the guaranteed of survival for the Jewish people.

Jewish Americans will be living in the USA for all time to came.
There are Jew's living in Palestine who call themselves Israeli's.,.
There are Jew's who live in the USA who call themselves Americans.
At this rate, clearly the American's will outlive the Israeli's
and so it will be done
Nah. It's Boca Raton.


Boca Raton, Florida
Boca Raton (; Spanish: Boca Ratón, pronounced [ˈboka raˈton]) is the southernmost city in Palm Beach County, Florida, United States, first incorporated on August 2, 1924 as "Bocaratone," and then incorporated as "Boca Raton" in 1925. The 2015 population estimated by the U.S.
More Information on Wikipedia

Personally, I could never afford to visit.
But it looks worm and friendly
Nah. It's Boca Raton.


Boca Raton, Florida
Boca Raton (; Spanish: Boca Ratón, pronounced [ˈboka raˈton]) is the southernmost city in Palm Beach County, Florida, United States, first incorporated on August 2, 1924 as "Bocaratone," and then incorporated as "Boca Raton" in 1925. The 2015 population estimated by the U.S.
More Information on Wikipedia

Personally, I could never afford to visit.
But it looks worm and friendly

Boca is a very nice place to visit and relax. The biggest danger is trying to keep from being trampled by the stampede of elderly blue hairs and pensioners at every meal time.

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