As Ottawa tighten screws... truckers close Detroit-Windsor crossing....

Whose blocking a bridge?

Whose threatening other illegal acts?

Whose protest went from anti-vaccine mandates at the border to crazy racist fascist demands of government by the few over the many?
Canadians have the right to protest any labor dispute and that is even when 'emergency powers' are enacted. Not you or anyone else has the right to deny people the right to peacefully assemble and refuse to commit suicide via a jab or else. GFY
Canadians have the right to protest any labor dispute and that is even when 'emergency powers' are enacted. Not you or anyone else has the right to deny people the right to peacefully assemble and refuse to commit suicide via a jab or else. GFY
Blockading a city isn't peaceful protest. You wingnuts stated that during BLM protests last summer.
Blockading a city isn't peaceful protest. You wingnuts stated that during BLM protests last summer.
The BLM riots weren't peaceful, as everybody knows. People were killed, people were assaulted, they set up temporary drug and prostitution rings..children were even molested. Bombs were thrown, cars and buildings torched.

So when and where has that happened during the trucker protest? Are they interfering with people's ability to get to their homes, go to work, or leave town?
Get out of here with your ridiculous false narrative. Nobody falls for it anymore, they haven't for years.
And the citizens feel safe enough now to even walk the streets with these peaceful protesters unlike those violent BLM and antifa.
yeah, smells like roses too!

With confederate and NAZI flags...
The BLM riots weren't peaceful, as everybody knows. People were killed, people were assaulted, they set up temporary drug and prostitution rings..children were even molested. Bombs were thrown, cars and buildings torched.

So when and where has that happened during the trucker protest? Are they interfering with people's ability to get to their homes, go to work, or leave town?
Get out of here with your ridiculous false narrative. Nobody falls for it anymore, they haven't for years.
Yeah, because their Canadian not a Mericans.

Opinion: Canada's trucker protesters aren't who Americans might think
There are thousands who are joining them and helping. People were arrested in Ottawa for taking truckers supplies; they have attorneys ready to combat in the courts for all that illegal stuff the government if doing there.
Such as?
Burned down? Where did a city get burned down in a Merica?


Then again, you believe Michelle Obama is a woman

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