As America Becomes Less White, Democrats Ascend

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Why is Romney Losing? Because Immigration Is Electing A New People |

Far from causing a “small shift” to the Democrats, the racial transformation of the U.S. caused by over-immigration is the only major reason why the GOP is sailing into oblivion.

In 2008, McCain won 55 percent of the white vote and lost by a near-landslide. In 2000, Bush won 55 percent of the white vote and squeaked by with a win. Shouldn’t that tell Geraghty and other Conservatism Inc. operatives that something is going on?

The racial breakdown of the 2008 presidential race was as follows:

Whites 55% to 43% for McCain
Blacks 95% to 5% for Obama
Hispanics 67% to 31% for Obama
Asians 62% to 35% for Obama
The most recent polls show the same fatal trend in 2012: only whites support Romney in great numbers. Almost 90 percent of Republican votes come from whites. And Romney has yet to crack the 61% support of whites he likely needs to win. (It’s eminently doable—the GOP got 60% in its Congressional sweep in 2010).
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America will eventually lose, however, if people keep voting themselves the other guy's money.

That's because we have a presidebt who got, as a dream from his father, the belief that taxes should be 100% and total government support.
Actually, that's kind of a skewed vision. Many people of color are quite conservative. But the problem with Republicans is they have become such a terrible racist party. 90% white and going after every minority in America. And the worship of "stupid" and science denial are disgraceful. In fact, Republicans ON THIS BOARD don't know the positions of the candidates they vote for. When you PROVE those positions, with video tape of that very candidate, they still scream liar. It's delusional. There is something vitally wrong with these people.
Actually, that's kind of a skewed vision. Many people of color are quite conservative. But the problem with Republicans is they have become such a terrible racist party. 90% white and going after every minority in America. And the worship of "stupid" and science denial are disgraceful. In fact, Republicans ON THIS BOARD don't know the positions of the candidates they vote for. When you PROVE those positions, with video tape of that very candidate, they still scream liar. It's delusional. There is something vitally wrong with these people.

Bullshit post. Work for a black republican, democrats are faaaaaar worse than republicans, akways been that way, democrats live them some lynchings, but republicans refuse to buy off black "leaders"
Why is Romney Losing? Because Immigration Is Electing A New People |

Far from causing a “small shift” to the Democrats, the racial transformation of the U.S. caused by over-immigration is the only major reason why the GOP is sailing into oblivion.

In 2008, McCain won 55 percent of the white vote and lost by a near-landslide. In 2000, Bush won 55 percent of the white vote and squeaked by with a win. Shouldn’t that tell Geraghty and other Conservatism Inc. operatives that something is going on?

The racial breakdown of the 2008 presidential race was as follows:

Whites 55% to 43% for McCain
Blacks 95% to 5% for Obama
Hispanics 67% to 31% for Obama
Asians 62% to 35% for Obama
The most recent polls show the same fatal trend in 2012: only whites support Romney in great numbers. Almost 90 percent of Republican votes come from whites. And Romney has yet to crack the 61% support of whites he likely needs to win. (It’s eminently doable—the GOP got 60% in its Congressional sweep in 2010).

Blacks 95% to 5% for Obama

I think that figure is low...I remember it was over 98%
I guess us white folks had it coming.
WE will never win another election ever again..
Might as well close up shop...

Give this country another 4 years under this President
and Senate and see what happens the next election cycle.
Romney isn't losing.

True, he's getting his ass handed to him

Actually, that's kind of a skewed vision. Many people of color are quite conservative. But the problem with Republicans is they have become such a terrible racist party. 90% white and going after every minority in America. And the worship of "stupid" and science denial are disgraceful. In fact, Republicans ON THIS BOARD don't know the positions of the candidates they vote for. When you PROVE those positions, with video tape of that very candidate, they still scream liar. It's delusional. There is something vitally wrong with these people.

The entire Republican party now has some degree of cognitive dissonance.
Why is Romney Losing? Because Immigration Is Electing A New People |

Far from causing a “small shift” to the Democrats, the racial transformation of the U.S. caused by over-immigration is the only major reason why the GOP is sailing into oblivion.

In 2008, McCain won 55 percent of the white vote and lost by a near-landslide. In 2000, Bush won 55 percent of the white vote and squeaked by with a win. Shouldn’t that tell Geraghty and other Conservatism Inc. operatives that something is going on?

