As Michelle Kicks Off 'Save Biden Election Hopes' Convention, Barry & Pals Attack And Undermine


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Barack Obama is very careful about some things. He makes sure his political allies know that his legacy has to be protected. As a result, the bits of information we get about the Obamas and their post-White House adventures are limited and usually cast in a very respectable-elder-statesman fashion.

People who worked for the former president do not go out and create any sort of drama related to what happened while they were in power. They defend him and his accomplishments, and they attack anyone who questions it — and their behavior is often endorsed by friendly reporters and pundits throughout the media.

So, when a POLITICO Magazine piece comes along and attacks his Vice President, Joe Biden, as incompetent and a joke, and the quotes are all coming from former Obama staff and aides, you know that this is deliberate. There is a reason this piece and these attacks see the light of day: Because Obama wants them to."

'Never underestimate Biden's ability to f* things up'
, right Barry?!

With 'allies' / 'friends' like Barry.......

Barack Obama is very careful about some things. He makes sure his political allies know that his legacy has to be protected. As a result, the bits of information we get about the Obamas and their post-White House adventures are limited and usually cast in a very respectable-elder-statesman fashion.

People who worked for the former president do not go out and create any sort of drama related to what happened while they were in power. They defend him and his accomplishments, and they attack anyone who questions it — and their behavior is often endorsed by friendly reporters and pundits throughout the media.

So, when a POLITICO Magazine piece comes along and attacks his Vice President, Joe Biden, as incompetent and a joke, and the quotes are all coming from former Obama staff and aides, you know that this is deliberate. There is a reason this piece and these attacks see the light of day: Because Obama wants them to."

'Never underestimate Biden's ability to f* things up'
, right Barry?!

With 'allies' / 'friends' like Barry.......

Source: Redstate.
Source: Redstate.

Thank you for proving once again when butt-hurt, TDS-suffering snowflakes can't debunk what it being reported they feebly attempt to undermine the source.
You right wing nuts always type "fake news" and run. You're the last person that would be lecturing others about undermining the source. In your nutty mind, CNN is fake news but "Redstate" is reliable.
Source: Redstate.

Thank you for proving once again when butt-hurt, TDS-suffering snowflakes can't debunk what it being reported they feebly attempt to undermine the source.
You right wing nuts always type "fake news" and run. You're the last person that would be lecturing others about undermining the source. In your nutty mind, CNN is fake news but "Redstate" is reliable.
Bwuhahahaha......again, thank you for proving losers like you attempt to undermine sources when they can't debunk what is being reported.

('Nice' fit you're throwing, snowflake. :p )
You right wing nuts always type "fake news" and run. You're the last person that would be lecturing others about undermining the source. In your nutty mind, CNN is fake news but "Redstate" is reliable.
You aren't contradicting or disproving what was reported. You are just attacking the source.
That's the lazy coward's way out. Therefor you lose.
Source: Redstate.

Thank you for proving once again when butt-hurt, TDS-suffering snowflakes can't debunk what it being reported they feebly attempt to undermine the source.
You right wing nuts always type "fake news" and run. You're the last person that would be lecturing others about undermining the source. In your nutty mind, CNN is fake news but "Redstate" is reliable.
Well, then h ere is the source article, doofus.

“He was loyal, I think, to Obama in every way in terms of defending and standing by him, even probably when he disagreed with what Obama was doing,” recalled Leon Panetta, Obama’s secretary of Defense. “To some extent, [he] oftentimes felt that that loyalty was not being rewarded.”
Next week, Barack and Michelle Obama are each headlining different days of Biden’s convention, a lineup meant to display party unity and a smooth succession from its most popular figure to its current nominee. But past tensions between Obama’s camp and Biden’s camp have endured, forming some hairline fractures in the Democratic foundation. Some Biden aides boast that they wrapped up the nomination faster than Obama did in 2008. They tout that Biden’s abilities at retail, one-on-one politics are superior to those of the aloof former president. And they don’t easily forget the mocking or belittling of their campaign during the primary and revel in having proven the Obama brainiacs wrong.

Read it for yourself or have your Mommy do it for ya.
Source: Redstate.

Thank you for proving once again when butt-hurt, TDS-suffering snowflakes can't debunk what it being reported they feebly attempt to undermine the source.
You right wing nuts always type "fake news" and run. You're the last person that would be lecturing others about undermining the source. In your nutty mind, CNN is fake news but "Redstate" is reliable.
It is not so much "fake news". It is "belief". They can be right. But they have twisted and lied so much that it is hard to believe in what they say. Imagine it. News organizations in which there will be very little faith in for now on. They don't care because they live good lives from it. Under duress and torture they will explain the truth. Perhaps one day.
one thing for sure...

Democrats were much more confident Hillary was going to win in 2016 then they are that Biden is going to win in 2020.
I hear democrat hero Bill Clinton is going to speak soon. Bet that will help.

If Hillary won in 2016, Bill Clinton would be partying in the white house with epstien and all the democrats here would be defending them... callIng you all conspiracy theorists.

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