As Expected, Trump's Incompetence Showing Bg Time

You mean to say that Americans are not (and should not) be about their own coffers?

and Musk, Zuckerberg , and Bezos are not about their coffers?

Yeah ... They said the same shit you hate about Zuckerberg, Musk, and Bezos ... Is what's driving the nitwit at the Wall Street Journal ...
You're just too stupid to understand that they're all in it for the money ... And the politics changes but the money doesn't.

You're not going to start posting a lot of stuff from Zuckerberg, Musk, or Bezos ... Because they aren't bashing President Trump ...
And you'll ignore the facts while acting like you care ... When you're just a shallow rube shilling for whomever tells you what you like.

They're counting on that ... And you're doing the stupid crap they want you to ... :thup:


They were trying to say that you don't know what you are talking about and the only reason you started the thread ...
Is because some nitwit at the Wall Street Journal ... That's owned by the same folks as Fox New ...
And that genius Rupert Murdoch ... Who cannot even manage his family without his kids suing each other ...
Printed a story bashing President Trump and you jizzed all over yourself.

Chase that ball Fido ... Go get it boy ... :auiqs.jpg:



/----/ It's already working.

And Mexico has agreed to send 10,000 troops to the border.


President Donald Trump on Monday said he is pausing for one month his new 25% tariffs on goods imported from Mexico after that country’s president agreed to immediately send 10,000 soldiers to the U.S. border to prevent drug trafficking from Mexico

Yeah ... They said the same shit you hate about Zuckerberg, Musk, and Bezos ... Is what's driving the nitwit at the Wall Street Journal ...
You're just too stupid to understand that they're all in it for the money ... And the politics changes but the money doesn't.

You're not going to start posting a lot of stuff from Zuckerberg, Musk, or Bezos ... Because they aren't bashing President Trump ...
And you'll ignore the facts while acting like you care ... When you're just a shallow rube shilling for whomever tells you what you like.

They're counting on that ... And you're doing the stupid crap they want you to ... :thup:


It’s Musk vs. Trump in their first major disagreemjent

Go complain to Canada.... We spend 14 times more money there then they do here. With that type of financial input if they can't drop the tariffs on American goods the only response will be to raise tariffs on them. Fuck them and fuck you party puppet.
Trade between countries is not a zero sum game. You are nearly 10 times our size, it just logical that you would buy more from us.

It's not about the money ... All they have to do is say something negative about President Trump ...
You'll take off drooling and run with it ... Doing their bidding and giving more free press in the process.

You're a tool they're using to promote their agenda ... Get back in the shed fool ... :auiqs.jpg:


It's not about the money ... All they have to do is say something negative about President Trump ...
You'll take off drooling and run with it ... Doing their bidding and giving more free press in the process.

You're a tool they're using to promote their agenda ... Get back in the shed fool ... :auiqs.jpg:

Money talks
Considering the fact that less than 2% of our shelf space is occupied by Canadian goods. It won't be difficult to buy around the tariff. And that in fact is the point. Already to Canadian companies are moving across the border to avoid the tariffs bringing several thousand jobs with them.
The majority of goods you buy from Canada are raw materials. Can't move that production anywhere.
Money talks

Of course it does you fool ... It's got you talking whether or not you have a clue what you are talking about.
Funny thing is ... You're probably not even get paid for it ... :auiqs.jpg:

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Money talks

Try really hard to understand this ... You don't need to tell me 'money talks' ... You already did and I already agreed.
You're a shallow rube because that's about all you can say ... Without finding a meme or something ...
And I never accused you of being able to expound on the matter any further ... :auiqs.jpg:


Try really hard to understand this ... You don't need to tell me 'money talks' ... You already did and I already agreed.
You're a shallow rube because that's about all you can say ... Without finding a meme or something ...
And I never accused you of being able to expound on the matter any further ... :auiqs.jpg:



Trump just walked back his tariffs on Canada. He now is saying they have a 30 day pardoned. Wow, such flip-flopping going on.

As far as Trump's incompetence, SO MANY people that started with zero (such as Musk, Bloomberg, Zuckerberg, etc.) are now worth anywhere for 5 times to over 150 times more than Trump. In fact, if he has just put the money his daddy gave him into the SPX and done NOTHING, he would be worth double. You call that competent.

Then this

View attachment 1074041

Other than Real Estate, Trump has failed everything else he has ever done.
I noticed you didn't site any successes. How come Luckyonce?
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