The racial breakdown of the 2008 presidential race was as follows:

Whites 55% to 43% for McCain
Blacks 95% to 5% for Obama
Hispanics 67% to 31% for Obama
Asians 62% to 35% for Obama
The most recent polls show the same fatal trend in 2012: only whites support Romney in great numbers. Almost 90 percent of Republican votes come from whites. And Romney has yet to crack the 61% support of whites he likely needs to win. (It’s eminently doable—the GOP got 60% in its Congressional sweep in 2010).

Blacks 95% to 5% for Obama

I think that figure is low...I remember it was over 98%

5% of those blacks belong to the Republican Party. What percentage of whites in the Republican Party will vote for Obama? 1%? 2%?

See how you can bullshit through playing with the numbers?

And look at those whites that belong to the Democratic Party. People Republicans hate:

College Professors
and so on...
Racism has been a critical issue for the right and remains so for many. Eventually it may not matter as class seems to be a larger definer of politics than race. While I have a hard time understanding the phenomenon, money brings with it privilege and privilege leads to entitlement and then assumes it is a natural setting.

Chain Reaction: The Impact of Race, Rights, and Taxes on American Politics
[ame=] Chain Reaction: The Impact of Race, Rights, and Taxes on American Politics (9780393309034): Mary D. Edsall, Thomas Byrne Edsall: Books[/ame]

"To serve contentment, there were and are three basic requirements. One is the need to defend the general limitation on government as regards the economy; there must be a doctrine that offers a feasible presumption against government intervention...The second, more specific need is to find social justification for the untrammeled, uninhibited pursuit and possession of wealth....There is need for demonstration that the pursuit of wealth or even less spectacular well-being serves a serious, even grave social purpose....The third need is to justify a reduced sense of public responsibility for the poor. Those so situated, the members of the functional and socially immobilised underclass, must, in some very real way, be seen as the architects of their own fate. If not, they could be, however marginally, on the conscience of the comfortable." John Kenneth Galbraith, 'The Culture of Contentment'
Actually, that's kind of a skewed vision. Many people of color are quite conservative. But the problem with Republicans is they have become such a terrible racist party. 90% white and going after every minority in America. And the worship of "stupid" and science denial are disgraceful. In fact, Republicans ON THIS BOARD don't know the positions of the candidates they vote for. When you PROVE those positions, with video tape of that very candidate, they still scream liar. It's delusional. There is something vitally wrong with these people.

The entire Republican party now has some degree of cognitive dissonance.

I remember seeing hundreds of videos on u tube
where democrats were asked why they were voting for Obama
and they all answered "we need change".
They had no idea beyond that.
They didn't know who was the current VP..or much of anything going on in the world
at the time...They just knew they were voting for Obama..

Oh yeh and a lot of them thought in doing so their mortgages and bills were gonna be
taken care of. :lol:
Why is Romney Losing? Because Immigration Is Electing A New People |

Far from causing a “small shift” to the Democrats, the racial transformation of the U.S. caused by over-immigration is the only major reason why the GOP is sailing into oblivion.

In 2008, McCain won 55 percent of the white vote and lost by a near-landslide. In 2000, Bush won 55 percent of the white vote and squeaked by with a win. Shouldn’t that tell Geraghty and other Conservatism Inc. operatives that something is going on?

The racial breakdown of the 2008 presidential race was as follows:

Whites 55% to 43% for McCain
Blacks 95% to 5% for Obama
Hispanics 67% to 31% for Obama
Asians 62% to 35% for Obama
The most recent polls show the same fatal trend in 2012: only whites support Romney in great numbers. Almost 90 percent of Republican votes come from whites. And Romney has yet to crack the 61% support of whites he likely needs to win. (It’s eminently doable—the GOP got 60% in its Congressional sweep in 2010).

As American education standards decrease and schools deteriorate the Democrat Party ascends. The DNC feeds off of ignorance an poverty to remain in power.

The black community has embraced the failed policies of the left for over four decades--where's the improvement? Predominately black schools overwhelmingly in urban areas controlled and run by the Democrat Party, are stagnant and fraught with failure and incompetency.

