As Bank Fears Spread, Oil Craters

Aren't you going to congratulate Biden for engineering the banking collapse to drop oil prices?
I think it fair to assume that right Now Joe has much bigger fish to
fry.Like saving his own skin after what Congressman Comer has dug-up
on the Biden Crime Family.Making Peter Schweizer's telling seem golden.
He was spot on all along.Starting with his first Biden uncover in 2018
with - Secret Empires - and then 2020 - Profiles in Corruption. -
Both books hitting # 1 on the New York Times best seller list.
And subsequent venues like Talk Radio and Breitbart.
Someone will - soon.
The funny/odd thingy is that Biden can't just Pull a
Ralph Kramden { The Honeymooners } and pick on his
wife Alice with ...
" To the Moon Alice ... To the Moon ! "
As we all know by now how Joe Biden loves to bully.
I mean,just interview Corn Pop ... fer cryin' out loud.
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Never Elect republicans. Deregulation is literally to allow the rich to play the system and it always ends in collapse.

Be warned.
The banking crisis extends beyond our borders.

Governments all around the world loaded up on debt after the Great Recession. The Trump and Obama administrations added $16 trillion of debt alone.

Then during the pandemic, the world's governments spent a fuck ton of money on stimulus spending paid for by more borrowing.

At the same time, the world's corporations also loaded up on debt.

All this borrowing was enabled by the central banks keeping interest rates artificially low. When interest rates are low people, governments, and corporations all borrow and spend recklessly.

Well, all that debt paper was bought up by investors. It was bought by banks, insurance companies, college endowment funds, family wealth funds, and so forth.

All those bonds have a very low interest rate of return.

Now that interest rates are being raised, all those older bonds are now rapidly losing value.

This was not a Republican thing. This was an everybody thing. Just like the 2008 crash was an everybody thing. Spenders, borrowers, and lenders.

Deregulation didn't help, but it is but one of several factors which has brought us yet again to the brink.
I haven't been whining about it. I've been mansplaining it for people like you.

Yet you still try to blame Biden. BDS is real.

My solution is to sell off the parts of the banks that fucked up by not hedging their interest rate risk. Like they did with SVB.

Too funny, you have the biggest case of TDS here and you have the nerve to to talk about BDS.
Never Elect republicans. Deregulation is literally to allow the rich to play the system and it always ends in collapse.

Be warned.
Um when was the last time Fiat Currency like the Dollar
was ever in this much a jam.Europe is straining to guarantee
the death of our Dollar.To usher in Digital currency run by
select Central Banks in toto { grouped together }.
CBDC { Central Bank Digital Currency } coming to a
part of America near you.But first the Central Banks need
to control all Regional and Community Banks first and then
eliminate the Dollar as Fiat Currency.
Also depends on how well the Euro holds up.
Right now 1 Euro = 1.o7 Dollar

As fears over the banking system weigh on markets worldwide, the price of oil has come under significant pressure in recent days with WTI crude oil, the U.S. benchmark, falling below $67 on Wednesday, its lowest price since November 2021.

In just 10 days, oil fell from $80.46 to $67. Today, WTI Crude is $66.59.

Since oil and gas are half the Russian economy, they need oil to remain above $60 to stay solvent.

Speaking of Russia, Putin is going begging to get someone to take his oil.

Ships filled with refined fuels are floating off the coasts of Europe, Africa and Latin America, potentially ratcheting up waiting fees. Some vessels hauling the OPEC+ producer’s crude oil are bouncing between ports without discharging, while others are unloading and being stashed at unusual locations.

It all points to a network of logistics that is struggling to keep pace with servicing a country that exports over 7 million barrels a day of crude oil and products. A vast swath of that trade has shifted from Europe to new and less-familiar customers, often thousands of miles further away.

“There has already been a mismatch in what is leaving Russian ports and what is imported by buyers of Russian oil,” said Giovanni Staunovo, commodity analyst at UBS Group AG. “This is translating in higher volumes of oil on water, and considering a limited number of tankers available to transport oil, if those tankers are not unloaded, it will translate in lower exports and production at some point.”

Putin thought he had the world over an oil barrel. He made a catastrophic error in judgement.

And this is why I sold all my oil and natural gas stocks about 6 weeks ago except for the 1 share each I held just to remind me which ones to get back into once the "correction" is in full swing. I took the money and got while the getting was good. Gotta be ready to pay for them 6-year Transgender Gay African-American Basket Weaving Studies degrees for the spawn or whatever the hell it is they plan to waste my retirement money on.
And this is why I sold all my oil and natural gas stocks about 6 weeks ago except for the 1 share each I held just to remind me which ones to get back into once the "correction" is in full swing. I took the money and got while the getting was good. Gotta be ready to pay for them 6-year Transgender Gay African-American Basket Weaving Studies degrees for the spawn or whatever the hell it is they plan to waste my retirement money on.

The tards are this close to blaming the negroes! And TH3 GAYZ.
The banking crisis extends beyond our borders.

Governments all around the world loaded up on debt after the Great Recession. The Trump and Obama administrations added $16 trillion of debt alone.

Then during the pandemic, the world's governments spent a fuck ton of money on stimulus spending paid for by more borrowing.

At the same time, the world's corporations also loaded up on debt.

All this borrowing was enabled by the central banks keeping interest rates artificially low. When interest rates are low people, governments, and corporations all borrow and spend recklessly.

Well, all that debt paper was bought up by investors. It was bought by banks, insurance companies, college endowment funds, family wealth funds, and so forth.

All those bonds have a very low interest rate of return.

Now that interest rates are being raised, all those older bonds are now rapidly losing value.

This was not a Republican thing. This was an everybody thing. Just like the 2008 crash was an everybody thing. Spenders, borrowers, and lenders.

Deregulation didn't help, but it is but one of several factors which has brought us yet again to the brink.
Never before has the Fed raised in a years time the
Prime Rate.In 2022 no time in American History has the
Prime Interest been raised so often and so high.
When the Bond Market collapsed it guaranteed banks like
SVB were in a heap of trouble.
We have gone from Steady Inflation to now a persistent
Recession.Or some form of Stagflation.
Never before has the Fed raised in a years time the
Prime Rate.In 2022 no time in American History has the
Prime Interest been raised so often and so high.
When the Bond Market collapsed it guaranteed banks like
SVB were in a heap of trouble.
We have gone from Steady Inflation to now a persistent
Recession.Or some form of Stagflation.
We are not yet in a recession. I know there are BDS sufferers who pray daily we are, and who announce regularly we are.

Interest rates had to be raised to combat inflation. It's the only way to do it.

Those banks sitting on all that resulting interest rate risk should have hedged against that risk. Those that did should be fine. Those that didn't are suffering the consequences of their foolhardiness.

If there are enough that didn't, we could see the contagion spread to even the banks that did hedge, and then we are all in big trouble.
And this is why I sold all my oil and natural gas stocks about 6 weeks ago except for the 1 share each I held just to remind me which ones to get back into once the "correction" is in full swing. I took the money and got while the getting was good. Gotta be ready to pay for them 6-year Transgender Gay African-American Basket Weaving Studies degrees for the spawn or whatever the hell it is they plan to waste my retirement money on.
So then it don't bug you how the Flaming Liberal turned Leftist *City
has some kind of Bill that calls for blacks to Receive their Reparations
NOW.$ 5 Million per eligible Black { must be 18 or older }
The * City used to have a black population of 13 % but it now
stands at around 6 %.
This city bill also includes a Yearly salary.I think it's
in the $ 170,ooo yr. ballpark.

* San Fransico

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