you are a big of thousands (actually millions) that Trump has conned. I will grant Trump one things he is the best at..........conning people. He has done it all his life. Unfortunately for all (and you being one of them), his cons have all failed in the end.
He conned students (with his University), poor people (with his Charity), his contractors, employees, and partners (he has been sued over 4000 times), and in the end, the truth came out and he lost.
In his first term, he made 104 promises and failed on 79 of them. He then lost the 2020 election but he kept on conning people and did sharpen his conning skills and convinced millions (like you), that this time "it will be different" and all of you have believed him again.
That is the height of stupidity as the man has proven himself to be a liar, a con artist, a man that uses people and throws them away after they are no longer of use to him, and incompetent.
and you think we are wrong?
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and millions (like you) that have believed his over 30,000 lies and that believed him on his first term but he failed to deliver 75% of the promises he made.