As if the teachers weren't questionable enough!


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2012
Perhaps its time that school buses have surveillance cameras too. Go here for the story. To me, that bus driver should be suspended if not fired.

God bless you and the kids always!!!

Perhaps its time that school buses have surveillance cameras too. Go here for the story. To me, that bus driver should be suspended if not fired.

"The bus driver then drives off, but not before seemingly flipping the mom off on her way out." What? You mean he didn't hit her with the door and run her over as he sped off? She's lucky!
"The bus driver then drives off, but not before seemingly flipping the mom off on her way out." What? You mean he didn't hit her with the door and run her over as he sped off? She's lucky!

So you condone this kind of behavior around kids? I'll make mental note of that.
IDIOT sometimes you have to give a hint that you're being sarcastic.

Well, I operate from the position that when a person makes an obvious sarcasm, I assume people know I'm being sarcastic!

But then, anyone who knows me knew that.

As a new member who obviously doesn't know people here well enough to read them and doesn't recognize sarcasm, you should ask first next time instead of jumping to conclusions and accusing people wrongly to avoid further mistakes.
When I went to Catholic school, I had to ride the public school bus, since the Catholic school I attended was next to the public school.

Every other day the bus driver pulled over and got out of her seat and ripped into the public school hoodlums. A couple of times she had the principal of the public school get on the bus before it pulled out and tear into em nice and good, too.

These were middle school aged hoodlums, though. Not as young as these children in this recording.

I imagine the driver in this video will likely get canned.
Well, I operate from the position that when a person makes an obvious sarcasm, I assume people know I'm being sarcastic!

But then, anyone who knows me knew that.

As a new member who obviously doesn't know people here well enough to read them and doesn't recognize sarcasm, you should ask first next time instead of jumping to conclusions and accusing people wrongly to avoid further mistakes.
I've read enough of your posts to realize that remark was no more absurd than most of the crazy things you claim here. You can't spout as much absurd conspiracy theory crap as you do and then expect others to sort out how much of it you really believe.
Well, I operate from the position that when a person makes an obvious sarcasm, I assume people know I'm being sarcastic!

But then, anyone who knows me knew that.

As a new member who obviously doesn't know people here well enough to read them and doesn't recognize sarcasm, you should ask first next time instead of jumping to conclusions and accusing people wrongly to avoid further mistakes.
Yeah. Sure.
Well, I operate from the position that when a person makes an obvious sarcasm, I assume people know I'm being sarcastic!

But then, anyone who knows me knew that.

As a new member who obviously doesn't know people here well enough to read them and doesn't recognize sarcasm, you should ask first next time instead of jumping to conclusions and accusing people wrongly to avoid further mistakes.
With you, determining sarcasm is very difficult because some of you beliefs idiotic, but you defend them to the death.
With you, determining sarcasm is very difficult
I don't know, I see tons of intelligent people here every day who read my intent very easily and accurately! Add to that, I often use emojis to majke my sarcasm clear. Hell, most everything I say is a sarcasm!

because some of you beliefs idiotic,
Maybe they aren't idiotic but just misunderstood by you. Name 1-3 of my "beliefs" which are idiotic and I'll quickly prove you wrong.
I don't know, I see tons of intelligent people here every day who read my intent very easily and accurately! Add to that, I often use emojis to majke my sarcasm clear. Hell, most everything I say is a sarcasm!

Maybe they aren't idiotic but just misunderstood by you. Name 1-3 of my "beliefs" which are idiotic and I'll quickly prove you wrong.
Stand by! I am sure you will screw up by the end of the night.

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