As President Trump predicted, under Biden we’d be paying $7 for a gallon of gas.

Yep that's all you are good for. Putting togather a coherent argument is way past your mental ability.

You'd like to pretend inflation is all there is to economy but it's just not so.
Well yes that is my initial reaction to a TDS moron who claims Biden “created 6 million new jobs”, when all that really happened was businesses opened back up that were forced to shut down. Then you just gloss over the RECORD level inflation we have now by calling it “some inflationary problems”. LMAO. Yea, gas has never been this high. All commodities are WAY up. Yet you’re acting like all is well.

You sir, are a complete partisan hack, a liar, a propagandist, and a shill for that braindead idiot in the White House.
Biden is a shame and a disgrace to this country.
Because you say so?

Our allies certainly don't say so and have much more respect for him compared to his predecessor.

America's reputation around the world has sharply rebounded since President Joe Biden took office, according to a Pew Research Center global survey published Thursday.

The new Democratic president is dramatically more popular globally than former President Donald Trump was. In 12 countries Pew surveyed in both 2020 and 2021, a median of 75% expressed confidence in Biden after a median of 17% said they had confidence in Trump last year. And while just a median of 34% had a favorable view of the US in 2020, favorability has surged to 62% this year.

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“We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship,
support any friend, oppose any foe to assure
the survival and success of liberty”
John F. Kennedy
Bidet just announced his intent to drive up prices across the board and make scarcity more wide spread.

Defending democracy has a price some are unwilling to bear.
It's good to see Republicans acting like patriots and supporting the President's 'get tough' policies in defense of democracy. His leading an international coalition could be sabotaged by Putin apologists at home.

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"If the gub'mint don't subseedize ma gas, I won't be able
tuh drahv tuh mah weekly
colonic irrigation festivals!"
Because you say so?

Our allies certainly don't say so and have much more respect for him compared to his predecessor.

It's objectively true. You voted for a corrupt disaster, and you'll be held responsible for it.
I guess Putin let trump in on his plans for invading Ukraine.
Why is Biden Colluding with Putin and The Ayatollah to give Iran the ability to launch it's NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST in The Middle East as they promised they would?

Why did Biden tell Putin that a "Minor Incursion" in to Ukraine would be fine?

If you are out on a date with your favorite guy and he tells you at the end of the night that a "Minor Incursion" in to his territory is perfectly fine and he won't stop you......we all know what you would do.

You are objectively an idiot that posts hyper partisan bullshit day in and out on the internets.

I've supported what I've said. You can't.

The ridiculous article you posted is a year old, dipshit.

You're in a TINY minority of ignorant partisans who "think" Biden is doing a good job. 33% at last count, and falling rapidly. Fuck off.
The ridiculous article you posted is a year old, dipshit.
You've posted NOTHING.

There is exactly NOTHING to support your assertion that Biden is somehow less approved than Trump on global stage. Every polling shows the opposite to be true.
President Trump was right, again!


Trump is not right.
1. Oil prices started rising because Trump brokered a agreement with OPEC+, which includes his buddy Putin, to cut production.

2. US oil companies are withholding supplies from the market to keep prices up.

3. Trump's buddy Putin invaded Ukraine and Trump has not leveled one bit of criticism over it. Apparently he approves.

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