As Biden Says Islam is Peaceful, D.C. Imam Calls for Jihad.

Franklin Graham should call for all Christians to rise up in revolt. The Left won’t say a word about that like when the Muslims do it.

As Biden Says Islam is Peaceful, D.C. Imam Calls for Jihad.
Franklin Graham is a piece of shit. Graham, the son of Billy Graham,was heavy into cocaine and other recreational drugs. He screwed everything in a skirt, including a few men wearing kilts. Then, he suddenly realized that inheriting his father's empire would enable him to milk zillions of dollars from the believers, so, he found Jesus and the rest is history.
Franklin Graham is a piece of shit. Graham, the son of Billy Graham,was heavy into cocaine and other recreational drugs. He screwed everything in a skirt, including a few men wearing kilts. Then, he suddenly realized that inheriting his father's empire would enable him to milk zillions of dollars from the believers, so, he found Jesus and the rest is history.
Right on cue. You Leftards attack a peaceful man while letting Islamos call for terrorism with no rebuttal.
Franklin Graham is a piece of shit. Graham, the son of Billy Graham,was heavy into cocaine and other recreational drugs. He screwed everything in a skirt, including a few men wearing kilts. Then, he suddenly realized that inheriting his father's empire would enable him to milk zillions of dollars from the believers, so, he found Jesus and the rest is history.
All modern religions are the biggest fraud ever played on man against other men to gain power and control through fear, intimidation and even murder to promote the Religious ruling class. Riddle me this : churches are some of the richest institutions on earth. How much is Joel Osteen worth $100,000,000.00 shouldn't he be using every penny to ease the suffering of the poor at least in Houston. Nope he rides in a Chauffeured limo. I know a Minister who used to sell used cars. selling eternity was easier and more lucrative
All modern religions are the biggest fraud ever played on man against other men to gain power and control through fear, intimidation and even murder to promote the Religious ruling class. Riddle me this : churches are some of the richest institutions on earth. How much is Joel Osteen worth $100,000,000.00 shouldn't he be using every penny to ease the suffering of the poor at least in Houston. Nope he rides in a Chauffeured limo. I know a Minister who used to sell used cars. selling eternity was easier and more lucrative
If you’re going to judge God based upon what so called religious people do, keep in mind it was religious people who got Jesus murdered.
Franklin Graham is a piece of shit. Graham, the son of Billy Graham,was heavy into cocaine and other recreational drugs. He screwed everything in a skirt, including a few men wearing kilts. Then, he suddenly realized that inheriting his father's empire would enable him to milk zillions of dollars from the believers, so, he found Jesus and the rest is history.
Obama was heavy into cocaine and Hunter Biden is heavy into Crystal Meth.
They're both partaking.
If you’re going to judge God based upon what so called religious people do, keep in mind it was religious people who got Jesus murdered.
Behavior of religious people is the only way we have to judge the god they claim to follow.
Behavior of religious people is the only way we have to judge the god they claim to follow.
So since atheist governments have murdered over 260 million of its own citizens in the past century, we can safely draw a conclusion about atheists then.
Behavior of religious people is the only way we have to judge the god they claim to follow.
I guess you never learned the concept of free-will.
Understandable because you're a Democrat supporter who doesn't believe in free-will or freedom of mind. Freedom from government oppression...freedom of speech.....because you think some speech should be banned.

Course the God you follow is the cancel-culture and worship of the state.

Hassan, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), is a Shi’ite who was born in the United States but spent ten years studying to be a Muslim cleric at a seminary in Qom, Iran, a center of Shi’ite learning. In his sermon, he declared that “Islam has emphasized that we should all be mujahid.” A mujahid is a warrior of jihad, or a jihadi.

This doesn’t mean that Hassan was telling everyone to go out and commit an act of terrorist violence, but he did leave the door open to violent action in defense of Islam: “When the time calls for one type of sacrifice, we should be ready for that type of sacrifice. If Islam is under attack, then we should make sure that all of us are preparing and readying ourselves to be able to defend Islam in the way that it is being attacked. If there is a physical attack, then we should all be ready with martial training and self-defense training so that we can stand up for our rights and our dignity. If it is an intellectual attack, then all of us should be armed with the weapons of intellect and reasoning.”

This is all in accord with standard Islamic theology. There are various types of jihad, including the jihad of the pen, that is, taking up intellectual arguments to defend Islam against detractors. That may be what Hassan had in mind when he called upon Muslims to “be armed with the weapons of intellect and reasoning.” And his call for his hearers to be ready to defend Islam from physical attack is in accord with classic Islamic law, which states that jihad is an obligation upon the Islamic community as a whole, such that some are excused from it if others are undertaking this obligation, but if a Muslim land is attacked, the defense of that land becomes an individual duty incumbent upon every Muslim.

Hassan certainly sees this defensive jihad in this way, as he adds: “May Allah allow all of us to enter Paradise through the gates of Jihad….Jihad can be through funding and Jihad can be through struggling in person. Both of them are needed and both of them are important.” Making it all the clearer that he is talking about violence, he says: “Somebody who is al-ghazi, who is doing Jihad, in particular on the battlefield – you should consider their sacrifice and their struggle to be something that is important to you and pray for them and try to make their life easier, by helping their family, by helping those dependents of theirs, who may not have their father, their husband, or their person present for them. According to the hadith, Jihad is one of those things that brings a special grace of Allah, a mercy of Allah, and a fulfillment of prayers. This hadith is particular to those, who are in a military battle for defense of Islam, but that principle applies in general to all forms of Jihad. May Allah make us among the mujahideen for the sake of Allah, with our possessions, and with ourselves.”

Everything Hassan said in this sermon is in accord with mainstream Islamic theology. The problem is that it is the same argument that Islamic jihad groups, including al-Qaeda, ISIS, and the Taliban, make in order to justify their own violent actions. The Taliban for years rallied Afghans to its cause by claiming that the American presence there constituted an attack upon a Muslim land, making jihad an individual obligation upon every Muslim. Maybe Hassan would have an explanation of how his teaching is different from that of the jihad groups and be able to provide solid reassurance that his words won’t inspire any jihad terrorists. But one thing is certain: No one will ask him for any explanation.

Related: To His Everlasting Shame, ADL Chief Apologizes for the Organization’s Opposition to Ground Zero Mosque

The implications of having imams teaching this on American soil have not been explored; our law enforcement and intelligence agencies are dogmatically committed to the proposition that Islam is a religion of peace, and have abdicated their responsibility to understand the motives and goals of those who would destroy us. So all we can do is hope that Hassan’s hearers’ minds were wandering and that they were more preoccupied with what was for lunch than with what he was saying. It’s a weak reed, but in this absurd age, it’s all we’ve got.

Robert Spencer
Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 23 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades), The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest book is The Critical Qur’an.
So since atheist governments have murdered over 260 million of its own citizens in the past century, we can safely draw a conclusion about atheists then.
Exactly how did not having a belief in god require all the deaths you claim? Am I required to kill someone before I can be an atheist?

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