The DNC has used and exploited the black community, putting in place policies that do not elevate but rather promulgate mediocrity and poverty.

As these communities acclimate to American culture and continue to educate themselves and prosper they will inevitably become more conservative and eventually change their party affiliation--that is if there is still an America left.
the racial transformation of the U.S. caused by over-immigration is the only major reason why the GOP is sailing into oblivion.

Right. It has nothing to do with the GOP clinging to antiquated ideologies, denying women the right to choose, minorities the right to vote or immigrants the chance to succeed. It's all the fault of those damn immigrants. :eusa_whistle:
Actually, that's kind of a skewed vision. Many people of color are quite conservative. But the problem with Republicans is they have become such a terrible racist party. 90% white and going after every minority in America. And the worship of "stupid" and science denial are disgraceful. In fact, Republicans ON THIS BOARD don't know the positions of the candidates they vote for. When you PROVE those positions, with video tape of that very candidate, they still scream liar. It's delusional. There is something vitally wrong with these people.

The entire Republican party now has some degree of cognitive dissonance.


And the democrats are totally healthy.

But they didn't get there on their own. "Somebody else did that ....."

What a load of bull.
Why is Romney Losing? Because Immigration Is Electing A New People |

Far from causing a “small shift” to the Democrats, the racial transformation of the U.S. caused by over-immigration is the only major reason why the GOP is sailing into oblivion.

In 2008, McCain won 55 percent of the white vote and lost by a near-landslide. In 2000, Bush won 55 percent of the white vote and squeaked by with a win. Shouldn’t that tell Geraghty and other Conservatism Inc. operatives that something is going on?

The racial breakdown of the 2008 presidential race was as follows:

Whites 55% to 43% for McCain
Blacks 95% to 5% for Obama
Hispanics 67% to 31% for Obama
Asians 62% to 35% for Obama
The most recent polls show the same fatal trend in 2012: only whites support Romney in great numbers. Almost 90 percent of Republican votes come from whites. And Romney has yet to crack the 61% support of whites he likely needs to win. (It’s eminently doable—the GOP got 60% in its Congressional sweep in 2010).

Blacks 95% to 5% for Obama

I think that figure is low...I remember it was over 98%

5% of those blacks belong to the Republican Party. What percentage of whites in the Republican Party will vote for Obama? 1%? 2%?

See how you can bullshit through playing with the numbers?

And look at those whites that belong to the Democratic Party. People Republicans hate:

College Professors
and so on...

You are the epitome of ignorance and partisanship. Every single one of your posts are a tribute to mindless babbling of a hateful, repugnant person dead set on promoting a political party at any cost.

Yes, all scientists, teachers, college professors--all educated people believe what you do. You deal in simplistic stereotypes and generalizations that fit quite nicely into your childlike simplistic worldview.
Conservative movements in Europe have increasingly moved towards White Nationalism in recent years as a way to gain a more devoted, fanatical following, I suppose it is only natural that this long disused political tool be dusted off for American consumption.
Far from causing a “small shift” to the Democrats, the racial transformation of the U.S. caused by over-immigration is the only major reason why the GOP is sailing into oblivion.

What exactly is ‘over immigration’? We’re all US citizens, we’re all equal under the law, and we all have the right to vote.

The GOP is ‘sailing into oblivion’ as a consequence of its policies offensive to the Constitution, such as opposition to due process, privacy rights, and equal protection of the law.

It has nothing to do with 'immigration.'
Conservative movements in Europe have increasingly moved towards White Nationalism in recent years as a way to gain a more devoted, fanatical following, I suppose it is only natural that this long disused political tool be dusted off for American consumption.

That is an outright distortion and deplorable example of stunning stupidity.

Spain election: Conservatives win landslide victory but new PM warns 'there will be no miracles' - Telegraph

The conservative parties that have actually won substantial gains have done so based on the flawed economic policies of the far left socialist parties that have decimated the societies that they have infected.

Oh, I'm sure you will try to make the erroneous and flawed argument that the nationalist parties of Greece are 'conservative', and in your elementary level understanding of the English language perhaps they are. But in reality they are socialists, just like the Nazi's.

That is all the left has, name calling.

Yes, the conservatives that have successfully won Canada too are racists--that is all they have left.

November is fast approaching, 'occupied' will you riot when Obama loses?

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