As Popularity Falls Due To Mounting Failure& 'Errors', Guess Who's More Popular Than Biden...

Not fake, corrupt. Like the polls, the elections, and the "science". How about you tell us again how we all need to come down to Chinatown and party?
So where are we so far?

Polls are fake
Elections are fake
Science is fake
Weather predictions are fake
Economic numbers are fake
The media is fake
COVID is fake

What else do you have?
1/2 of the mushroom's in our Country believe Fake.
Whatever they find uncomfortable, they call fake

Adults are expected to face reality.
Conservatives just deny everything they don’t like
I wonder if snowflakes hear the theme from Jaws every day the 2024 election draws closer, faster and faster as the election draws nearer...?!
I wonder if snowflakes hear the theme from Jaws every day the 2024 election draws closer, faster and faster as the election draws nearer...?!
Looking forward to 2024

If Republicans remain the Party of Trump it will be another easy victory
Looking forward to 2024

If Republicans remain the Party of Trump it will be another easy victory
Who are you running, Winger? Biden? You think the country will vote for the drooling buffoon we have sitting in the Oval Office again? He was never properly vetted by the media in the last election so the electorate didn't realize how senile he really is. Now we're watching him bumble his way through his first six months and it's literally hard to watch!
Who are you running, Winger? Biden? You think the country will vote for the drooling buffoon we have sitting in the Oval Office again? He was never properly vetted by the media in the last election so the electorate didn't realize how senile he really is. Now we're watching him bumble his way through his first six months and it's literally hard to watch!
Biden has already proved your “drooling buffoon” taunt to be baseless. With a booming economy, strong response to COVID, historic infrastructure bill, he will easily defeat Trump or any Trump clone
Biden has already proved your “drooling buffoon” taunt to be baseless. With a booming economy, strong response to COVID, historic infrastructure bill, he will easily defeat Trump or any Trump clone

The economy had nowhere to go but up after the economic downturn due to COVID. Our economy was starting to surge(again) before Trump left office. Biden is falsely propping our economy up with too much stimulus and freebies. He is doing nothing more than Trump did with regards to COVID other than paying it constant lip service, which impresses low-info folks. If you bothered to listen to the comments from prominent Democrats when COVID first came on the scene, you would notice that they didn't have clue what was going on and we would have been far worse off if they had been in charge instead of Trump. The infrastructure bill, which is really more a liberal wish list of more handouts and policies, will TANK our economy in the long run, but Biden and many of his supporters are short-sighted thinkers and are only looking for immediate gratification. Your only hope is that Biden's ridiculously fake and fragile economy can hold on until 2024 before it crashes OR that Democrats can permanently fix the election process to use the pandemic rules, which allow for rampant fraud.
The economy had nowhere to go but up after the economic downturn due to COVID. Our economy was starting to surge(again) before Trump left office. Biden is falsely propping our economy up with too much stimulus and freebies. He is doing nothing more than Trump did with regards to COVID other than paying it constant lip service, which impresses low-info folks. If you bothered to listen to the comments from prominent Democrats when COVID first came on the scene, you would notice that they didn't have clue what was going on and we would have been far worse off if they had been in charge instead of Trump. The infrastructure bill, which is really more a liberal wish list of more handouts and policies, will TANK our economy in the long run, but Biden and many of his supporters are short-sighted thinkers and are only looking for immediate gratification. Your only hope is that Biden's ridiculously fake and fragile economy can hold on until 2024 before it crashes OR that Democrats can permanently fix the election process to use the pandemic rules, which allow for rampant fraud.
Guess what?
Trump was all set to ride his economy to victory in 2020. His inept leadership during COVID derailed that

Biden has a better economy than Trump had and a second term is there for the asking
Biden has a better economy than Trump had and a second term is there for the asking

Biden is benefitting from a world economy that had nowhere to go but up due to COVID. "Free" stuff and higher taxes are not a recipe for long-term economic success. I don't expect low-info folks to get it and neither do the Democrats.
Biden has already proved your “drooling buffoon” taunt to be baseless. With a booming economy, strong response to COVID, historic infrastructure bill, he will easily defeat Trump or any Trump clone
Booming economy? What country do you live in? It sure as hell isn't the United States! We've got a serious inflation problem, Winger and it's getting worse by the day because of the economic policies of Joe Biden! I fill up my gas tank these days and it's 30% higher than it was when Biden took office. The cost of everything I buy has gone up and not by a small amount. That's going to get worse because Joe doesn't really CARE if the cost of oil increases because it makes his liberal base happy. Guess what? The average Joe in this country that needs to put gas in his vehicle to go to work and buy groceries to feed his family? HE cares!
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Booming economy? What country do you live in? It sure as hell isn't the United States! We've got a serious inflation problem, Winger and it's getting worse by the day because of the economic policies of Joe Biden! I fill up my gas tank these days and it's 30% higher than it was when Biden took office. The cost of everything I buy has gone up and not by a small amount. That's going to get worse because Joe doesn't really CARE if the cost of oil increases because it makes his liberal base happy. Guess what? The average Joe in this country that needs to put gas in his vehicle to go to work and buy groceries to feed his family? HE cares!

I guess by "booming" he is referring to the stock market, certainly not unemployment or inflation. Too bad for Democrats that only about 50% of Americans are invested in the markets and only about 15% hold individual shares of stock. So much for the party of the poor. Heck, I am well vested in the markets, maybe I should start voting for Democrats. I mean, what should I care that gas is going up, I will be able to afford the higher price anyway by just selling off a little stock every so often. Democrats' lack of logic never ceases to amaze me.
I guess by "booming" he is referring to the stock market, certainly not unemployment or inflation. Too bad for Democrats that only about 50% of Americans are invested in the markets and only about 15% hold individual shares of stock. So much for the party of the poor. Heck, I am well vested in the markets, maybe I should start voting for Democrats. I mean, what should I care that gas is going up, I will be able to afford the higher price anyway by just selling off a little stock every so often. Democrats' lack of logic never ceases to amaze me.

Stock market at record numbers and one million jobs in July. Wages increasing

Right wing Republicans see that as a "disaster"

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