As I suspected...MOST LIPs have the attention span less than that of a goldfish!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Based on my purely subjective observations of LIPs on this forum the majority of them are UNABLE to concentrate on anything that takes more the 8 seconds to read!
As I've suspected, LIPs are only able to handle the biased headlines of the newspapers or the extremely biased TV sound bite which I use to describe as 30 second but now I understand is 8 seconds!
In other words (just as I have to explain this!!!) if it is said in 8 seconds LIPs won't pay attention.
This is one reason Obama was elected!
Most LIPs as the guy Obama PAID said (Jonathan Gruber) due to the "Stupidity of the American Voter"...never saw more then Obama looked good on TV and as Obama said "by the way he is black"!!!

Now proof that it is worse then I thought!

Humans have become so obsessed with portable devices and overwhelmed by content that we now have attention spans shorter than that of the previously jokingly juxtaposed goldfish.

Microsoft surveyed 2,000 people and used electroencephalograms (EEGs) to monitor the brain activity of another 112 in the study, which sought to determine the impact that pocket-sized devices and the increased availability of digital media and information have had on our daily lives.

Among the good news in the 54-page report is that our ability to multi-task has drastically improved in the information age, but unfortunately attention spans have fallen.

In 2000 the average attention span was 12 seconds, but this has now fallen to just eight. The goldfish is believed to be able to maintain a solid nine.

"Canadians [who were tested] with more digital lifestyles (those who consume more media, are multi-screeners, social media enthusiasts, or earlier adopters of technology) struggle to focus in environments where prolonged attention is needed," the study reads.

Our attention span is now less than that of a goldfish Microsoft study finds - Science - News - The Independent
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Watch how many LIPs are ONLY able to respond with some very brief ad hominem statement. No facts. No refuting.
Just simple juvenile comments that truly are indicative of their 8 second attention span!
Oh but shiny thing shiny thing

Favorite voice on a commercial.

I wonder what happened to her.


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